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"The Collector" Checkpoint Tutorial

Archive: 22 posts

I was thinking the other day on how the Checkpoint seen on the last Story Stage ("The Collector") works, so I started fiddling around with the tools. I'm sure there must be another, more efficient method to do it...but I think mine is efficient enough and gets the job done.


Concept: You walk through the Checkpoint (on a back layer) and activate it. Walk out of its range and the Checkpoint's platform sinks down (connected to a piston), out of view. However, if you die, you are respawned, bringing the Checkpoint back up.

Purpose: If an event is occurring (enemies, flying hazards, etc), this will ensure the player does not die repeatedly after his/her first death, since the player is spawned in a different layer where hazards are, also protected by a ceiling and two walls.

Avoiding exploits: A small piece of electrified material is placed above the Checkpoint's ceiling. This ensures players do not stand on the box to avoid hazards. Not only because a smart player will not jump into electrified material, but because the game simply does not allow it (it doesn't auto-change layers, and people can't hit Up on their controller to change layers).

How it works: Uhm... See the video. That's why I made it. Easier than typing it out and to visualize. :] One detail I did miss that the Key Switch is set to Directional and it only has a tiny radius, enough to detect the Colored Key.

To our bright creators: If you find some alternate methods of doing this, let us know! We can compare them then to figure out which is more efficient (in terms of Thermometer space).

I think I covered almost everything. Any doubts/questions, ask away. Enjoy!
2009-01-23 05:45:00

Posts: 1603

Nice! Great find ^^
Never really payed attention during The Collector though.. so I don't remember the portal going anywhere ;p

I can see myself using this a lot.

As for efficiency, all you used was 3 pieces of dissolve, 2 pistons, 2 mag. switches, and 1 mag. key... Not sure how you could make it any simpler~!
2009-01-23 06:07:00

Posts: 431

Very good, it was actually pretty simple, don't know why I didn't think of it myself, ( and I did actually think of how they did it )

Anyways, good job aer0blue.
2009-01-23 06:14:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Actually you do have it in it's simplest form and I congratulate you. I know that you did it as an example but the only problem I had was the uglyness lol I just like all my things neat and tidy and small and precise. Bloody good show though.2009-01-23 07:12:00

Posts: 106

This is a great example and clearly explained. I'm sure I'll be using this tecnique soon. Thanks for sharing.2009-01-23 09:02:00

Posts: 1904

You mentioned this to me before, but you clearly explained it with the video and text. Well done! 2009-01-23 10:03:00

Posts: 1280

This is a Gem, This setup is much more effective than most Ive thought of, however, one of my better Ideas, which is slightly....errr..... Safer for the player, since theirs no electricity, Involves a wall in the background with a small Notch/Groove in it, containing a checkpoint. When the player walks by, a Piston lifts the checkpoint up, and a mag swich on the checkpoint slams two doors under the checkpoint shut. Heres a danger: The walls smoosh the player,but also keep players out of the layer, and therefore force them to fight the 'boss'. They also act as a floor for the player if they die and respawn.
The only problem I see with the setup you have here is that when the player spawns, they can change layers and not move, and when the 'boss' starts shooting them, they can hop back into the safety of the elevator thingy. But! If you were to use a spotlight, which affects only ONE layer......
Both of these setups are good as a 'fail sensor' So if the player dies, you can activate a permanent swich which pulls some prizes out of the players reach.
2009-01-23 15:33:00

Posts: 431

The electricty really has no point. The thing will not rise if you walk on top of it. What MM used the electricity for was to make it a 2-D Fight instead of being able to walk back and forth dodging his punches with ease.2009-01-23 17:36:00

Posts: 106

The electricty really has no point. The thing will not rise if you walk on top of it. What MM used the electricity for was to make it a 2-D Fight instead of being able to walk back and forth dodging his punches with ease.

That's exactly what I meant. With the electricity there, the game simply doesn't allow you to switch layers as there is a "danger object", forcing you to stay on one layer. This way, you can avoid players standing on the back layer to avoid hazards.

2009-01-23 18:40:00

Posts: 1603

The game will never allow you to jump down to a layer that's behind you, so you could just make it go deeper into the floor if you wanted. There's still a possibility that a player would jump up before it settled down and stay there, but for a boss like the collector that won't really help the player as he'll have to leave in order to do anything useful.

But the electricity is a good solution in case some of the circumstances change.
2009-01-23 20:03:00

Posts: 251

I've also played around with a simmilar setup, except the checkpoint moves UP and LAUNCHES the player down when they spawn2009-01-23 23:10:00

Posts: 431

Great tutorial, I will definitely be adapting this idea to have my own version in my boss fight.

2009-01-24 11:50:00

Posts: 70

Hi. Great idea, BUT there is a easier way following nearly same concept.
1. make platform where the spawn lift will take you up onto
2. make the spawn lift room/box with the life checkpoint inside
3. attach a Piston to the closest surface below and the spawn lift (surface below must be directly underneath the spawn lift)
4. make sure the piston is set to stiff and goes under the platform and goes above the platform (so you can get out but not in)
5. make spare panel on roof(add electric effect incase sensor radius goes above spawn lift slighty
6. place sensor on the bottom of the checkpoint set to directional, a small radius but big enough to stand within area of and not inverted or require all.
7. attach it to the Piston below

this worked perfectly for me and is alot easier to make. I saw this video on youtube earlier and thought it looked slightly complicated to make so i decided i might try make it easier and it worked!
Thanks Aer0Blue for the idea

if you dont understand my method well enough, i will make a level which gives you my lift so you can see how mine works.

i have published a level giving it away called SPAWN LIFT PRIZE
so if you want mine just go and do the level
2009-01-24 15:26:00

Posts: 1232

I thinks it funny what you said about the expolit: by keeping it up to avoid hazard. When i first played The Collector level with my friends we firgure this glitch out so we were able to beat The Collector more easily =P.

Although awesome job firguring this out!
2009-01-24 18:04:00

Posts: 435

Very good idea. I made a slightly different version, instead in my levels that I will make in th future, when you stand in a specific area, a sound will come from the checkpoint telling that it has been activated. (I nstead of being above ground and then going down after being sensed, my one simply begins at the bottom, then the only time it comes up is one the player dies. When they are out of the radious, it is not. Simple.

Heres how it works:

A box with a checkpoint for the sack person.
Pistion connected to the box, set to stiff and directional.
Sensor switch is placed in the box with radius of only the box, then is linked to piston. (Switch set to directional). When player stands on top of the box at first, it activates. Then it only comes up when the player dies. I'l try to get pictures up asap.
2009-01-24 19:22:00

Posts: 19

Hi. Great idea, BUT there is a easier way following nearly same concept.
1. make platform where the spawn lift will take you up onto
2. make the spawn lift room/box with the life checkpoint inside
3. attach a Piston to the closest surface below and the spawn lift (surface below must be directly underneath the spawn lift)
4. make sure the piston is set to stiff and goes under the platform and goes above the platform (so you can get out but not in)
5. make spare panel on roof(add electric effect incase sensor radius goes above spawn lift slighty
6. place sensor on the bottom of the checkpoint set to directional, a small radius but big enough to stand within area of and not inverted or require all.
7. attach it to the Piston below

this worked perfectly for me and is alot easier to make. I saw this video on youtube earlier and thought it looked slightly complicated to make so i decided i might try make it easier and it worked!
Thanks Aer0Blue for the idea

if you dont understand my method well enough, i will make a level which gives you my lift so you can see how mine works.

i have published a level giving it away called SPAWN LIFT PRIZE
so if you want mine just go and do the level

Hey, I tried it out, but...I never got to activate the checkpoint. Did I miss something? Yours would work well if the player came from down below, I believe, but if you want the checkpoint to hide(or sink underground), you can use a method like mine. :]
2009-01-24 19:36:00

Posts: 1603

great, but i think it could be tidied up to the right a little big, making it smaller and all of that and more tidy if you know what i mean, and putting it on a thin layer would make it even more compact and tidy and discrete. So this particular part, which could be ugly, does not distract from the other beautiful parts of your level. and nothing in it seems out of place.

2009-01-24 23:28:00

Posts: 1101

great, but i think it could be tidied up to the right a little big, making it smaller and all of that and more tidy if you know what i mean, and putting it on a thin layer would make it even more compact and tidy and discrete. So this particular part, which could be ugly, does not distract from the other beautiful parts of your level. and nothing in it seems out of place.


I'm pretty sure aer0blue made it that big to show what he did clearly.
2009-01-24 23:46:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Hey, I tried it out, but...I never got to activate the checkpoint. Did I miss something? Yours would work well if the player came from down below, I believe, but if you want the checkpoint to hide(or sink underground), you can use a method like mine. :]

yeah thats just a level to give it to you because i didnt have time to change my level so i just stuck it in the middle of a level lol
im working on more methods but right now that model is just to be the starting part to a boss so you dont have a long walk and maximizes the bosses diffuculty or details to level

NOTE: replace the checkpoint marker and put a level starting checkpoint in there for it to work easily.

and also i didnt really understand your until later, so thanks because you also made it easier for me to make a boos by using sensors etc...

EDIT: im working on different spawn lifts (or whatever you want to call them) and other ways of checkpoint safely until you leave and are ready to fight a boss.

so far i have this one thanks to you
a MGS one which is just easy
and one that is related to tonnes of switches and emmiters - looks good but all the effort put into it was not worth it
2009-01-25 00:43:00

Posts: 1232

Hey, I tried it out, but...I never got to activate the checkpoint. Did I miss something? Yours would work well if the player came from down below, I believe, but if you want the checkpoint to hide(or sink underground), you can use a method like mine. :]

Try rasing the position of the checkpoint slightly higher but to stay within the box
2009-01-31 15:41:00

Posts: 19

I didn't know that about hazardous material. Thanks.2009-02-05 12:24:00

Unknown User

thanks for showing us how to make this aer0blue. I thought I already knew how to make this contraption, but I guess I was wrong! I can see myself using this a lot in my levels.2009-02-16 20:18:00

Posts: 1077

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