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OST on YouTube

Archive: 3 posts

Anyone knows if anyone has the soundtrack of the game on Youtube? I only found one uploader but he has some songs with sound effects from the game in it, such as Tinkering Circuit rave remix.

So does anyone know where i can find it WITHOUT plasma sounds?

And also the rest of the soundtrack?
2013-01-18 12:20:00

Posts: 793

I don't really know, I'm afraid. I struggled with the OST on YouTube because I don't speak German/Dutch, so it was kind of hard. Also because the uploader had used the level names instead of the track names, so I'm using Translate to try and work out what 'the River of Time' is. (it's Cogwheel Creek, by the way, guys)
I had the same problems with the rain sounds in Ghost von Frost.
2013-01-20 09:18:00

Posts: 960

Can't someone get the sound from it when using the music when making a level instead from recording it from a level!?2013-01-20 10:56:00

Posts: 793

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