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?? Combo Sensor ?? There should be one!

Archive: 4 posts

Hi Guys,

Not sure if anyone as figured out the logic for this, i had a go myself but i couldnt do it. i was close tho. basically i am looking for a microchip with some logic that would act as a "combo sensor" for want of a better word. so it outputs when a certain combination of button presses has happened.

for example, imagine a 1-5 keypad for a locked door hooked up to a controlinator and to open it you need the combination. i want it to reset if the wrong button is pushed. with maybe an error buzz noise. and also make it so only one button can be pushed at a time cos on my attempt i could just mash every button at once and it would work lol

any ideas would be great, or if you need more info let me know and i'll try and explain futher.

i had it so when the first button was pushed it started a 1sec timer on 'start count down' , so u had 1 second of output to push the next button in the combo, both wired to an 'and' gate, this started the next 1sec timer, giving you another second to push the third button. and so on. on each step i had all the wrong buttons wired through 'or' gates to get to the resets on the timers.

problem was tho, say i pressed the 'X' button as the first button in the combination, it starts the timer, but then if i press it again, its the wrong number in the sequence so i want it to reset, but if i hook 'X' up to the timer reset when i press 'X' to start the timer count down the output is on so the reset resets it instantly. its quite a tricky one, and not easy to explain either, but if anyone know whats the hell im on about lol it would be great to get some advice. theres surely come logic guru out there just dying to help!

2013-02-05 09:53:00

Unknown User

you mean like the cheat code for contra on the heart of negativitatron upright gaming console up up down down left right left right x o

its copy able from my planet will leave it there for 1 day only
2013-02-05 14:20:00

Posts: 119

i'll definitely check it out, thanks. whats this contra cheat thingy tho?? do you mean the bit on the level where its spittin purple lasers at you? do i just press those buttons??2013-02-05 15:25:00

Unknown User

up up down down left right left right x o
2013-02-05 16:11:00

Posts: 119

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