Smurfy's Music Jukebox # 2
Archive: 5 posts
http://lbp.me/v/j97wfj I've had this music gallery on my moon for a long time just sitting there. While I was making it, I lost all interest in finishing it. I let it sit there on my moon thinking I would be motivated at some point to finish it. After seven months I still don't want to work on it heh. This has to be the worst way to promote a level lol, but I did make 4 songs that I'm very proud of. I realized I don't have any desire to finish the level properly, but I still love what I was able to do. It's very much in the same vein of music style as my last gallery. Also, the exact same presentation. The songs are free to take if you like them. Hope you enjoy. There are actually five songs, but the fifth song isn't really much of a song. I was thinking what it would sound like if Cakeling was singing at karoke night. Suffice to say Cakeling is not very talented in music. http://i6.lbp.me/img/ft/fc6a1771a98cbeb0c0602cb25d77c05106320c82.jpg http://i9.lbp.me/img/ft/659d3f6e1903784e5fb63295dfbe5472ac378a12.jpg http://ic.lbp.me/img/ft/08ccaa83396d6dcd27cb5ef214eb3fcb4a6cd5b3.jpg | 2013-02-28 01:02:00 Author: Greensmurfy ![]() Posts: 300 |
wow! Nice looking Jukebox. queued. | 2013-02-28 13:56:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
First off, the jukebox was pretty cool. The bots to play with at the top were a nice touch, but I wish I could move them without changing the song. I liked the music itself as well. While there wasn't a huge selection, I thought that worked because each song could stand out more. | 2013-03-09 17:25:00 Author: xxMATEOSxx ![]() Posts: 1787 |
Thanks for the review Mateo. I also made the bots controllable with the right joystick to avoid changing the songs. I haven't figured out how to disable the left joystick for the bots yet, which makes it confusing. I'm glad you liked the songs ![]() | 2013-03-10 00:29:00 Author: Greensmurfy ![]() Posts: 300 |
Very nice level with good music ![]() | 2013-03-10 03:18:00 Author: avundcv ![]() Posts: 2526 |
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