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New friends needed to help getting "Party Person" trophy

Archive: 6 posts

I just miss that 1 trophy to get platinum.
I need some help with the "Party Person" trophy. I have some friends, but they don't play this game anymore...
Please add me as a friend, even if it's for once. I'd appreciate it.
My PSN account is PioneerJVJ.

Thanks in advance.

PS: I am not sure if i posted it in the right section, because it's looking kinda inactive :s
2013-03-26 20:12:00

Unknown User

Hey Pioneer
This is the right section and yes, it is inactive. I guess most Sackfolk have moved on to LBP2. I will help you get that trophy the next time I'm on. I have a couple of friends that still play. I'm trying to get the 'band of brothers' pin in LBP2 - it's difficult because LBP2 has more lag issues than LBP1 so someone always gets dropped from the game
Anyways, see you soon
2013-03-28 08:42:00

Posts: 148

If you want, I'd like to join in for getting that pin.2013-04-02 13:46:00

Unknown User

I still need the platinum in LBP1. Only missing 1 trophy i believe.
So yeah count me in!
2013-04-03 16:02:00

Posts: 218

I have the trophy now, (so now also platinum) thanks anyway.2013-06-14 11:08:00

Unknown User

Lol. I was gonna help you but I guess I'm a little late. :/2013-06-14 20:50:00

Posts: 568

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