LBPV is worst expirience I've had online since I stopped using a modem.
Archive: 11 posts
Heck I'd even go as far to say that even then, modem gaming was better than what I've seen with LBPV. I am going for my platinum trophy and the online trophies are all I really have left. So for the last couple weeks I have been playing, HA trying to play, the game online. It has been nothing short of painful. I would say 95% of my attempts ended in failure. But even when I do connect I have yet to have a lag free game. I was able to get my 4player trophy a few days ago out of pure luck. But have yet to get a single play in VS level with another player, let alone 25 wins. I'd wish I could say that all the game needs is a patch to fix things. However the game has so many fundamental things wrong with it's online component that it would be impossible to fix. LBPV makes it unnecessarily difficult to find other people who want to play online. The fact that I still get the message "This player has not yet unlocked online play yet" when trying to join a game is freaking redonkulous! Why would the game try and connect me to someone who cant connect? Seriously you would have more luck finding true love during a full on bloody riot than a good connection in LBPV. On the flip side I can buy costumes, lots and lots of costumes! | 2013-01-26 19:07:00 Author: Xenon ![]() Posts: 306 |
Yeah, I know your pain. Online is a mess, and don't think it will be fixed anytime soon. You and I came from psp though Xenon, so it should be cool to play this game by ourselves, and it is, except for those dang trophies. If you ever need any help, and you see that I am online, send me an invite. I would be glad to help you with those trophies bro! ![]() | 2013-01-28 00:57:00 Author: VelcroJonze ![]() Posts: 1305 |
I'm pretty much in the same boat. The weird thing though is that the first week or two I owned the game, the online was mostly fine. A few lags here and there, but over all it was fine. But since mid October or so, I've been able to connect to someone ONCE, and it was very laggy... | 2013-01-28 15:16:00 Author: DistantWords ![]() Posts: 49 |
I've never been able to connect. Too bad as I had some ideas for co-op levels and would love to snag some 2x prizes. Is there a get satisfaction site for Vita? Perhaps we should make a post! ..or maybe ask Syroc if it is a known issue for them. | 2013-01-28 16:06:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
It is very much a known issue and the devs are constantly making tweaks to bring the gameplay standard up to par. Its already much better than it was upon release.This sort of issue isn't easy to debug as everyone uses slightly different equipment and connections for getting online. DBL11 & Tarsier have LBPV's best interests at heart i can assure you all of that, & if its trophies you're after than im sure more than a few of us would be willing to help out. For the time being a few of us made temp levels geared towards earning the multiple online trophies and so far have proved successful for many of our locals. The LittlebigPlanet GS page HERE (https://getsatisfaction.com/littlebigplanet) is host to all LBP platforms so feel free to post new or add to existing help/issue topics located there. | 2013-01-28 17:06:00 Author: Wolfdre ![]() Posts: 218 |
VJ - Yeah I miss the speed and simplicity of the LBP PSP. Seems like they just ported over the PS3 network code and made a few changes. This was a huge mistake since it depends on a constant internet connection. Thanks for the office to help me get the last few online trophies. I wanted to try and earn them. But I think I'll just be happy with getting the last few now. So expect an invite soon = ) Wlofdre - I will admit it is much easier to download and get into levels now. But the last update really hurt the overall performance of the game. My sounds constantly stutters and breaks up when connected to the LBP servers. I can't be the only person that is experiencing this? | 2013-01-28 19:23:00 Author: Xenon ![]() Posts: 306 |
No you arent. The sound stutter/repeat is a new issue entirely. It has been acknowledged and a fix is currently in the works. | 2013-01-28 20:29:00 Author: Wolfdre ![]() Posts: 218 |
Here's the direct link to the getsatisfaction.com thread on this issue: https://getsatisfaction.com/littlebigplanet/topics/little_big_planet_ps_vita_online_issues A staff member posted this earlier this month: Thank you for continuing to feedback on connectivity issues. We are aware that some users are encountering difficulties connecting with friends and we are looking at the problems. Networking issues are very difficult to identify as many aspects can affect connections. This includes different routers communicating in different ways, users connecting under various levels of network structure, connections being interrupted, blocked or restricted by security settings, and proximity from the servers, amongst other things. Some users have no problems, others cannot connect at all. We have tried a considerable range of different routers and network configurations in order to recreate some of the issues encountered. However, due to the massive number of potential variables, reproducing these is not always possible; solving a problem we can't emulate makes fixing it very difficult. Detailed feedback is the best way for us to identify potential problems, so please let us know as much as you can about your set-up. You can send this information to our support email address if you would like to keep your details private (qa_feedback@double11.co.uk). We do have some further changes coming up in future patches, so we ask that you keep an eye on these releases and check to see if they improve your connectivity problems. Thank you for your patience and understanding. D11 | 2013-01-28 20:32:00 Author: DistantWords ![]() Posts: 49 |
Here's the direct link to the getsatisfaction.com thread on this issue: https://getsatisfaction.com/littlebigplanet/topics/little_big_planet_ps_vita_online_issues A staff member posted this earlier this month: Thank you for continuing to feedback on connectivity issues. We are aware that some users are encountering difficulties connecting with friends and we are looking at the problems. Networking issues are very difficult to identify as many aspects can affect connections. This includes different routers communicating in different ways, users connecting under various levels of network structure, connections being interrupted, blocked or restricted by security settings, and proximity from the servers, amongst other things. Some users have no problems, others cannot connect at all. We have tried a considerable range of different routers and network configurations in order to recreate some of the issues encountered. However, due to the massive number of potential variables, reproducing these is not always possible; solving a problem we can't emulate makes fixing it very difficult. Detailed feedback is the best way for us to identify potential problems, so please let us know as much as you can about your set-up. You can send this information to our support email address if you would like to keep your details private (qa_feedback@double11.co.uk). We do have some further changes coming up in future patches, so we ask that you keep an eye on these releases and check to see if they improve your connectivity problems. Thank you for your patience and understanding. D11 Ok, even though D11 answer sounds perfectly reasonable we should also point that every game is also vulnerable to that kind of technical complications and most of the online multiplayers of great games don't have this serious problems with conections. I guess that if you have an upload and download speed >1MB speed connection multiplayer could be terrible, but I have opened all ports for my Vita, a quite good connection and still playing with 4 people at once is... A joke. Playing with 2/3 people works fine, the main problem I'd like to adress is the difficulty to actually join each other (even friends). Once you've joined, you should have no big problems. | 2013-01-28 21:40:00 Author: yugnar ![]() Posts: 1478 |
![]() It varies. Back when it was first launched I would only encounter lag from time to time. Even with four characters on screen. It's not as if lag isn't an issue with other online games. (I no longer play in groups as I like to take my time in each level) | 2013-01-28 23:51:00 Author: catsand ![]() Posts: 201 |
I just invite my friend over and we play on the same router to get the trophies. :3 No lag at all. ![]() | 2013-01-29 21:55:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
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