Your favourite character...
Archive: 3 posts
Basically, you just have conversations about things while posting as your favourite character. There are no rules, really, just keep it clean please, and have fun. After your post, place your character's name in spoiler tags, and other people have to try and guess it. Then they reply if they want. If they can't guess it, they can read the spoiler and reply anyway. Also, it can be any character you wish, games, TV shows, movies, books. As long as they're appropriate. I'll start: Hello! There's, uh...there's no-one here to read this, yet. Yet - that's a big yet, I'm really hoping someone will...um...read this. Anyway, this forum's pretty great, I found it a few hours ago on my internet software while trying to block out that space bloke. Can you guess? It's Wheatley! In case you didn't know. I think the space core bit gave it away. | 2013-01-27 09:45:00 Author: Protoraptor ![]() Posts: 960 |
You are Wheatley. Duh. I am going to kill you... with neurotoxin. Sweet, sweet neurotoxin. But don't worry, because there will be cake.... at your funeral.I'm GLaDOS. But I'm pretty sure everyone already knows that. | 2013-01-28 23:22:00 Author: Ryan86me ![]() Posts: 1909 |
Hey! Neurotoxin is green! You know, tina, you look sick. You are really green! *chuckle* Gumball Watterson | 2013-02-21 23:00:00 Author: qwerty123456 ![]() Posts: 309 |
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