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My random create advice. Including Tips & Tricks! (Last update ?2/26/2013?)
Archive: 22 posts
Howdy folks. Sozo here with completely random LBP2 create advice. this pretty much will be a blog where I'll keep any LBP2 create advice for you folks whenever they pop into my head. I know way to many tricks & whateverz to be bothered to even try to write it all down any time soon. So just enjoy it as it comes~ Yohoohohooho~ *meeew And here to help us is Dr.Eggman! http://i4.lbp.me/img/ft/a24560dc2169fa187d6c6900c0d5db45556dfaa8.jpg ---------------------------------- Tutorials! YaaAy!! ---------------------------------- Random Create Advice #1. (Remember to normally set powerups to unremovable.) http://i.imgur.com/EfPDjEo.jpg Unless you have a good reason. Do not make powerups removable until they are unneeded. After playing some levels the other week I noticed a bad trend with some people?s levels. Powerups were left removable by default. This can get really annoying especially in jetpack levels? Ok imagine this. You are soaring across the sky when suddenly a poorly drawn cutout character pops up and says ?Hi!? after that you push O by habit to make the message go away. But oops you also by mistake made yourself drop your jetpack and now are falling to you doom? Thanks a lot Mr.Poorly drawn cutout!. >:?( Point is, unless it's a part of your gameplay like perhaps if the player will need to be able to drop their powerup for whatever reason? but if not then DON?T! leave the setting on droppable. --- Random Create Advice #2. (Using creative names for sack-folk) http://i.imgur.com/C0eKUyI.jpg Far to often do I see people using uncreative names for generic sack-people in their levels. Examples are SackThing or worse Sackboy. In my opinion there is absolutely no reason for this to happen. Sackthing is a amusing name for sacks, but it's from the LBP2 story-mode, that?s not being creative if you use it. And far worse is when people just use the word Sackboy when calling the player by a name. You have absolutely no idea if the player is male or female and have no idea on top of that if the costume the player is wearing is Male. Female. Or something else all together! xD It ruins the game?s experience if you just call the player?s avatar sack by a gender. LBP is about letting the players be creative and customizing. The actual normal Sackfolk that the players control are suppose to be genderless by default so that way the players can make them whatever they want it to be. So with that in mind don't go step on & crush other player?s creativity by telling them in your own level that they are a ?SackBOY?. You may not think it matters but it does. It's really only ok to call a character Sackboy or Sackgirl if the player is playing a precise character in your level/story that is not suppose to be the player?s avatar. Example. The character that the player gets to control in the level is named Jack Mac The Sackboy. Jack is a precise character, not the player?s avatar character. And that makes all the difference. But regardless Sackboy & Sackgirl are not creative names if you decide to use them anyways, which is yet another reason you should not be using them for your own levels. Being actually creative & coming up with your own content & ideas is almost always the better choice. So instead of using a name for Sacks that you?ve seen done a lot before. How about you think up something silly or cool for them yourself? Here are some fun examples. Fluff Ball. Sacko. Rag face. Cotton bottom. SackDoll. Zipper folk. Stumpy. Baggy. Punching bag. Potato Sack. Lumpy Sock. Puppet. Well you get the idea. Just be creative & think of a name that suits your level & story. --- Random Create Advice #3. (A Step to help avoid losing a level to corruption) If you start to get ?Failed to load? messages on your level. Then It's about time for you to move everything within that level into a new moon slot. Because if you are getting ?Failed to load? messages on your level that means something is corrupted in the level data and to safely avoid it from getting worse all you need to do is keep trying to load the level until it actually loads then copy everything within the level and have it all placed within a completely new level. If you find that it is impossible to load the level whatsoever no matter how many times you try, then it is already to late. This advice I gave is to only help to prevent your level from corrupting worse. This advice is not a way to explain how to fix a already completely corrupted level. All I can say in that situation is to wait for a new LBP game patch. Because that sometimes will fix a old corrupted level for whatever reason. --- Random Create Advice #4. (How to save space on your LBP moon & make your profile overall much smaller.) This was just common sense to me, but I find it's not to a lot of folk. If you have any levels on your moon that you are not working on at the moment and you feel that you most likely won?t be working on them for a long time or whatever, but at the same time you don't want to delete it. Well? here?s a thought, instead of wasting moon & profile room or deleting something you may actually need in the future. How about you just do the following. Ever noticed that backup level option on your levels? Well I find that a lot of creators don't even bother to use it? Or they don't make good use of it like I do. Did you know that your PS3 can be used as a storage device instead of your LBP save file? And that unlike your moon, your PS3 can hold almost infinite levels? And that you can place them back on & off of your PS3 & LBP save file anytime you want really easy? ?No? Yes? Well regardless? Now you do!. That?s right! go ahead and clean up your moon by backing up all unneeded levels for the moment by using the super handy backup level feature which will place the levels onto your PS3?s HDD instead which has almost unlimited room unlike your LBP save-file. Then afterwards delete them levels you just backed up off of your moon. And Boom! You now have a much nicer clean moon to work on~ But that?s just the start! Do you have a messy popit full of whateverz & junk? Way past to many objects in your goodies bag? Super tons of stickers? Costumes that you do not wear or use for anything anymore but you still love them? Well? why delete all this lovely but not needed content when you can just back it all up onto your PS3?s HDD instead? That?s right folks. Place all your unneeded content in prize bubbles & or just plop them all down in a empty level that you should probably name ?Storage Level#(input number here)? after you do that, just backup the level, then afterwards delete it off of your moon & popit. And BOOM! Yes you are done! You now have a much more clean moon & popit & LBP-profile to work with and never again have to worry about running out of space or getting lost in a mess of your own making. --- Random Create Advice #5. (Notes are very useful.) Surely you know what the Notes in which I am talking about are correct? If not then it's them in-game handy yellow text papers in yo logic page. So you may be thinking ?What is your point?? ?Well I?m just saying, do you bother to use them? And if so, do you use them effectively? I have to say? Whenever you get a idea in your head and don't always have a computer near by for quick easy use. Then use notes to write-down any floating ideas in your head. And don't tell me or yourself that it's to much effort to bother with. Nowadays I write-down tons of notes on LBP2 without even using a keyboard. Point is it is not that hard and you?ll thank yourself later. So you now may be asking what type of stuff is worth writing-down, Well the obvious is that you can use them for anything. But here are some of the main uses. #1: Write-down any ideas for your level that you are working on but won?t be doing for a small while or longer. Enemies/Boss-Battle concepts. Objects. Scenery. Contraptions. Costume/Character concepts. Gameplay ideas. Basically anything that you?d like to make sometime but can?t be bothered to actually do at the moment. #2. General stuff to remember. Heh another good use is even things that have nothing to do with LBP2 itself, such as? a note telling yourself to go start a topic about something on a forum later. Or a note telling yourself something important something your friend told you to remember. Basically if you worry you may forget something that matters whatsoever, why not write a note down on LBP2 for yourself? Of course this idea is only useful if you play LBP2 a lot. There?s many other things you can use notes for. But point is don't limit yourself. Use them for anything useful that you can think of. Also A small tip. Keep all your random notes that don't belong anywhere else specific in a microchip and keep that microchip in your goodies bag. This way you can always pull it out when needed. --- VNewV Random Create Advice #6. (Enemies & Platformers are like? Cake & Icecream.) http://i9.lbp.me/img/ft/a59fd2def8e4f9e4a4fa6078db68288223211b42.jpg One thing I see a seriously bad lack of in LBP platforming levels is enemies. They had some in the LBP story-mode & most platform games have lots of them in general. So why should anyone forget to include them? Jumping on platforms & solving simple puzzles is all nice & whatever. but levels that don't include far more content imo are just really lacking & are pretty boring. Unless you want your level to feel like a dead wasteland. But if not then you should try to think of many ways to liven it up. So throw in some NPCs & stuff? But also more important to gameplay. consider tossing in a set of enemies. Also make sure to be creative with how players can get pass or defeat them. Because you are not limited to anything really. So just make sure it's fun? Also Boss-battles are awesome to? as long as they are simple & not annoying. But I?ll cover this Boss-battle subject more fully another time in a different advice subject. Anyways. Basic enemies normally also should just be simple & easy to deal with. They should only add more fun to a level and a bit more sense of a challenge. So best avoid making them a bothersome drag if possible. But if you do a good job with them then your platform levels are now much better. --- ---------- Random Create Trick #1. (Easy way to create invisible material) http://i.imgur.com/qnmENOU.jpg Ever said to yourself that you wish you could use invisible material in your level for whatever reason? And find shrinking dark matter to be annoying and easy to lose? Well fear no more! There?s a much easier way to create invisible material that is so simple you?ll want to kick yourself in the bum for not figuring it out before now. Step1. Take out sticker-panel material or turn something else into sticker-panel material. Step2. Change all the settings on the sticker-panel material to 0%. Step3. Use the material changer tool in your toolbag and change the sticker-panel material into ?Corruggated Plastic? material. Step4... There is no step4. So congratulations! You just made invisible material that can be edited at will and can be changed back into any other material of your choice whenever you want. PS: You don't own sticker-panel? If so then? TO BAD! Because you can?t do this same trick without it. --- Random Create Trick #2. (How to somewhat change the color of the fur decorations.) http://i.imgur.com/QyweQJd.jpg So yeah. you know them fur decorations in your deco bag? Ever wished you could change their color in order to make them look more like grass or something else? Well you somewhat can! By using lighting to your advantage. So let me lay it out for you folk. Step1. Take out a ?LED Light Bulb? from your goodies bag, Or any 1 of the other lights from your goodies bag that can just be easily placed on objects. Step2. Place the lights on a long thin block of sticker-panel material in a row shape pattern with nice spaces between them. Step3. Place a row of fur decorations on the sticker-panel material. Step4. Change the settings on the lights to the point they make the fur glow a different color. This can take some playing around with to get right and match for what you need. but here is a example to get you started. (Brightness 70%) (Radius 20) (Fog 30%) And now you are done. Enjoy your color changed fur! This is a useful trick that a handful of expert creators like to use. It can be used on other things as well, just test stuff out and in general be creative!. --- Random Create Trick #3. (A easy logic setup to have multiple objects destroyed.) http://if.lbp.me/img/ft/e6fdb53db080c83c91e9890a53803fcdac44af24.jpg First thing to do is decide what is the main object that should be destroyed in which we will count as the main object. On the main object just place a NOTgate on it. Then place a NOTgate hooked to a destroyer on all the other objects you want destroyed except on the main object which should just have a NOTgate. Then hook the NOTgate from the main object to all other NOTgates on the other objects that you want simultaneously destroyed? I call this way of destroying ?A Lazy-Man?s multi destroy logic? It is not probably the best way to destroy multiple objects. But I found it sure is 1 easy quick way to do it. --- Random Create Trick #4. (How to select choice logic components simultaneously.) A long time ago this was something that I heard talked about but it took me a long time to understand how they did it at the time. Well to start off. Hold R2 down while using your popit cursor. Then tap X once on different logic components of your choosing. Then afterwards let go of R2. You now can easily select multiple logic-pieces without grabbing the wrong logic-pieces while doing so. This can be used on objects or whatever else too. Enjoy~ --- Random Create Trick #5. (Positional Sequencers are awesome! Find out why) http://i.imgur.com/LqU9hDw.jpg Sequencers set to ?Positional? are very useful for a great number of stuff. Perhaps even a lot more then you could had guessed. 1 example is. Hook a counter up to a sequencer set to positional in it's settings. You?ll notice that the higher the number on the counter will = a higher position on the sequencer? Now let that 1 single idea I just told you sink into your mind for a moment. You?ll hopefully start to realize how useful it could be. Another example is. How would you like a sackbot that runs with just barely a push of the analog stick? Or perhaps you would like a sackbot that only walks slowly no matter how hard & far you push the analog stick? Well here?s how you can easily set that up. First thing you need to do is create a basic playable sackbot that only reads the exact signals you want it to read. Meaning you need to understand how to for example create a sackbot that can only jump by pushing the R2 button and for the normal X button to not make it jump at all. This is basically what is know as rewiring a sackbot. This allows you to change the control setup to anything you wish it to be. All this requires is having 2 DCS/Control Seats inside the sackbot with one set to ?Override Bot No? with wires from that DCS plugged into the inputs of the 2nd DCS that is set to ?Override Bot Yes?? I?m not going to bother to explain the rewired sackbot in more detail, if you can?t figure-out how to make such a bot still, then go lookup a tutorial about it. Anyways back to the actual point. Take out a sequencer set to positional and put it onto the 2nd DCS on the bot. Then from the first DCS on the bot plug it's Right/Left analog stick output into the sequencer. Then place a battery in the sequencer. Have it fill the whole sequencer bar up from start to end. Then plug the battery?s output into the 2nd DCS?s Right/Left analog stick input? now if you did it right whenever you push the analog stick while playing as the bot it?ll always move at the speed the battery?s % is set to. No matter how little or how far you push the analog stick, just as long it is pushed at all. You?ll have to double this logic for both left and right movement. But hopefully you can finish the concept yourself without my help since I already told you the most important aspect of it. Of course you can go into much more detail with this concept in general. But I?ll leave you to think of that for yourself. It may take you awhile to get the hang of it. But soon enough you?ll learn the great uses a Positional Sequencer can give you. --- Random Create Trick #6. (How to place decorations in places on costumes that you shouldn?t be able to.) http://i.imgur.com/5dFSz3t.jpg Small Warning: The following is actually a glitch and maybe could have unknown odd side effects somehow. But to my knowledge atm it is safe to use. Anyways. Ever wish you could place decorations anywhere on your costume? Tired of only being able to place them on the surfaces of your costume and when you remove a costume part any deco on it go away with it? Well I've found a way to semi get around that problem. Step #1: First imagine where you want all the deco on your costume that you?ll need and how you want the costume to look. This is important as you need to understand ahead of time of what you will want. Step #2: Choose costume parts to only be used as holders for the decorations you want on the costume. Try to imagine these costume parts as invisible in your mind as they will be basically later on. Remember the costume parts you are choosing atm are only suppose to be a object to stick the deco on. You are not suppose to be keeping these costume parts themselves on later. Step #3: After you are finish with placing the deco on your costume parts. Go ahead and save the costume and put it on yourself if you didn?t already. Now afterwards head on over to a tutorial level on LBP2... Yes that?s right, I said a ?Tutorial Level? ?Any will work but I like to use the BouncePad tutorial. Step #4: Once you are in the tutorial level. Remove all the costume deco holders you put on? And this is important, Now put on any costume parts that you?ll want to keep on the complete costume. Don?t worry about how the decos seem to disappear like normal once you removed the holders. Afterwards leave the tutorial level. Step #5: When you get back you?ll notice something odd. All the decos that should be gone are now back on you in the same places that you had left them. Stickers you may have had on will be back on too even if it is a completely different costume part! Now this is also important, Make sure to save the costume you have on yourself & load that saved one on yourself? Now it is complete? Have fun! --- Random Create Trick #7. (Way to semi fix the decoration render bug on objects.) http://i.imgur.com/kgzCUzv.jpg This may be hard to understand for people who don't use a lot of deco in their level. But I?ll try to quickly explain it. LBP2 has graphic render problems with decorations if they are placed on objects depending on where you placed the deco. A example is go place a pipe deco facing towards the layer behind itself on a thick object And place a thin wall object behind that thick object... Notice anything odd yet? Of course you do. The deco doesn?t show up correctly whatsoever. And the problem is worse then just that single example. Basically getting decos to look like what you would want them to look like in a level if you relay on a lot of deco can be a annoying big challenge for even the best expert creators. A way to get around this can be to place the decorations on counters to avoid some of the render problems. It's not perfect but it's better then nothing. So take out some counters & make them very small and set them to ?Visible? That?s right, Not invisible. Then place the counters on where you want them? however placement & testing is still important. As it may still mess up if you do it wrong. PS: Sadly there is no fix for the same problem on costumes. We will likely just have to wait for a LBP3 for that problem to be fixed for real. Which it already did get fixed in games like LBPV & LBPK. --- Random Create Trick #8. (How to force heavy flying objects that use movers to move correctly.) http://i.imgur.com/VthlwYA.jpg Now I don't know about other people but I like to have a lot of flying objects move in repeating patterns? they sometimes go up for awhile... then back down for just as long. And also objects that move right & left. ETC. by using movers on repeating sequencers. however I noticed that some objects ?normally heavy ones? will go off direction after awhile and end up who knows where later? A easy way to fix this problem is to actually not place the movers on the main object itself. Instead on the main object that you want to be flying around. place a follower with the tag settings on and with max speed ETC on. Name the tag something like ?Object1:Move? now go create a invisible block of holo or sticker panel and place the original repeating sequencer that has the movers inside it that you made on that block. And also place a tag on this holo block with the same name as what you typed in for the follower place on the main object? Now the object will always follow the tag on the holo block which should mean to my knowledge the block will always stay on track which means the main object will always stay on track too. This is because a holo has no weight which means nothing is messing it up from where you need it to go. This is just 1 trick to help you keep flying objects on their correct set path. It may not be good enough depending on exactly what you want. So just test things out & keep a watchful eye on everything. --- VNewV Random Create Trick #9. (Emit/Destroy Techniques) http://i2.lbp.me/img/ft/532ce2a5ca473052748c2f2d96bb7878135b4576.jpg This trick is not only important to LBP levels but is a trick used in general for games. A good rule to remember while creating is if the player can?t see it. Then it probably shouldn?t be there until you want it to be seen. That?s right. Stuff should be emitted & destroyed when it matters for the right moment. Using this trick also lets you make levels much longer if wanted. To make it easier on yourself you can make sections cut you off after a certain point of progression the player makes in the level. Example is have a fairly big boulder drop down onto the pathway so the player can?t get pass it. Or have a door shut & close permanently ETC. after you do that, have the whole section & everything within it the player can?t return to be destroyed in order to open up more thermo that can be used to emit new level sections later. But beware as emitting complex stuff can drop frame rate for a short moment. If this is a big problem for you, One way to help with this is to make only certain content emitted & destroyed instead of everything. I feel that the basic level layout in this case should always be left alone. AKA the floors & the walls ETC. While stuff that is decoration & enemies & NPCs, ETC should only be around when needed. And never any other time. Basically content that takes up a lot of thermo & or room is the stuff you gotta worry about. Another thing you should pay attention to is events that mistakenly repeat themselves when you leave somewhere & go back to the older area later. To avoid this you are going to have to set up the logic for it. Logic that remembers for example when enemies are destroyed by the player. Unless you want enemies to keep respawning, but if not then you will need memory logic made for it. Imo if I the player killed something then it should stay dead unless there is a good reason for it to not be. To get you started with the idea. You are gonna need ?named tags & tag sensors? to get this emit/destroy trick working right. There is many different setups to get this working. but I?ll just go over 1 basic way to make this simple. Create 2 tall blocks of sicker panel or holo with a tag & a impact sensor set to only sense players on them. Have the blocks side by side with a nice gap between them. When hitting the left block it will be used to send a tag signal to the emitters for the section on the left to emit the needed stuff for that area. The block on the right will do the same except it's for the right section. To keep emitting less crazy, make sure it only emits a section when that section is actually gone. You just need a tag that tells you when the area is there or not and a tag sensor to not allow emitting when it sees the tag. Also setup the logic so when you hit the right block the content in the left area gets destroyed ETC? everything I just said is to just help you get used to the basic concept. You?ll have to do way more stuff if you want it to work better. But this advice was not meant to explain step by step how to do all the logic for the trick. It's just here to help you understand the basic idea & concept better. So after you learn what I shown you good enough. You may want to go learn how to do a better version of the trick on your own. Well this hopefully covers the basic idea of Emit/Destroy for you folk. If there is anything else you need to know about the trick just leave a comment. PS: This trick is mostly only for single player levels. You very likely are going to have to use the ?Block off old section trick? for levels that support more then 1 player. --- VNewV Random Create Trick #10. (Nearly anything can be used as visuals.) http://i0.lbp.me/img/ft/3d0f4976a79ba7b0fe9d16ac172e3573ed5f9164.jpg There?s one visual create trick I find to be very useful I didn?t think much of at first. And that is anything that has visuals can be used as visuals? Don?t understand where I am going with this subject yet? Well let me tell you more then. Ever looked at the magic eyeball deco object? Yes? Well? ever thought of using it for something other then a eyeball? If not then let me tell you this tip. ?The name of the game is thinking outside the box as much as possible? That means don't look at & think about things in only 1 single way. Try to use things for reasons other then why they were created for. Hook a logic gizmo to close-up that eyeball and then use it as something else altogether. I even like to use the sound objects as deco for my objects? They even can be painted! You?ll find you now have a lot more deco content to play around with if this trick concept is new to you. And well? Go have fun. --- ---------- That's all for now until next update folks. C: *mew PS: Sorry for the lack of pictures folk. After I got done writing all of that I got lazy and didn't want to wait much longer to post it all. xD ... But Yeah. I'll take more pictures later. >.> *mew | 2013-02-02 06:13:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz Posts: 4261 |
Thank you. | 2013-02-09 15:19:00 Author: EleoMod Posts: 122 |
Thanks really helpfull | 2013-02-11 08:50:00 Author: Unknown User |
cool tutorials ! | 2013-02-11 13:03:00 Author: Unknown User |
Thanks for the invisible material tip! | 2013-02-11 19:20:00 Author: peoriaspitfire Posts: 359 |
Agreed, with Peoria, I tried that invisible material thing last night after reading it here, man, that's awesome! Nice find! Thanks, brah. | 2013-02-11 19:30:00 Author: Ostler5000 Posts: 1017 |
Agreed, with Peoria, I tried that invisible material thing last night after reading it here, man, that's awesome! Nice find! Thanks, brah. Haha No problem. Actually a friend on LBP2 showed me it a while back. *mew Also anyone have any simple requests? As I keep forgetting some create advice ideas before I get to write them down. xD | 2013-02-11 20:26:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz Posts: 4261 |
Well, one thing you could perhaps add is that Decos on Logic components do not have the graphical glitch that often occurs when they clip through materials on other layers. I haven't made that public yet, it doesn't really warrant a thread on it's own, and as far as I'm aware it's not common knowledge. | 2013-02-11 20:31:00 Author: Ostler5000 Posts: 1017 |
Well, one thing you could perhaps add is that Decos on Logic components Ah right. Sure I can do that. I'll add it soon with also my Costume deco trick i found which allows you to put decos on places you normally couldn't on costumes. *mew | 2013-02-11 20:41:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz Posts: 4261 |
Nice tutorials here : ) Although i disagree about the calling him Sackboy thing. I'm all for creative names but he is Sackboy, there's nothing wrong calling him that! xD One thing I really really wish people would know more is that to get a smooth camera transition you need to leave a gap of 6/7 small grid squares between camera zones. Using this with high player tracking leads to a lot smoother cameras. I tweeted about it a while back with a pic if you wanna see what I mean : ) https://twitter.com/hallm3lbp/status/266344799127363584/photo/1 Also a random tip. If you want to move large sections of your level around but don't want them to go off grid. I simply create a huge piece of sticker panel/hologram around the area using the big grid. Then select it all again with the sticker panel/hologram and it moves on grid!! : D | 2013-02-11 22:06:00 Author: Hallm3 Posts: 252 |
Although i disagree about the calling him Sackboy thing. I'm all for creative names but he is Sackboy, there's nothing wrong calling him that! xD And I disagree right back, Both Sackboy & Sackgirl are copyrighted names by Sony on LBP. The Sack that you control is just supposedly a generic LBP Sackdoll to allow the player to be what they want. So It's somewhat insulting to just call the player Sackboy when they are suppose to be whatever they wish. Sorry but this matter is important IMO. So again I say, When allowing the player to play as their avatar, don't go and try to ruin the players imagination at the same time. *mew So honestly NO. it is not "Sackboy" ...It is whatever the player wants it to be. I am forcing this matter so LBP is a better place for everyone. A true land of pure imagination~ PS: I won't be continuing the debate past this post. If you feel the strong need to reply on the subject more with me, Please do it in a PM. Or I will consider to have a Mod delete your post. It's nothing really personal but it's just a fair bit of warning to anyone in general who may want to try to argue with me for more then a post or 2 on this topic. | 2013-02-11 22:21:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz Posts: 4261 |
PS: I won't be continuing the debate past this post. If you feel the strong need to reply on the subject more with me, Please do it in a PM. Or I will consider to have a Mod delete your post. It's nothing really personal but it's just a fair bit of warning to anyone in general who may want to try to argue with me for more then a post or 2 on this topic. Erm okay, I worked on the psvita version and I even feel the need to say here, 'calm down its only a game'. I guess I call him Sackboy not cos I think he's a boy, cos he isn't at all. He's a thing, so I just take 'Sackboy' to be genderless itself. So it can mean anything, whether you're dressed as a cow, a witch or Mrs. Incredible xD But anywho back on topic, One tip that I've been using quite a bit recently is the 'putting decorations on counters/timers' trick : ) You can do loads of stuff with these two things. 1. Slap one on the front and then tweak the counter/timers length in the tweak menu to stretch or squish it! 2. Put one on the side and then place the counter/timer on the side of an object itself. The decoration is now backwards : D 3. Or you can use a counter/timer to place decorations in your background. By putting one on the side of an object and stretching it in the tweak menu, you can then place decorations all along it length, into the foreground and background! | 2013-02-13 11:43:00 Author: Hallm3 Posts: 252 |
One tip that I've been using quite a bit recently is the 'putting decorations on counters/timers' trick : ) You can do loads of stuff with these two things. 1. Slap one on the front and then tweak the counter/timers length in the tweak menu to stretch or squish it! 2. Put one on the side and then place the counter/timer on the side of an object itself. The decoration is now backwards : D 3. Or you can use a counter/timer to place decorations in your background. By putting one on the side of an object and stretching it in the tweak menu, you can then place decorations all along it length, into the foreground and background! Those are killer tips. I have heard of this before, but I keep forgetting to try it out. I certainly love jacking with deco materials, so this could consume me…**** u! One thing I really really wish people would know more is that to get a smooth camera transition you need to leave a gap of 6/7 small grid squares between camera zones. Using this with high player tracking leads to a lot smoother cameras. I tweeted about it a while back with a pic if you wanna see what I mean : ) https://twitter.com/hallm3lbp/status/266344799127363584/photo/1 The camera transition thing is a great tip too. I think I discussed this topic wit you shortly on twitter and I might have misunderstood it. I was thinking you overlapped by 6/7 small grid squares and have been doing that. I’ve been playing around with the overlap quite a bit, but maybe I need to revisit all my camera transitions and try the gap like you say. One problem I have is that I don’t necessarily like to use a high player tracking all the time. EDIT - I'm assuming this wroks the same way for LBP2? | 2013-02-13 17:21:00 Author: peoriaspitfire Posts: 359 |
. While it's fine you want to share your own create advice with others. but if you plan on doing much more... do you mind if you start your own topic for it? this is just my own personal advice & tips topic/blog. so unless it's a comment on something I posted or a request to me, ETC. but if it's not then it probably be better to do it on another topic. I know I may be coming off as little rude and am sorry for that. But I just find it a bit odd. *mew PS: LBP is indeed just a game. but it is also a bit more then that when we spend countless hours & years of our lifes on said game imo. *mew | 2013-02-13 19:55:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz Posts: 4261 |
While it's fine you want to share your own create advice with others. but if you plan on doing much more... do you mind if you start your own topic for it? this is just my own personal advice & tips topic/blog. so unless it's a comment on something I posted or a request to me, ETC. but if it's not then it probably be better to do it on another topic. I know I may be coming off as little rude and am sorry for that. But I just find it a bit odd. *mew oh sorry, thought you'd asked for suggestions for tips and stuff, I'll shut up now then! haha Actually one question though, this is just cos Ive seen a few people do it round here and I'm curious. Why do you say *mew after almost every sentence? I just wondered if it's some kind of club or something? : ) | 2013-02-14 00:58:00 Author: Hallm3 Posts: 252 |
oh sorry, thought you'd asked for suggestions for tips and stuff, I'll shut up now then! haha I did say people can ask me for suggestions. But maybe I am confused. Was the advice you were giving us are suggestions to add to my blog here? Since you fully explained how to do the advice you gave I am not sure how it would be my advice since I did not have to figure it out or write it down myself. When I asked if anybody had any requests all I meant was if there was anything they would like me go find out how it works & write it down & to explain it. I would consider it for them. the only reason I am gonna add Ostler's tip is because it is something that I've never seen anybody ever talk about & it hasn't been explained yet fully to anyone. *mew | 2013-02-14 08:11:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz Posts: 4261 |
Can you go over the emit/destroy technique as I've seen some examples but never one that explains well. My biggest downfall is having most of my levels limited due to thermo issues. I"d rather not use a level link if I can help it, so any advice on this is much appreciated. Thanx in advance | 2013-02-14 18:08:00 Author: tripple_sss Posts: 250 |
Can you go over the emit/destroy technique Yes I can! I know how to use that skill very well. But however I thought there has been enough tutorials for it already? Well anyways I'll consider it & look in to the matter for you. *mew | 2013-02-14 18:39:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz Posts: 4261 |
Update! 3New tutorials have been added! C: And next week I'll go over the basics of "Emit/Destroy Techniques" and 1 or 2 other subjects. See ya then~ *mew | 2013-02-17 22:24:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz Posts: 4261 |
Awsome stuff SOZO. | 2013-02-19 12:59:00 Author: Roosterland Posts: 31 |
Update. 3 new Stuffz added. :0 Also I'll be taking a break from creating tutorials for a small while. I'm little busy with other stuff like... Actually working on my levels and also my art. *mew | 2013-02-27 03:10:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz Posts: 4261 |
thanks for the tips | 2013-05-14 12:25:00 Author: Unknown User |
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