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Propelling Sackbots with Shockwaves or Explosions?

Archive: 5 posts

So I came across this level (http://lbp.me/v/63-rj3) and became very curious as to how the developer was able to recreate the sticky jumping feature from Team Fortress 2 so perfectly. Anyone know how this was done?2013-01-15 05:39:00

Unknown User

Well, when there was a shockwave or explosion, the creator could have emitted a hologram with a tag. When the hologram hit the sackbot, it woułd activate a corresponding impact sensor on it (that senses the tag impacting). This would be connected to a mover to give an effect of propelling the sackbot.

Hope that clears it up.
2013-01-15 12:33:00

Unknown User

I tried that but it's not creating the desired effect.2013-01-15 19:03:00

Unknown User

Oh, so you're trying to recreate it. Make sure you "include touching" on the impact sensor on the sackbot. And also make sure the emitted hologram is there long enough to reach the sackbot (lifetime option in emitter). If this doesn't work, post a picture if your logic and I'll see what I can do.2013-01-15 21:35:00

Unknown User

Well, when there was a shockwave or explosion, the creator could have emitted a hologram with a tag. When the hologram hit the sackbot, it woułd activate a corresponding impact sensor on it (that senses the tag impacting). This would be connected to a mover to give an effect of propelling the sackbot.

Hope that clears it up.

I would probably do something like this, except I would change that mover for a follower on a flee tweak setting. A basic mover is fixed going in one direction only. But a follower would move the sackbot directly away from it, no matter if you are to the left, right or somewhere above the fake explosion.
2013-01-16 20:39:00

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