Kato Recommends: Endless Nightmare
Archive: 4 posts
Endless Nightmare 1 (http://lbp.me/v/2hw8kf) and Endless Nightmare 2 (http://lbp.me/v/xpysyc) By NeonSudagatz I'm really hard to scare honestly, so I'm just going to outright say that neither Endless Nightmare 1 or 2 managed to penetrate my apathy in that regard, but from other standpoints it is quite beloved! EN as I will abbreviate for the rest of this review is a horror platformer where your poor driving habits land you in a supposed dream-world full of monsters, murder, and puzzles designed by the Umbrella Corporation. The first level has a unique sticker-based loading system, but why you'd need to is never explained. Unless maybe because you are a terrible person who only watches select scenes in movies, instead of watching them beginning to end, you philistines! Ahem. So the action kicks off pretty quickly and by that I mean you get to hop around like an idiot from almost the very beginning, and it does a pretty good job of building atmosphere with bleak gorges, dark caves, foggy rest stops, and underground castles. The castle is probably the best part since it focuses of exploring different rooms and triggering events like Illbleed if Eriko was a lovable plush doll with a happy grin. This culminates with a pretty neat number puzzle that might have benefitted with the control tutorial mentioning that the statues CAN and WILL NEED TO BE pushed left or right, or keeping them in the right place from the start, and by setting up some AND gate logic so the numbers only work after you've found them. There is a boss fight which was pretty fun, but could have used a touch more superfluous animation to spice it up, and one of the parts involves swinging on a rope that was actually very hard to get to. (The one on the right!) EN1 lead right into EN2, a much shorter one, but likewise very cool. The plot was essentially unrelated, and while it built some reasonable suspense with the flare gun sections, I got really frustratingly tangled with the escorts The first time I played this level the dude forgot to close the door, and when I did it myself he got stuck in a loop making ABSOLUTELY SURE it was closed. So when I restarted the level last night, this time he refused to go up stairs! I eventually tricked the idiot into jumping onto a step whereupon the level resumed with little difficulty. I found myself slightly disappointed to not see the dodgy lint head flattened under something heavy, and resembling Oprah, but alas, I am not yet king of the world. EN2 was a fair deal shorter than EN1, but no less awesome. I felt a little bit let down that nothing was resolved in the second one aside from escorting some deranged paint-riddled (my fault) Prima Donna to a scoreboard. EN 1 had an epic, multi-phase fight with a really cleverly designed... thing. EN2 I felt like I was basting a piece of Kentucky Fried Chicken with a really bad cold, only my baster ran out of barbeque sauce every 20 squirts and I had to walk five feet away to get a new one. It might be better to just make the ammunition infinite, since it pretty much is anyway as long as you bother to waddle over to it every now and then. The end of the day, I greatly enjoyed EN, as it's fun, frantic, and full of murderous beasts with bad dentistry. I'd shake their hand but they'd probably bite it off and then condemn my soul to the netherplane of eternal sad. Or maybe just force me to work at EA games, my archnemesis. It's made me want to make a horror level of my own, and I know who to go to when I need inspiration or a decapitation sandwich. I eagerly look forward to EN3. Really great stuff! | 2013-04-25 14:45:00 Author: Kato ![]() Posts: 732 |
Wooooow, how come I didn't see this review before?! Thanks for playing my level series Kato, this review is really good. I just published Endless Nightmare 3. It will explain all the strange things that are happening in the story. | 2013-05-30 17:50:00 Author: NeonSudagatz ![]() Posts: 75 |
ABOUT TIME! Err.. um... I mean... I have been waiting very patiently. Yes. All kidding aside, I've got it in my queue. I've been looking forwards to it. | 2013-05-30 18:02:00 Author: Kato ![]() Posts: 732 |
Yeah, sorry for the delay. This level is the real deal. My best creation so far. | 2013-05-30 18:16:00 Author: NeonSudagatz ![]() Posts: 75 |
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