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Archive: 4 posts

Hey guys I was wondering if there's a way to disable that boing noise when you activate a checkpoint? Any imput would be great!!:star:2013-03-01 03:06:00

Posts: 281

I don't think there is, but maybe you could mask it with another sound? If not, try keeping the camera away from the checkpoint when you die, e.g. say you died in electricity. Use a small cutscene or something to hold on the electricity, away from the checkpoint. Then, your sackperson should spawn at the last activated checkpoint. When the camera stops, you should see your sackperson having spawned with no visual effects or sounds.2013-03-01 07:23:00

Posts: 960

Another option is to use sackbots and custom checkpoints.2013-03-01 11:52:00

Posts: 438

Thanks guys i am using sackbots but i want an option just incase the player gets pulled off screen. I moght try to mask it woth anoyher sound!2013-03-03 01:41:00

Posts: 281

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