Review - The Mud Job - By Mamett-Box
Archive: 1 post
Hello Sackies! Recently I've played a very awesome level series by a very nice and inspiring creator: Mamett-Box (http://lbp.me/u/Mamett-Box). It's a platforming experience that really has it own unique style to it. The very first level was published only 2 months ago. So Mamett-Box (http://lbp.me/u/Mamett-Box) have been quite busy creating 4 full gameplay levels and 1 cut-scene. The story is very well executed that contains quite a few jokes and some funny characters. The series is very well crafted and features great gameplay especially with the grapple hook. the visuals are very unique and they have a nice LBP1 touch. The series is basically about Sackboy joining The Mud Patrol to refill the local spa so Mr. Ratzinger can get his daily mudbath. The pumping station is being guarded by the evil villain and you're fighting your way to the pumping station center to save the day and citizens of Mudland! The level is 1 player recommended, but it is certainly possible to play with your friends, but times can get tough when you're all trying to catch up and whatnot. http://littlebigplanet.com/assets/dashed-line-content.png (http://littlebigplanet.com/assets/dashed-line-content.png) The Mud Job - Part One: Welcome to the Mudlands (http://lbp.me/v/hs29sk) By http://i7.lbp.me/img/as/7275850db244a420acb2901fef56758205c01417.png (http://lbp.me/u/Mamett-Box) Mamett-Box (http://lbp.me/u/Mamett-Box) No mudbath for Mr. Ratzinger today! The local spa is out of mud and the responsible action force gloriously failed sorting out the problem. No wonder that it's up to you to go to the Mudlands and save the day! http://i2.lbp.me/img/bl/602c7ec86c185c2594ac8c1d0190664257919e7d.png (http://i2.lbp.me/img/bl/602c7ec86c185c2594ac8c1d0190664257919e7d.png) http://littlebigplanet.com/assets/dashed-line-content.png (http://littlebigplanet.com/assets/dashed-line-content.png) The Mud Patrol Logo: http://i7.lbp.me/img/ft/24793df5c3d2ba8d7cb0235b449b51034041ee8f.jpg (http://i7.lbp.me/img/ft/24793df5c3d2ba8d7cb0235b449b51034041ee8f.jpg) The Mud Job: The very start of the 1st level: http://i7.lbp.me/img/ft/3c78513fc17ee0c793dc3cd23d1bb72ae78fbbca.jpg (http://i7.lbp.me/img/ft/3c78513fc17ee0c793dc3cd23d1bb72ae78fbbca.jpg) Great gameplay including a lot of grabbing! http://i1.lbp.me/img/ft/591bcb84a5d50f2917756792fda423b318bcd696.jpg (http://i1.lbp.me/img/ft/591bcb84a5d50f2917756792fda423b318bcd696.jpg) 2nd level features great grapple hook gameplay and some awesome rain animations! http://i8.lbp.me/img/ft/318e6ca8b0145e3a5140f5324e02ff80598ba882.jpg (http://i8.lbp.me/img/ft/318e6ca8b0145e3a5140f5324e02ff80598ba882.jpg) 3rd level with awesome visuals. No words, very inspiring! http://i5.lbp.me/img/ft/92596d061e50ee088a211606b9f8b2d55bf9d6cc.jpg (http://i5.lbp.me/img/ft/92596d061e50ee088a211606b9f8b2d55bf9d6cc.jpg) (Part 4 & 5 just came out yesterday, so there're no pictures at the moment. I'll be sure to post some photos once I've posted this review) http://littlebigplanet.com/assets/dashed-line-content.png (http://littlebigplanet.com/assets/dashed-line-content.png) The level series is a very enjoyable series for all kind of ages, and it features some great gameplay and amazing visuals. I've played some of these levels with more than 1 player, and it's certainly still a great experience even though the level(s) is 1 Player recommended. http://littlebigplanet.com/assets/dashed-line-content.png (http://littlebigplanet.com/assets/dashed-line-content.png) My thoughts: The gameplay was quite varied, but it did include a lot of basic platforming with some nice puzzles and contraptions. The visuals was very nice indeed. The pouring rain really fitted the level and the whole Mud theme was a great thought and it was well used throughout the whole series. The mud was often used as decoration but also as a gameplay sequence, especially along with the Attract-o-gel/tweaker. Very well implemented! http://littlebigplanet.com/assets/dashed-line-content.png (http://littlebigplanet.com/assets/dashed-line-content.png) Here's a video of level 1-3. Part 4 & 5 will be recorded and added to this review soon! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=J1gYLt56dfM http://littlebigplanet.com/assets/dashed-line-content.png (http://littlebigplanet.com/assets/dashed-line-content.png) You can queue the level series up here: The Mud Job Level Series - List (http://lbp.me/t/nwkf) -- Jauw Twitter: Jauw2 (Jonathan) (https://twitter.com/Jauw2) LBP 2: Jauw2 (http://lbp.me/u/jauw2) LBP Vita: Jauw2 (http://vita.lbp.me/u/jauw2) LBP Karting: Jauw2 (https://karting.lbp.me/me) LBPCentral: Jauw (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?23776-Jauw) LBPlanetarium: Jauw (http://www.littlebigplanetarium.com/user/503-jauw/) LBNetwork: Jauw (http://www.littlebignetwork.com/index.php?/user/45596-jauw/) LBLand: Jauw (http://www.littlebigland.com/forum/index.php?/user/4728-jauw/) LBForum: Jauw (http://www.littlebigforum.net/u2_Jauw.html) | 2013-04-23 15:33:00 Author: Jauw ![]() Posts: 484 |
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