Berzerk - Short film
Archive: 6 posts
Let me begin my thread with a story. My older brother has had a microphone for his gaming needs for a while now, a fancy Logitech thingy with a shiny silver base. Almost every night, he could be heard yelling and laughing into the horrid mic. He's not much of a console gamer, so he had it plugged into his computer, and every time I passed by his room, I could see the head of the microphone poking its head up behind whatever water container he had placed on the desk. He drank water from anything, as long as it was reasonably solid and wasn't too disgusting. As you might think, I both loathed the thing and longed for it at the same time. I had no idea what exactly I needed it for, but it was electronic and shiny. Therefore, I wanted it. ![]() My bro left for a short-ish trip to Death Australia. The mic was mine. Mine. And that is the end of my somewhat relevant story. After I got the idea of an exploding train (explosions, yay) I began creating a simple bridge. For some reason, I think I was sorta inspired by the beginning of Skyfall. Because I had no idea how I would implement some actual gameplay into this, I added a background, some trains, a short intro exploring the foreground, sackbots, and a bunch of other stuff. Then I stood back and admired it, and called it a film. The short intro I mentioned is about 25 seconds long, and it's the first film scene thing I've made that I'm actually satisfied of. I'm a perfectionist, get used to it. http://ia.lbp.me/img/bl/35ae93363c261c157a1b74573fe9fd00f34e68c4.png (http://lbp.me/v/hqr3y6) And yes, it's a film. And it's special because it's my first attempt at voice acting. I had no idea how rough and dark and slightly creepy I sounded, but whatever. http://ia.lbp.me/img/ft/31aaf7a0b47b6f230dcb41948359227dd4bca2bf.jpg There is destruction. A lot of it. But have you ever tried taking a still picture of breaking things? The answer is no, I knew it. The lighting doesn't look that strange as in the pictures, blame LBP. http://ia.lbp.me/img/ft/2da391e69b213d5a3a70421f6aa4a4961ad6b1e3.jpg ...And it's a film, so you'll have to look at the thing in action. Don't judge. I took these pics while a friend was gawking at the whole thing, so things were randomly disappearing. Ignore the hovering bits of steel. Remember, only play this with one player. Two players or more seems to screw it up badly. Thanks shall have to go to Festerd_Jester for the song, 'Sincerity'. And to my occasionally decent friends for their feedback and incredible patience putting up with me being all judgemental during the creating process. Put your eyeballs on the screen and enjoy. ![]() http://lbp.me/v/hqr3y6 | 2013-01-25 23:29:00 Author: Kaboosh99 ![]() Posts: 359 |
sounds neat, queued | 2013-01-26 01:19:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
I thought that your staging of the action was very well done, especially the 90˚ camera placement getting the crane from the second angle. The store was very light, but as a setup for something larger it worked well. | 2013-01-29 09:36:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
I thought that your staging of the action was very well done, especially the 90˚ camera placement getting the crane from the second angle. The store was very light, but as a setup for something larger it worked well. 'Store'? I assume you mean 'story'? A few of my friends had a similar reaction to you, saying that it was something like The Avengers... not much story, just action scene after action scene. One of them kept saying 'The Simpsons' during the first 30 seconds... Thanks for the feedback! ![]() I suppose I could take this opportunity to advertise the film a bit more. I haven't seen anybody else do an intro to a film (or anything, really) quite like the one in this level, in LBP. Very specific 'first', but whatever. | 2013-01-30 04:10:00 Author: Kaboosh99 ![]() Posts: 359 |
Thats a solid little action track. Well done ![]() | 2013-01-30 18:49:00 Author: avundcv ![]() Posts: 2526 |
Thats a solid little action track. Well done ![]() Wee bit late for this, but thanks for the play and taking the time to leave a message here! ![]() Not sure if anybody noticed, but now there's a short 8 second shot of a bleeping bomb on a leg of the crane, to explain the seemingly random explosion. Next thing to fix would be to sort out the random floating chrome pipe that appears near the end of the movie. Somehow, this level managed to get an honourable mention in the 104th episode of the Community Spotlight! It's been a short while since, and I still have a mild feeling of euphoria. The sky seems bluer, the birds chirp louder, etc. ![]() | 2013-02-10 05:45:00 Author: Kaboosh99 ![]() Posts: 359 |
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