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1 Layer wwII mini Tanks

Archive: 8 posts


Check it out I made a kv2, t-34, Sherman, Tiger 1, panzer 3 and a B1 Bis

Unfortunatley the B1 bis and sherman pics did not upload correctly but you can still see them in game

2013-04-20 05:38:00

Posts: 113

Im going to check this out, Im very interested.

Back soon.

2013-04-25 20:25:00

Posts: 175

Awesome =D. Btw Could you tell me what you think about loading times?2013-04-28 00:57:00

Posts: 113

The level design was great i like the idea that it has a theme to it rather than a blank level with vehicles and prizes at the bottom. The tanks themselves were made very well, but in future itr would be nice for the level to be a bit more interactive, (let the player drive the tank etc.). What is also important to me was the level badge, I feel it could be more attractive, Remember first impressions are important! There are meny Badge creators on the community. Some of the tanks did have thin layers ,but again this is'int a problem.

I did notice the loading time problem but this did not bother me...

2013-04-28 20:23:00

Posts: 175

Thanks I noticed alot of levels were plain and decided to try it out.

I didnt think about the interactive part much because the tanks themselves were already taking up alot of space(level fps would drop if it wasnt in preview mode).

Also your right about the label. I did change it to something ok. But will change it to something better later (Godwilling).

Thanks for the feedback =D
2013-04-30 19:53:00

Posts: 113

There are many Logo makers on the group. Some of the containing tankers did have slim levels, but again this isn't a issue .

Our Website (http://www.surfersrentacar.com.au/)
2013-05-06 05:21:00

Unknown User

i love wwii remakes2013-05-07 00:42:00

Posts: 80

I adjusted the label a bit.

Thanks let me know if there is a vehicles you want. =D
2013-05-15 04:32:00

Posts: 113

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