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Pocket Moon Podcast Episode 35

Archive: 13 posts

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Episode 35 - Ponies Anonymous

Puttatittut and xkappax join us to celebrate Steven Appreciation Day (or is it Week?), but you Steven isn't the only thing we talk about. You'll also hear us discuss salted licorice, David Bowie in The Labyrinth, and game sequels that we would like to see.

Here are timestamps so that you can skip to specific parts of the podcast if you want to:

-- Timeline info --
Overall podcast length: 113 minutes

News: 19:15
Forum Soup: 39:40
The Good, The Bad, and the Pathetic: 49:15
Community Creations: 59:55
Q and A: 1:23:00

Here are links to all the things that we chat about:

LBPC Community Spotlight 103 (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=77475-Community-Spotlight-Episode-103)

Buy LBPK for $10 (http://www.littlebigland.com/forum/index.php?%2Ftopic%2F11310-buy-lbpk-for-10-starting-tomorrow-with-ps-plus%2F)

Sack it to me: Garfield comes to LBP (http://blog.us.playstation.com/2013/01/21/sack-it-to-me-garfield-comes-to-littlebigplanet/)

Marvel returns to LBP (http://blog.us.playstation.com/2013/01/14/sack-it-to-me-the-marvel-heroes-return/)

LBP internship winners announced (http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2013/01/17/littlebigplanet-ps-vita-internship-finalists-announced/)

LBP Hub now has a website! (http://www.littlebighub.com)

LBP Hub 1.4.1 now available (http://www.littlebigland.com/forum/index.php?%2Ftopic%2F11299-lbp-hub-update-141-now-available%2F)

Submit your picture for the LBP Group Photo (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=77322-Epic-Definitive-Community-Group-Photo-is-a-go)

Chatchito wins Survivor 11 (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=76123-Read-watch-and-listen-The-Survivor-LittleBigPlanet-11-Viewer-Thread&p=1076110&viewfull=1#post1076110)

Sara's BoxGhost Pony (http://xkappax.deviantart.com/art/BoxGhost-Pony-349926792)
2013-01-28 11:52:00

Posts: 1515

Wow - that's weird - I only watched Waterworld for the first time ever last week. Saw it on Netflix. I thought it was an awesome movie with a really cool premise.
Hated The Brothers Grimm. Watched that on Netflix a few months ago, well, the first 50 minutes or so, then I just got too bored and stopped watching.
My guilty pleasure movie is Cloverfield - I absolutely love that but all my buddies just laugh at me for it. They must not be watching it right.
Their reasons for not liking it are "The camera keeps moving" and "You never get to see the monster!"
Well, given it's a horror movie and it's found footage, what do they expect?

Haven't seen the new Tron. Saw the older one though, it was OK, I guess. I probably would've loved it if I saw it when it was new, but I don't think it's aged well.

Regarding the LBPK price reduction, it seems really soon for a price cut. Wish I'd waited to get LBPK - totally not worth the full retail price I payed.

Woo! I'm part of the cool crowd!
Hey, maybe for the next 'The Good, The Bad & The Pathetic' you could use the LBPHub reviews instead of the usual level reviews.

It's the Definitive Group Project Epic Photo.
Taffey is correct - We're taking submissions via the threads. If the thread doesn't state you are required to post your image in the thread, that's a screw up on my end. Sorry about that. I figured people would just assume that was the case.
Thanks for the plug, guys.

I attended one of those Home Meets. Eh, it was kind of fun, but I felt I couldn't get a word in edgeways or nobody was really interested in talking to people who are not regulars. I'll try attending another and see if I have better luck.

I don't remember the first time I ever saw StevenL, but I do remember seeing him everywhere as 'That guy who posts single bit of information regarding DLC and stuff'. I mean, he never missed/misses anything.
I do remember talking to him a few times on Workshop. I never found that site particularly rude - I just found it too quiet.
I do remember talking to him in-game. Before he was the guy issueing MM Picks, I contacted him a few times asking if he'd take a look at my most recent level, knowing that StevenL had a considerable following and more influence than most. I figured a positive review from StevenL would be really helpful for getting above the 3 figure play count. It sort of worked, but I was still learning a lot at the time and it showed.
Great fellow.

Oddworld Inhabitants recently posted a poll on their website regarding what new game people most want to see. I voted Strangers Wrath 2, but I'd have happily voted for any of the new game options. They had some options for more HD re-releases, but I'd rather just have a new game. I didn't like the Abe and Munch games, Strangers game was way more interesting.

I only played SotC for the first time, last week. Got the HD version from the PSStore. Great fun, I should've got it sooner. I'd agree that a SotC2 would be awesome.

My choice for a sequel that should be made but hasn't, would be a MAG 2. I dunno if it's too soon to rule out the possibility of that still happening, though.

For the question about going to any event anywhere, I'd pick E3. Wouldn't care about the location, even if I had been there before. I'd love to go to E3. I went to Eurogamer in London last year, it was the first game event I've ever been to. Great fun.

Regarding freezer lights, is it maybe something to do with the time of day you'll be in each section? Most people only go in the Freezer around midday, while the fridge gets use--- Yeah, what Poo said. Frequency of use, temp and space, that was what I was gonna say.
As a fellow excellent fridge creator, I can appreciate the design choices.

I honestly can't think of any devs, beyond the obvious choice of Tarsier for LBP3.
A year ago I might have said United Front, but now... Naaaah. I don't know if I'd be willing to risk LBP3 in the hands of UFG.

Anyways, that was a great 2 hours, guys.
2013-01-28 14:53:00

Posts: 1017

Thanks for the response Ostler!

Your Cloverfield pick would probably be my #1 pick except that I didn't realize that it could be considered a guilty pleasure since all of my friends like the movie :-) That is actually one of my favorite movies!

You mention that the Workshop just seems quiet rather than mean. I'm not sure when it slowed down there, but back before the summer of 2009 is the time period that Sara and I are referring to. It was perhaps the busiest LBP community at that time, but almost everyone was very rude.

Thanks for listening and leaving feedback!
2013-01-28 15:20:00

Posts: 1515

Thanks for listening Ostler, and thanks for the feedback! Whew, I'm glad we got the info write on the picture project.

As a fellow excellent fridge creator, I can appreciate the design choices.This made me LOL at my desk.
2013-01-28 18:13:00

Posts: 3187

Just finished catching up on the past two episodes of the podcast. Well done!

Also this second line is not at all intended to compel anybody to update any web content herein hyperlinked. (http://lbpwiki.org/Communityocket_Moon_Podcast)

I suppose Advent Children Complete is a bit of a guilty pleasure, but it's hard to feel guilty about anything where the hero has six interlocking swords that fit in his motorcycle.
2013-01-30 03:46:00

Posts: 237

I apologize for my lateness... but duty (vacation) calls.

hiii xkappaa

i'm amazingflyingpoo, ive been liking ponies for a couple years now

Steven Lovely

believe me, the day we can change our psn's and keep our stuff is the day i make my big break

who's ready for warm bodies?

yeahh... never seen any of those movies :]

gotta love walking things

that says something about your audience

that doesnt actually sound terrible to me... but im not sure, i usually feel like licorice needs something extra. maybe I should try this

oh man. uhh... The Pink Panther

the final final fantasy

oh! have anyone ever seen any Ernest P. Worrel movies?

...more stuff i don't know anything about

never saw tron

ask for more beta codes

i found that confusing

hmmmmmmm o.0

oh dear... that's beautiful

yay! i love garfield

but sackboy's not fat

if not then thats just terrrible

wait you haven't seen the new x-men origins? deadpool is the bad guy

actually ive only just started reading comic books recently

there was indeed.


consistently clueless

lbphub.com? :O

just looked at it and i enjoy it very very much. i really liked the goal thing, I think thats a nice solution to the gaining funds for the app development

still waiting for that android yo

actually what happening is that they're probably 5 and are way to young to have apple devices


by the way the lbp hub forum is the first lbp forum ive seen that let's me use the <strike> tag

yup, join the boat john


yeah so heres a chance to mock me: took my photo, got on lbpc, looked at the post, thought "pff, thats a an old thread" delete my photo, and now here i have to retake it :3

yeah i was about to say i would never make eighth

congrats chaticho. i follow him on soundcloud woo


quite an active viewer thread

darn it did i miss that?

yeah "threw out"

yeah! its like, Im playing a game! i wanna play stuff!

once again christmas hm?

ok ok, i gotcha.

where i live in coastal virginia we just got the first snow in the past two years

well, thats good

i like that level

what a lonely person

never fear, it was in the contest

or the chiliagon, a thousand sided shape

uhhhhh i believe it was back in the not so golden age of the workshop. somebody made some angry comment about mm and stevenI wrote them a book back explaining politely how they were incorrect, how mm was in the good, and a bunch or technical jargon as i like to call it. then i thought, "wow, what a great guy!" went and sent him a friend request (he never responded I don't think ) and then i saw he had a thing about all the contests being held everywhere (also where i founded out littlebigplanet central and littlebigland) and i thought "oh this guy must be some official mm pr guy."

nope. me neither. I think basically what happened is he just kept doing what he was doing and now he's getting paid to to do it.

lucky peoples. all of you.

the first five seconds of reading his post

haha more than just a man

oh gosh i dunno...

i really can't think of anything, i more of the un-connected uncool crowd when i comes to steven

quite professional i must say.

thats funny cuz the first time ive ever seen any of john's levels i loved them and didnt even notice a terrible art style

i think he slightly cooler than madonna

pretty much everything he does. helps everybody out

*cough* *cough* certain people

i believe he should in fact change his name to all around santa

yeah lets say he didnt do mm picks or get satisfaction or give out crowns or any of it, would you be happy? nope


hai qnom

um hello? star wars battlefront 3

frozen pizza popped in the oven and but some chicken nuggets on top

jane made him shave it off

oh man... i'd say... uh, uhh, oh yeah, gamejame! an lbp3 gamejam.

i have never been to Disney land

he is so awesome

i prefer monopoly. and checkers.


...who has an excellent tank level

oh my gosh my brain just exploded... there ISNT one in the freezer is there?

the answer is - they forgot.


I'd like a tag team video game developed of win

I love them too. very fun games. ever heard of a game lego universe

uhhhh i dunno. i guess paris hilton. im not a fan of either so it doesnt really matter to me.

actually's putt's idea sounds fantastic

please note a couple of hours break here while i think of questions. i had a REALLY good one yesterday and now i have no idea what it was


what can you add to anything to make it great?

what is your least favorite color?
2013-01-31 21:43:00

Posts: 221

Congrats on the new episode. Quite funny as usual!

I actually liked Water world too. One of the few Costner movies I ever really liked. Probably because of the cool catamaran and he didn't really talk that much. ...and Dennis Hopper! That makes all sorts of things better! lol

..anyway, keep up the great work!
2013-01-31 21:50:00

Posts: 11383

@Uncuddly: Yeah, Advent Children is wonderful It is one of my very favorite movies.

@megaextremist: I agree that licorice is lacking a bit in the flavor department, though I don't know if salt is the answer


I have not seen the newest X-men movie. I was nervous about seeing it because I heard some not-so-good reports about it. Then again, I also heard some very good things about it

I enjoyed your replies to the LBPHub discussion. It's good to hear that you like the donation idea. I have gotten very good feedback on it, and some very "meh" feedback, but it is pretty much our only option going forward with updates.

I do believe that some of the reviews are from youngsters, but I think there may be a few adults lacking common sense as well

LOL, it's good to hear that you enjoyed my levels and didn't notice how bad they looked

Nice choice with the LBP3 GameJam!

Thanks for the feedback!

@jwwphotos: It would appear that more people like Waterworld than we thought. I didn't see it until it had been on video for a while, and I just knew that the media tore it apart so I was really surprised by how good it was
2013-02-01 12:30:00

Posts: 1515

haven't listened to the podcast yet, but I did move it over from my USB to my laptop and even loaded it into itunes, just haven't loaded to Ipod yet. I will, I will. Just wanted to chime in that I too, liked Waterworld. I watch it every time it's on. Another one that I like and no one else seems to is Battlefield Earth with Travolta. I don't know what it is about this movie but I really like it.2013-02-01 12:54:00

Posts: 8424

Rocking the pod side to side out of boredom? I do it all the time, it's the best thing ever! (Also, now you know why I haven't finished my level yet. )2013-02-02 00:05:00

Posts: 2284

I have not seen the newest X-men movie. I was nervous about seeing it because I heard some not-so-good reports about it. Then again, I also heard some very good things about it

I'll go see tron if you watch x-men origins, wolverine. that or that other one with the whole gang and professor x rounding um up. I cannot speak highly enough about either films
2013-02-04 21:47:00

Posts: 221

I'll go see tron if you watch x-men origins, wolverine. that or that other one with the whole gang and professor x rounding um up. I cannot speak highly enough about either films

Uh-oh! I've already seen the Wolverine one! Sounds like someone is going to have to watch Tron Feel free to just watch the second one because it will be a lot easier to watch, though I love both of them.
2013-02-05 16:21:00

Posts: 1515

finally listened to the PC last night and great show as always. Good topics and great guest. Look forward to the next one. Guilty pleasure movie? I already mentioned it up there, but Battlefield Earth with John Travolta. I loved this movie and have seen it a few times and still think it's good.

Oh yeah! My fridge story. I had gone down to the either license plate place or tax office, think it was for tags though, anyway, I go up to the counter and two ladies were talking behind the counter. One was saying how they can't even give it away. She then turns to me and says, "you want a refrigerator? It's only 6 months old, we moved and the place has one already that is bigger so we don't need it. If you want it, it's yours for free, just come get it."
We were without a refrigerator at the time and was looking to buy one, but with my wife in school, me working two jobs and a 2 yr old, funds were tight. I says, "umm, sure." I went to their house and picked it up that evening. Nice fridge, big, had it for probably 10 yrs. Never any issues with it, just ended up giving it to my M-I-L.

Question for next week.
What have been the best FREE games that you have played? I'm not talking about a game was free to you because you are a PS+ member or something like that, but free game via maybe a Flash game or something like GameGlobe or Rings of Orbis or whatever. A game that was NEVER for sale but was always a free game.
2013-02-05 17:25:00

Posts: 8424

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