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First Attempt at Sticker Panel 'Art'

Archive: 15 posts

I recently got my grubby hands on the marvelous Move Pack. I quickly found that I loved the music sequencer instruments, the materials, the decorations, everything.

I began playing around with bits of sticker panel, and I made myself a new profile pic:


I took off the head in the profile pic, which I then added to.


A few friends noticed, and they asked for me to recreate their sackpersons.


After I'd gotten through three requests, I made my own bunny sackboy.


...And made another profile pic.


This is my first go at making 'art' with sticker panel, and I like my cartooney way of shading and shaping things.

I think I could get quite good at this, no?
2013-01-17 03:44:00

Posts: 359

I love this. You have a real talent for making Sticker panel art. I tried to do this myself but i fail. I'm more good at music. You should make a gallery for this. And maybe if you feel like it. You could do a tutorial showing people how to make something like this.2013-01-17 10:30:00

Posts: 134

Wow, for your first try that's amazing. You have true talent, in fact now i feel like making myself now.

2013-01-17 19:40:00

Posts: 175

Great character art, I do like the shading. Would be nice to see some characters combined with a nice background...2013-01-17 20:55:00

Posts: 1214

I love this. You have a real talent for making Sticker panel art. I tried to do this myself but i fail. I'm more good at music. You should make a gallery for this. And maybe if you feel like it. You could do a tutorial showing people how to make something like this.

I'm talented? :blush:

Also, I am a horrible teacher. If there is one kind of level or post I should never make, it would be a tutorial.

Wow, for your first try that's amazing. You have true talent, in fact now i feel like making myself now.

Oh stahp it, you're making me feel special.

Great character art, I do like the shading. Would be nice to see some characters combined with a nice background...

'Twould indeed be nice. I think I may do exactly that some day in the future.
2013-01-18 01:33:00

Posts: 359

Do you take requests?2013-01-20 05:10:00

Posts: 127

Do you take requests?

At the moment, no. I'm currently busy with my most ambitious short film thing yet.

After digging around in my LBP.me profile a bit, I found these two beauties.



I felt the need to write that in hot pink.
2013-01-22 02:53:00

Posts: 359

WOW. You do have skills.2013-01-25 04:33:00

Unknown User

WOW. You do have skills.

2013-01-25 04:56:00

Posts: 359

#Promoted 2013-01-25 08:15:00

Posts: 65

wow man, may I ask a little bit how? is it a combination of sticker panel shapes with custom stckers yo painted? Im an artist myself but this is impressive.2013-01-29 18:25:00

Posts: 136

wow man, may I ask a little bit how? is it a combination of sticker panel shapes with custom stckers yo painted? Im an artist myself but this is impressive.

There are no stickers in what I make, except for a few gradient stickers that I only use for things like the orange beams of light in the background of this picture:


All of the lighting effects were done by slicing n' dicing all the bits and changing the brightness of the sticker panel. I like this method because it gives the picture some jagged lines, which I really like the look of.

Even this one didn't use any stickers:


Thanks for the compliment dood!
2013-01-30 03:53:00

Posts: 359

Hi Kaboosh99,

I'm deeply impressed, your sticker panel art is amazing! I like your style and I think there's no need to be too modest! Great work, keep it up!^^
Many greetings, Jürgen^^
2013-03-01 16:07:00

Posts: 3981

Im very impressed by the samples you've provided here.
You have inspired me to try my hand at this now!
I love how there are so many different techniques to practice in LBP <3
2013-03-01 16:22:00

Posts: 218

Im very impressed by the samples you've provided here.
You have inspired me to try my hand at this now!
I love how there are so many different techniques to practice in LBP <3

Ooh, I impress people? More importantly, I inspire them? That's amazin'. You know that slight feeling of euphoria you get when people say they've been inspired by you? Yeah, I've got a lot of that right now. Thanks for the compliments, and I'd love to see how yours turn out.

Hi Kaboosh99,

I'm deeply impressed, your sticker panel art is amazing! I like your style and I think there's no need to be too modest! Great work, keep it up!^^
Many greetings, Jürgen^^

No need to be so modest? This is how I normally talk about myself. I use self-deprecating humour without even thinking about it. Anyway, thank you for all these wonderful compliments. Now I shall ride unicorns along Rainbow Bay, trailing sparkly glitter across the sky... ignore that.

I don't have any new pictures (except a small request I did a while back, which I didn't upload to LBP.me), so instead, devour some of my older stuff.



The two rocket ships above are actually visualisers for a song by MeGA8940. They flash and stuff in time to the song. Looks better in motion, of course. It was made by having tags placed on sequencers inside the music sequencer itself, so every single note makes it onto the thingy.


...I don't know what came across me.
2013-03-01 20:53:00

Posts: 359

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