Jan! Ja-Jaaaan!
Archive: 3 posts
Woo! Finally hit 200posts here! Which i know isn't really all that much, but still, i hardly ever post anywhere, so it's kinda a milestone for me. Yatta!! Thanks LBPC for providing a fine community for me (and everyone else here)! We now return you to your regularly scheduled board...i'm off to Kart, kill space zombies, and drink...in whatever combination of that pleases your imagination. | 2013-02-21 02:26:00 Author: waffleking23 ![]() Posts: 535 |
um... ok? Was there hopes of a discussion with this thread? Cause stuff like this is better suited for blog posts. In an attempt to merit a reason for this thread being started... I recently hit 1000 posts... and used the ocassion to make a highlander reference. | 2013-02-21 02:44:00 Author: ForgottenEnigma ![]() Posts: 1414 |
Ahhh... Sorry...the only other board i spend time on is RPG.net, where i've hit XXposts posts are not entirely uncommon. Oh, and while justifying this, i missed getting Isaac Clark getting busted in the head...again...in Dead Space 3...and OH BUGGER! Sorry...Ginormous Spider Thing there for a minute... OH! i've been eaten! i'm being digested! Oh... Oh that's alright then... Sorry, you were saying? | 2013-02-21 04:36:00 Author: waffleking23 ![]() Posts: 535 |
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