Colors and some Creativity
Archive: 4 posts
Please try my level. Let me know if a bug shows up. I might not be able to fix all bugs due to thermometer. http://lbp.me/v/hs4ehd | 2013-02-09 19:04:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
sorry but why is there always a link missing? | 2013-02-09 19:14:00 Author: Luke_MK_II ![]() Posts: 1121 |
Hi there! Welcome to LBPC! You should head over to the Introduce Yourselves (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?6-Introduce-Yourselves) section and make an introductory thread. Also, it looks like you could use a little help in the level promotion department. Not to worry, take a look at this thread here: Guide to level promotion (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=73343-LBPC-Showcase-Essential-Guide-(For-Dummies)) This will show you how to add those fancy links and pictures which hopefully will entice the reader to play your level. | 2013-02-10 00:04:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Your level shows promise, but I think you fell into a trap that a lot of people do, which is to do with spacing things out so much. This results in having to fill the areas between main obstacles with scenery, which while maybe looking nice, doesn't add to gameplay, adds to thermometer and in some cases takes away from level. As you are walking along count to 3, every time you count to three, if nothing has changed for the player then think about why, is it important to the story, are you setting them up for something huge? What I mean is; the player pushes right on the stick... 1.2.3 I'm still pushing right... Nothing has changed... 1.2.3... I'm still running right... 1.2.3... Oh a wormhole. That space is probably not needed. Using the first puzzle as an example, you spawn in between two flame towers, a person who has never seen or played the level doesn't really know which way to go at the rest of the area is empty. Granted, one way is blocked by an invisible wall, and the player is likely to go right any way (but this actually leads into a problem later), the right is a long walk past more flames and irregular walls (all those edges add to thermo) after a bit of a walk where nothing happens (and maybe the player wondering if they even went the right way) you find the wormhole, but keep in mind that this is the very first gameplay that the player sees in your level, so the empty space before getting to it may already be concerning a player. It sends you a little distance to a power up, which is the next natural thing to get, so the player is likely to pick it up, and then would not want to walk through the power up removers. They will likely jump left, not be able to grab anything and walk all the way back to the start, only to discover the invisible wall. Walking back they then have to drop the power up and go through to your first little challenge room. This room is spaced out well and looks great, the little flex you have in the platform is a nice touch.. You pull the lever and the roof catches on fire, and now you can go back and grab the ledge with the power up... But here is the problem, the player already tried this, before they pulled the switch. So now, as the player, my inclination is not to try it again because I don't see a change in anything to suggest that this is now what I am expected to do. Some smoke disappeared so maybe it is the right thing, I try and swing into the fire and die… and respawn all the way back at the start, meaning I have to walk a distance to try again. But I'm not sure what I am trying. So the penalty for trial and error is quite a long walk each time I fail. If you take this very small section, forget that you made it and try it out with out knowing or thinking of what is coming up, I think you will see what I mean, a suggestion is to take these three pieces, the wormhole, the bounce room and the grapple and move them about a bit. Spawn in, and you see the wormhole on the same screen, it can still be a bit of a distance away but it straight away tells the player which way to go, make it clear that you can't go right, block off the bounce room so you can only go in there is the wormhole (which removes any power ups). Have the lever in the bounce room bring the power up out of the floor for the next section. This could all nearly fit on one/ one and a half screens, and result in a lot less scenery and pieces that you currently have in the first part that are just taking up space, making the player walk further than nessecary and wasting thermo. All in all, great effort, and your level does show promise, it has an interesting theme, but just needs a little more thought put into the flow, and optimising of the areas. The result will be more thermo to get some more colours and such in there ![]() | 2013-02-11 00:51:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
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