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Meet Sirius Oculus In LBP2!

Archive: 7 posts

YES Sirius is in the house!
My favorite karting character out of all of them, (I love funky characters...) is now both scale sized and normal sized for LBP2 Use! He also can fly, and flip like in the cutscene where he loses control of his jetpack.




(( This last picture was before I added his symbols on his chest [ That required some really close up pictures I had to get later...]


Alright, now for added bonus, being maybe the master of story characters... I love to pay attention to the personality of each and every single one of them.

And, with the help of my brother, i've decided that Sirius here, (his full name means "starry eyed" if you were wondering) is most likely the Avalon equivalent of... well Avalon. It's clear he isn't really his brother (if you were even thinking that) because, well, he's cardboard made, he's dark skinned, and Sirius calls everyone his brother.

(Look close at Sirius' neck in the game, you can see clear dark skin, so he isn't a robot.)

But why do I think he annoys Avalon or at least picks on him? Well, he constantly calls Avalon "Funkless" including the things he makes, and I believe he admits to transforming the "Huge Spaceship" into the "Space Bass" because, as I said before, it was "funkless". But, similar to Avalon and Davinci, he's more like a rival than an enemy, and they're still friends, hence, why he's worried that Avalon is partying without him.

yup. Just.... random trivia mixed with theories.

Hope you like it! Thanks for viewing...



I know, I forgot to go to preview in one of the pictures, and in that picture, if he looks odd it's because in order to have him scale sized to Avalon, I had to make him VERY small, Oculus, in the MUCH more 3D game of karting, he's a HUGE object, and would be terribly scaled to fit Avalon naturally.

and if you need a comparison, watch the video I got all my reference pictures from!
2013-04-17 20:21:00

Posts: 85

Thats a nice sculpture of him, i have never really played the whole of lbp karting story as i felt the game felt like to much change for me.
However i might soon.

Wonderful sculpture like sirius's stary eyes.

2013-04-18 16:08:00

Posts: 175

Looks awesome. Are you placing it in a level?2013-04-18 16:53:00

Posts: 348

never played Karting, but that looks pretty cool. Nice work.2013-04-18 17:52:00

Posts: 8424

You ought to make a Space Bass themed level, that'd be epic.2013-04-18 20:53:00

Posts: 960

I'm planning on making a level possibly on my second account since it will be long... with Avalon AND sirius, and see if I can perfect what htey would act like if they had to save Avalonia together with your help, but idk... it's a ton of work to do.

Until than, he hangs out in my laboratory helping me recreate a measurement system in LBP2.

2013-04-19 18:46:00

Posts: 85

This is awesome! If you are going to go ahead with that level where Avalon and Sirius team up I'd recommend using a 2-d version of Avalon as well as Sirius 2013-04-19 22:03:00

Posts: 42

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