(LBPC10) Product of Man
Archive: 4 posts
http://id.lbp.me/img/bl/ffd77115bc96eb39d43def9bc02c3cf4ddadf5ee.png (http://lbp.me/v/jx8qzj) I made a level. For a contest. Big deal, right? http://ie.lbp.me/img/ft/2be9b4b84a3a7912c81d75606935a56589d085db.jpg In this level, you'll travel to the sorta-far future to see that Earth, powered by Helium-3 for centuries, is being destroyed by mining for the very same substance. In what may or may not be the end of the world, chunks of rock are hurdling down, bringing buildings to the ground. But to you, this monumental event is only a short stop in a much longer journey. Why? Because the creator wants to keep the possibility of a series alive. Kidding! Because you have a time machine. Consisting of cardboard and stickers. http://i1.lbp.me/img/ft/c81bec19d20f68e2a453618b47d89226f539118b.jpg That isn't the time machine. http://ic.lbp.me/img/ft/13c9c879ff116d38e452c1bb29b5bcb9e20cc6c9.jpg Thankfully, neither is that. Anyways, the level is a lot shorter than I would have liked, because half way through, my level overheated, so I had to go back and implement emit-destroy on bits of the level. That took up a bit of time, and you'll notice that there is the occasional lag spike because parts of the level are being emitted or destroyed. But mostly, the level's short because I ran out of time in the contest. Credit goes to MeGA8940 for supplying me with some amazing orchestral music. I helped, so don't let him get away with all the credit. PuRpl3-S41nT helped a lil' bit with decorating. That's all I really have to say, so I hope you all enjoy my new level. Especially you, Bio. Because spotlight. http://lbp.me/v/jx8qzj | 2013-04-06 22:18:00 Author: Kaboosh99 ![]() Posts: 359 |
she's in the queue. | 2013-04-07 00:56:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Yay! Very nice level. I like the story and the architecture you created. The time table idea at the beginning of the level, when you starts the time machine is great. I wish the level would be longer. Maybe you do a series and in some weeks/months a sequel will be published? ![]() Very good job ![]() | 2013-04-07 11:19:00 Author: avundcv ![]() Posts: 2526 |
Yay! Very nice level. I like the story and the architecture you created. The time table idea at the beginning of the level, when you starts the time machine is great. I wish the level would be longer. Maybe you do a series and in some weeks/months a sequel will be published? ![]() Very good job ![]() Ooh, thanks for the compliments. The level is quite short, yes. I'm considering making a sequel that deals with the extremely distant future, like the end of the universe in the year 10^100 CE. Anyways, I added points to the level just before the deadline. Now the first gameplay section gives you points depending on how fast you finish it. I really hope I win. | 2013-04-08 05:53:00 Author: Kaboosh99 ![]() Posts: 359 |
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