Preorder to Australia?
Archive: 9 posts
Because of some unknown reason all videogame companies have bullied the australian government into making games, hardware etc. twice as much as it is in any other country. So because of this i do not want to buy lbp from a shop in australia i want to preorder it off the internet from an overseas seller so that its twice as cheap. Amazon and Gamestop do not preorder to australia. does anyone know if you can preorder lbp to australia? | 2008-08-17 13:09:00 Author: muttjones ![]() Posts: 843 |
I like that question...Because quite franky, I'm hoping to do the same thing! =D BTW...I'm gonna use this thread as a chance to say...your username sounds EPIC...*repeats "muttjones" to himself out loud while mum calls the ambulance* | 2008-08-17 13:12:00 Author: Stix489 ![]() Posts: 2080 |
No idea. I know Amazon ships to Australia, but if they don't preorder, my guess is that no one does. | 2008-08-17 13:20:00 Author: bbroman ![]() Posts: 1374 |
why did they do that twice as much!!! | 2008-08-17 13:55:00 Author: Thee-Flash ![]() Posts: 3154 |
Hi all, I've been lurking for a little while now but thought I'd take the plunge and join this great forum. As far as I can see, we have 2 options. 1)pre-order on ebay from an international seller. 2).....um...no...looks like there's only the first option. It will cost me $10 less if I just buy it on day one from a US base retailer and have it shipped here. And the prices have NOTHING to do with the government. And EVERYTHING to do with publishers jacking up the price in this country because we've just accepted being done over when it comes to game prices. | 2008-08-17 14:08:00 Author: Robinhood ![]() Posts: 79 |
Ebay :S? Lol. | 2008-08-17 14:18:00 Author: DrunkMiffy ![]() Posts: 2758 |
There are more Australians here than I thought. So, PS3 is region free, yes? ..maybe I'll get a PS3..and LBP shipped from overseas at the same time. Think the PS3 will be cheaper too? | 2008-08-17 14:28:00 Author: ACSpeedUp ![]() Posts: 13 |
Ebay :S? Lol. hey - ebay is awesome! I'm assuming you meant 'why?' and not 'what is ebay?' lol. Or are you living in a box? OEBUwurmDck | 2008-08-17 16:49:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
There are more Australians here than I thought. So, PS3 is region free, yes? ..maybe I'll get a PS3..and LBP shipped from overseas at the same time. Think the PS3 will be cheaper too? PS3 is region free. The only issue with buying a PS3 from overseas is that you will have to ship it back overseas if you want to get it repaired under warranty (I think). I bought my PS3 here in Australia but plan to buy the rest of my games from overseas. | 2008-08-18 01:58:00 Author: Robinhood ![]() Posts: 79 |
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