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on the worm path

Archive: 6 posts

does anyone have any tips on 100% on this level it says i have 88% on this level does anyone know where the prize bubbles are?2013-01-14 20:34:00

Unknown User

You have to shoot the red sides of the worm aswell, if you start to destroy it, the prizes will go away.2013-01-15 02:07:00

Posts: 948

thats what i have been doin. are there prize bubbles on the top one on the right if so thats it i will get it2013-01-20 03:16:00

Unknown User

I'm having the same problem. I found all the bubbles I could on the looping path and shot off all the side parts, but I'm still missing over half a dozen items. Are there any hidden ones besides these?2013-02-19 18:33:00

Posts: 229

Like it was already said, you have to shoot the red side of the worm.
The difficulty is that the worm turn on the left side and there is half of the prizes on his right side. You must begin with this one before the worm loose a part of its body.
Hope you'll manage
2013-05-28 20:43:00

Posts: 408

Thanks2013-07-05 10:05:00

Unknown User

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