Archive: 10 posts
Ok first of all *( probably a pretty stupid question) when I started the game, I was WAYYY too eager to start creating levels, thus i skipped a few tutorials on like Motorbolts, and other things like that.. Now I want the Creator trophy, Is there a way to go back and redo the tutorials i foolishly skipped? Also, another pretty dumb question, that Im sure has no real answer... Before LBP was released, I saw a video online of an MM guy showing it off, Not sure where i saw it or i would post a link... But in the video he shows off the different lethalizers, then after fire shock and gas the talks about his favorite one, being the freeze tool??? and when sackboy touched it, it didnt kill him, just froze him in a block of ice.... I WANT THAT!!!!... anyone know why they took it out, and if/when there putting it back? Oh yea I actually had a real question pertaining to the level creator, but when I was registering for an account, I forgot it... Ill be back if I remember it. | 2009-01-24 08:14:00 Author: Madafaku ![]() Posts: 738 |
For the 1st question, all you can do is try them all again. Ice was taken out a long time ago. It might have had problems or glitches... | 2009-01-24 08:17:00 Author: moleynator ![]() Posts: 2914 |
Well thanks, but how do I try them, like the tutorials that come up when you click the piston for the first time, if you click skip, how do you get back to a place to try them again? is there a tutorials menu im missing or somthing? | 2009-01-24 08:23:00 Author: Madafaku ![]() Posts: 738 |
Press square on the tool and you can redo it. | 2009-01-24 08:25:00 Author: moleynator ![]() Posts: 2914 |
OH, HAHA thanks man... It always seems to be the simplest solutions that I overlook on this game... | 2009-01-24 08:29:00 Author: Madafaku ![]() Posts: 738 |
Huh? There was ice? I got it the day before it came out in the UK and it never had ice.. Was it on the Beta? | 2009-01-24 15:19:00 Author: Pinchanzee ![]() Posts: 805 |
Nope, it was shown at a games event a while back. QXOy5OkKKPw | 2009-01-24 15:45:00 Author: Ace ![]() Posts: 118 |
yup thats it... I want freaking Ice!! hope they put it in a patch somtime soon | 2009-01-24 21:02:00 Author: Madafaku ![]() Posts: 738 |
"When I'm in edit mode I'm invisible" Pfft, I wish. Why did they take out the things that were good huh? | 2009-01-25 15:04:00 Author: Pinchanzee ![]() Posts: 805 |
"When I'm in edit mode I'm invisible" Pfft, I wish. Why did they take out the things that were good huh? Well, I think they took it out so that you could do some quick play testing in object building levels without having to put a start point next to it. With the current build, if you die in edit mode you respawn right away at the exact spot, just in hover mode and "invisible" - no sensors will respond to the players presence, including things like magic mouths and music players. I think they have a better system now than what they were showing in that earlier video. ![]() | 2009-01-26 01:21:00 Author: Elbee23 ![]() Posts: 1280 |
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