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Willow Springs Raceway

Archive: 4 posts

Track layout based on (you guessed it) Willow Springs Raceway in California, apparently one of Americas most challenging race tracks, this is a straightforward race with a couple of nasty surprises. You need to be tactical, and keeping your thumb on the x button will just find you flying off the track. you need to drive this one like you're in a car, not a kart. That said, there's some great drift boosts to be had, and I've upped the hop speed so spins can be done on jumps you wouldn't normally be able to make a 360.
The scenery isn't up to much, but if you're admiring the background you're not concentrating on the race!


2013-02-20 02:08:00

Unknown User

Queued. 2013-02-20 18:06:00

Posts: 2018

Thanks for the "like" glad you enjoyed it. 2013-02-24 19:54:00

Unknown User

Added to queue.2013-02-24 20:08:00

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