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Alternating Switch.

Archive: 32 posts

Alright, I've made a switch (at the request of Pinchanzee) and since I feel that this could be useful to other creators I wish to share it!

YouTube - LittleBigPlanet - Alternating Switch

Since I didn't feel like explaining how it works in annotations taking up the whole video screen, I'll explain it here.

How it Works

The sponge has a grab switch on it set to 1 shot which activated the emitter directly above the see-saw type head.
The emitter emits a metal ball that hits the see-saw head and changes its position. Depending on the side it has fallen towards it will activate a magnetic key switch set to directional.
The activated key switch causes one of the wenches attached to the 3-way switch(set to directional) pulling it.
The 3-way switch is attached to the piston attached to the glass block.

I like to think of LBP as physical computer programming :blush:
The idea came to me after watching a video about a wooden binary counter~!
2009-01-20 22:07:00

Posts: 431

Wow, you're really on form at the moment (with this, the Sack Positioning System and the Plasma Doors)

A modified version of this system could work really well for an invention I have in prototype at the moment. It involves two pistons connected to either side of an object, when one piston contracts, the other expands. A modified version of your switch would make my current design far more reliable and elegant.

2009-01-20 22:28:00

Posts: 70

Very nice...do want.2009-01-20 22:39:00

Posts: 564

no one else finds this useful? D:2009-01-21 04:17:00

Posts: 431

Very useful...I immediately thought of a place in my level this will improve the mechanics...thanks!2009-01-21 04:21:00

Posts: 214

Very interesting idea.. need to think of some ways to implement this ...2009-01-21 15:21:00

Posts: 18

Nice work, I'll certainly use this idea in the future. Thanks! 2009-01-21 15:45:00

Posts: 126

coll stuff..... you can apply it to something that opens a zone and you wiil have to open and re-open a door when you get back.... i don't know.........2009-01-21 16:02:00

Posts: 164

Great!!! Thanks very much

Thanks, this will REALLY help my creations
Genius, bloody genius ^_^
2009-01-21 20:20:00

Posts: 805

That's cool and pretty clever. I have to admit I wouldn't have thought of it myself 2009-01-21 20:41:00

Posts: 2536

Very clever. Nicely done!2009-01-21 22:25:00

Posts: 1603

Really useful switch. I could see this as an elevator system (albeit with only 2 floors).2009-01-21 22:53:00

Posts: 646

I really couldn't think of any use for this that couldn't be done another way I'm sorry. 2009-01-21 23:02:00

Posts: 106

I really couldn't think of any use for this that couldn't be done another way I'm sorry.

Could you show me another way to make an object go one way when you grab a switch, and another way when you grab the same switch?

Not to be rude.

It doesnt have to just be moving an object, this could be used to open two different paths, but only 1 at a time.
2009-01-21 23:04:00

Posts: 431

I'm not saying that I can think of another way to grab a switch in order to have two different things happen I am saying what you are doing can be done another way.

Like the two path instant you gave. Have a stick with a magnetic key on the top and a wobble bolt on the bottom. Then to the left of the stick put a magnetic key switch that is direction changing, and do the same to the right. Now tweak the motor bolt to where it swings from switch to switch activating both one at a time not both at the same time. Now set a 2-way switch on the ground and have it be directional and apply it to the wobble bolt. Apply one magnetic key to one door and the other to the other.

Now when the level is one way then it will open one door and when it is the other it will open another door. If you want to you can try and give me another example where you think only the grabble switch will work but right off the bat this cancels any ideas you have.

And I'm not trying to be rude either I'm just trying to open everyones minds to multiple ways to do things.
2009-01-22 00:17:00

Posts: 106

I'm not saying that I can think of another way to grab a switch in order to have two different things happen I am saying what you are doing can be done another way.

Like the two path instant you gave. Have a stick with a magnetic key on the top and a wobble bolt on the bottom. Then to the left of the stick put a magnetic key switch that is direction changing, and do the same to the right. Now tweak the motor bolt to where it swings from switch to switch activating both one at a time not both at the same time. Now set a 2-way switch on the ground and have it be directional and apply it to the wobble bolt. Apply one magnetic key to one door and the other to the other.

Now when the level is one way then it will open one door and when it is the other it will open another door. If you want to you can try and give me another example where you think only the grabble switch will work but right off the bat this cancels any ideas you have.

And I'm not trying to be rude either I'm just trying to open everyones minds to multiple ways to do things.

They're obviously different ways of doing just about everything, but Pinchanzee asked for a switch that would do what mine does. I made it, and I felt that others mind find it useful, so I posted it here.
2009-01-22 00:28:00

Posts: 431

Again I'm not trying to be rude or a d-bag or anything like that but I did find another way to do it with a grab switch go ahead and check it out. Search for me LordCanti07 in LBP and play Just An Example it should be in South America. It has what I was explaining and what you are doing only alot simpler and with no blocks falling around. I am pretty good at precise things when it comes to LBP so I was able to do it. In mine you can also have an extra switch that activates something else but I didnt feel like puting it in. If you want I can edit it and republish the level with a way to open or move 4 things with one grab switch. If you want to know how something like that would be done I would be glad to show you.

Edit: If you ever did want to see the one that opens 4 doors with one grab switch I edited the same level and republished it.
2009-01-22 00:56:00

Posts: 106

This is unbelievably helpful
Opens up SO many possibilities.

"You have one chance to pull the switch, pull it when the block is in the right position"
*player pulls it in the wrong position*
"Eh- uh, incorrect, leave to the next room, do not attempt again"
*player sneakily tries to attempt again, switch swaps to second function: dropping bombs directly onto player*
"I warned you.."
2009-01-22 20:27:00

Posts: 805


I love Trap_t's switch as it can be compacted into a smaller version!
I personally like showing whatever switches are in my level (subtly) so this switch is perfect for me
I'm sure you're will be great but they can't be any more perfect than Trap_T's for my level
2009-01-22 20:39:00

Posts: 805

I did do what trap_t did lol did you not check my level out. It's called Just An Example only it looks much cleaner and can be used in a level if you want players to see it. It's the second one in case you were wondering and the third one is the one I was talking about where you can open 4 doors with one grab switch or do 4 different things with one grab switch. I guess since I'm new here no one really pays any attention to what I say. Yall are treating me like I am trying to say that trap_t sucks or something and I am most certainly not. He is a genius for being able to do something like this I am just trying to show yall a cleaner more efficient way. If you want someone to see what you are doing in your level I don't see how you could use trap_t's because it has a block that falls down and looks kinda ugly with dark matter everywhere. Again not saying he it isn't good and effective just saying it could be cleaner like mine.

Edit: @Pinchanzee Alright I got to go to work soon but if you still don't believe that mine is the exact same as his if not slightly better then I will make a level that is the exact description of your scenario 2 post up with the exact same thing I have been talking about in my Just An Example level.

And on a side note my can be pulled instantly after the last pull and still work without messing up. If you tried that with his then it would probably result in colliding objects or an object not emitting.
2009-01-22 20:48:00

Posts: 106

It's not that we're not listening, but you kind of come off like you can do everything better.

I'm sure you could make it look nicer but I made this in a few minutes just to show Pinchanzee how to do it. I didn't make the switch and give it to him, I gave him the method so he could recreate it to fit how ever he wanted.

I feel kind of a friction between us, but I'd like to see some of your switch designs.
2009-01-22 21:13:00

Posts: 431

This is the toggle I use for everything. A grab switch set to 1-shot works for input. Everything is designed in a thin layer, and the wobble bolt only retracts long enough to let the motor bolt spin 180 degrees.


I'm guessing this is close to Lord_canti's
2009-01-22 21:29:00

Posts: 1465

LOL not even close Thegide just go to my level and see it in action you can see all the mechanics before your eyes as you press the grab switch.

I am very sorry for causing a friction between us. I was just trying to help. I know alot about switches and I know just about everything about using the grid. I know exactly how big each grid unit is how big a sack boy can jump how long a piston has to be to equal a certain number of grid spaces. I didn't think that you made your contraption using the grid and I don't really like the use of winches I am more of a piston kinda guy and when I saw your winches attached to the lever I immediately wanted to make it with pistons that is the only reason I started any of this. I hope we can be friends and share brilliant ideas. If you ever do need help with something please contact me and I would be glad to help. Hope this alleviates any friction between us. I am just new and trying to fit in.

On a side note the only time I will ever use a three-way switch and winches is when I have to make something go one direction, the other, and stop. That cannot be done with pistons. It has to be done with the three way winch system.
2009-01-22 22:02:00

Posts: 106

Hey Lord, how do you know so much about switches? I would really like to learn more about them myself.
2009-01-23 06:00:00

Posts: 217

I just have minor programming knowledge and I played on the Warcraft 3 World Editor alot in my day which has alot of logical quandaries which you have to overcome if you want to make good maps. Similar to LBP you could determine wether or not something was in an area which would have a different effect depending on if it was true or not.2009-01-23 07:08:00

Posts: 106

This is the toggle I use for everything. A grab switch set to 1-shot works for input. Everything is designed in a thin layer, and the wobble bolt only retracts long enough to let the motor bolt spin 180 degrees.

I'm guessing this is close to Lord_canti's

pretty creative; I've seen this done many times though. What I don't understand is how it could be in one thin layer. You can bolt material to the background?!?
2009-01-26 20:01:00

Posts: 102

Brilliant! that could be very handy for me, thanks for showing us2009-01-29 22:05:00

Posts: 83

If you can attach pistons to thin material then mine can be made into one thin layer 2009-01-30 05:18:00

Posts: 106

Very Cool...I want it.2009-01-30 22:17:00

Posts: 83

Can You attach pistons to thin layers? Also if that is possible then you will really want my newest alternating swithc because it could be made thin but it could handle 10 different options instead of just 2 or 4. I really wonder why no one ever looks at my revolutionary stuff. I post it all over the place and not one person has even made a note of it or even acknowledged its existence.2009-01-31 05:21:00

Posts: 106

Can You attach pistons to thin layers? Also if that is possible then you will really want my newest alternating swithc because it could be made thin but it could handle 10 different options instead of just 2 or 4. I really wonder why no one ever looks at my revolutionary stuff. I post it all over the place and not one person has even made a note of it or even acknowledged its existence.

Ya, you can attach pistons to thin layers.

and I acknowledge your existence! ):
2009-01-31 05:37:00

Posts: 431

lol YAY existence acknowledgement confirmed.

2009-01-31 05:38:00

Posts: 106

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