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18 wheeling

Archive: 11 posts

Would anyone be interested in a level where you have to drive a semi, hook up to trailers, drive them to a destination while avoiding traffic, backing into a dock, etc... All the while getting points for not hitting anything and being as early/on time as possible?

I envisioned bad drivers cutting you off, at least two or more pulls, or a selector giving you the option for how many loads you pull.

Anyway, I thought it might be interesting for people who've never done it before. I pull trailers every day, so to me it sounds mundane, but if there is interest, I could go beyond just toying with seeing if I can make a top down semi behave realistically.
2013-04-18 00:22:00

Posts: 434

Sure. I've been playing with this idea on LBP Karting actually, but I had trouble with the tech, and now it's stuck on my old PS3.2013-04-18 10:27:00

Posts: 2284

Hi freadRandai. Yes go for it. It sounds like a fun idea. Its not so much whether you think people would play it, its whether you have the interest to make it my friend.
Thats the beauty of lbp, you can make what you want...people will play it. If you feel your creative genie is trying to escape.., release it from the bottle! :-)
2013-04-18 12:20:00

Posts: 662

That is the thing though, I back up trailers all day. If people won't play it, I'll likely just make the truck for my friends to goof around with.

It would be top down.

I haven't got the truck done yet, but my plan is to keep movement as true as possible by utilizing localized movers fixed to the trailer and drive tandems as well as to the pivoting steer axle. I am hoping that their placement will help me center the pivot points on the axles so that it mimics tire on pavement pivoting.

Last night I got home too late to work on anything other than the fifth wheel lock for the kingpin. If I get the logic right, you will be able to pull off a proper serpentine backing maneuver, which is what you have to do when there is no room to straight back.
2013-04-18 15:25:00

Posts: 434

It sounds Entertaining. 2013-04-18 19:03:00

Posts: 348

I'd be interested for sure. I've always had a fascination with big equipment and even drove big rigs when I was in the Army. Had my Army CDL and drove many different types of combination vehicles over the years. If you need any testing done, let me know.2013-04-18 20:32:00

Posts: 8424

I mocked up a proof of concept model. I'm having good luck and bad. the movers work the way I want them to, but with no friction physics between levels, it's like driving on greased ice. Also, there is no "local" setting on a joystick rotator, so I am looking for another way to turn the steer tires. Once you are no longer oriented with the level, the steering is off.

If anyone reafing this who has tackled these problems before has the time to show me, I'd be thrilled to learn how.
2013-04-19 15:03:00

Posts: 434

I read this thread the other day. I'd certainly be interested in playing this. Semi's are awesome.

there is no "local" setting on a joystick rotator, so I am looking for another way to turn the steer tires. Once you are no longer oriented with the level, the steering is off.

Evret helped me out with that exact issue -
Local Space JSR's (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=72193)
2013-04-19 15:12:00

Posts: 1017

I read this thread the other day. I'd certainly be interested in playing this. Semi's are awesome.

Evret helped me out with that exact issue

Cool. Thanks for the tip.

I think I grasp it after a quick glance, but do you mind if I shoot you a friend request? It is always helpful to have someone nearby who's done what you're trying to do.

I honestly think my bigger problem will be getting my trailer "tires" to behave, whether it be following the cab realistically or tracking properly when you try to back into a dock at an angle.

Well, more backing than anything, I already plan on a "lazy" follower/tag setup for keeping it relatively straight as it pulls behind you without being too rigid.
2013-04-19 19:56:00

Posts: 434

I think I grasp it after a quick glance, but do you mind if I shoot you a friend request? It is always helpful to have someone nearby who's done what you're trying to do.

Oh, balls.
I remember reading this, then going into LBP2 to set up an example myself, then totally forgot to talk to you again afterwards.

What's happening with this project? Ran out of gas? Keep on trucking? Nothing more has been said, so I dunno.
2013-05-13 20:21:00

Posts: 1017

Got sidetracked when I had issues with trailer control. Lately I've just been focusing on acing every official level I can get my hands on (need to find my LBP1 so I can do it there. Only need to ace LBP1 and the CC level pack. All others are done), I've also been flipping through my various projects doing this or that. Helping friends on their moons. This weekend I made some killer 1 layer cars. You can see them in the vehicles thread.2013-05-13 20:42:00

Posts: 434

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