Qing Hua Limits
Archive: 17 posts
http://lbp.me/v/hjmv4v At long last, and, proving that as a creator that I can indeed count to three, the final installment in the Wu Tsung family of platformers has entered the world! Get along and get your free-roam on; the two primary islands house Dragons which you must free by pulling the required amount of switches on those islands. A keen eye for exploration here will be vital, as your path is not too clear to begin with! It's taken a while, and this is essentially all of my remaining ideas for the no-floor idea. Sure, the dragons may or may not count as "floors" but I think they fit the theme enough that I spliced them in. It looks really really pretty so don't neglect it by not playing it! :B Do give criticisms, also, if you're so inclined. http://lbp.me/v/hjmv4v | 2013-01-14 18:45:00 Author: SLS10 ![]() Posts: 1129 |
got it queued. You know this contest ended over a year ago right? ![]() | 2013-01-14 19:24:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
This level is functional. The gameplay was gameplay and the logic worked like logic is supposed to. The visuals serve their purpose and do so with moderate gusto. Overall, a very serviceable level. Also it was good. My nagging works! | 2013-01-14 20:05:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
got it queued. You know this contest ended over a year ago right? ![]() Doesn't mean I can't still make levels in my most popular style to date, boy-o. it looks good by default, even before bonner's artistic meddling. ![]() ...Now that you say it, I may have to participate in some contest coming soon. | 2013-01-14 20:06:00 Author: SLS10 ![]() Posts: 1129 |
My meddling put the aint in SLS10's taint. I don't know what that means, but you accomplished a level. Also, find Robin Williams. He was my main contribution that was allowed because SLS10 shamelessly got inspired by a few of my obstacles. He executed them better though (I guess)? | 2013-01-14 20:12:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
My meddling put the aint in SLS10's taint. I don't know what that means, but you accomplished a level. Also, find Robin Williams. He was my main contribution that was allowed because SLS10 shamelessly got inspired by a few of my obstacles. He executed them better though (I guess)? It's not that hard. In fact it's required if you want to achieve full collection of items. | 2013-01-14 20:29:00 Author: SLS10 ![]() Posts: 1129 |
.....Your Avatar creeps the living Dark Matter out of me.... But the level is definitely queued :B | 2013-01-14 20:52:00 Author: aster6000 ![]() Posts: 59 |
#Promoted ![]() | 2013-01-14 21:19:00 Author: LBPSneakPeeks ![]() Posts: 65 |
#Promoted ![]() Thanks a bunch, person who probably has some clout in the community! .....Your Avatar creeps the living Dark Matter out of me.... But the level is definitely queued :B yes, yes! Be intimidated by the rotating druidic parrotface! INTIMIDATED! | 2013-01-14 22:22:00 Author: SLS10 ![]() Posts: 1129 |
Very enjoyable level! I really liked the freeroaming once I got the hang of it and it all felt very..solid. Complaints: I was very confused about the switches at first. I wanted to explore every corner, so I took the down path at the spawn and missed the condition that emerged later in the level. Therefore I had no idea what the junk those two switches did when I activated them, very confusing. Once I got up I did see what it was all about, but I still feel like it was poorly presented. Perhaps clearly showing there is somewhere you cannot go, then the condition and then the freeroaming would've killed my confusion. I kept wondering if I was exploring secrets or a required segment of the level as I went with the path below. Secondly, I would've liked an instant reward for activating more then the required switch number. The end does reward you if you get em' all, but I still felt very unappreciated when activating that fourth or third switch and not getting a couple of bubbles or whatever. Add bubbles, I want to feel like a good person! ![]() All of the gameplay was really fun to run through, but I felt that the dragons sort of slowed down the level a bit, especially when trying out the race mode. Not a big deal, but when trying to be a ninja it's a bummer having to wait for a silly dragon to move forward. Definitely a low-point for me, although still fun. I would've loved some sort of secret path or some cleverly placed platforms that let you run through the dragons without even stopping if you activated the race, but that's just wishful thinking on my part.. Other then those three complaints the level was very lovely. I loved the race option, and I loved beating bonner's high-score even more! | 2013-01-14 22:25:00 Author: Mnniska ![]() Posts: 531 |
I loved beating bonner's Also, not for long, chump! Haha, over 20,000 points. Am winner. | 2013-01-14 22:41:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
Very enjoyable level! I really liked the freeroaming once I got the hang of it and it all felt very..solid. Complaints: I was very confused about the switches at first. I wanted to explore every corner, so I took the down path at the spawn and missed the condition that emerged later in the level. Therefore I had no idea what the junk those two switches did when I activated them, very confusing. Once I got up I did see what it was all about, but I still feel like it was poorly presented. Perhaps clearly showing there is somewhere you cannot go, then the condition and then the freeroaming would've killed my confusion. I kept wondering if I was exploring secrets or a required segment of the level as I went with the path below. Secondly, I would've liked an instant reward for activating more then the required switch number. The end does reward you if you get em' all, but I still felt very unappreciated when activating that fourth or third switch and not getting a couple of bubbles or whatever. Add bubbles, I want to feel like a good person! ![]() All of the gameplay was really fun to run through, but I felt that the dragons sort of slowed down the level a bit, especially when trying out the race mode. Not a big deal, but when trying to be a ninja it's a bummer having to wait for a silly dragon to move forward. Definitely a low-point for me, although still fun. I would've loved some sort of secret path or some cleverly placed platforms that let you run through the dragons without even stopping if you activated the race, but that's just wishful thinking on my part.. Other then those three complaints the level was very lovely. I loved the race option, and I loved beating bonner's high-score even more! In order: I was considering adding in a character to explain the basics about how the free-roaming worked - what immediately came to mind was King Hint Baux - but with some thought I wasn't sure where to put the character at all. The starting area is a given, but where within the starting area was the big thing. Of course I can always splice something in really quickly. ![]() I feel as the first complaint can be gotten rid of with a quick cutscene, panning up to the 3/4-count door, then to all four of the switches in rapid succession. The second thing would be much easier to do, seeing as I have the logic set up to count how many switches have been pulled minus one. Adding on to that logic would be quite easy, and I think wiring up a point-giver would be enough of a reward? A straight-up shot of 1,000 points to the glutes or something. I knew the dragons would come across as iffy at first - funny thing is, in their original forms their backs were covered with bounce pads, making them even more unwieldy to use. Having the cages remain closed for a race mode involving extra obstacles appearing would be fun, but I'm not sure if I'll have the thermometer for all those new objects. Everyone loves beating bonner's score because everyone loves beating bonner. It's a universal law, like gravity, gravitas, or Lurria's demand for new plans. | 2013-01-14 22:50:00 Author: SLS10 ![]() Posts: 1129 |
I’m a big fan of your Wu Tsung series and this was a great way to finish it. Visuals, music and atmosphere were superb as ever and I enjoyed the slightly different free roam style of gameplay in this. The contraptions were very cool too. I really like your flipping bouncepads and the bouncepads which track you. I had the same issues at the start as Mnniska as I chose to drop down at first as well, but your cutscene idea sounds like a good fix. I actually liked riding the dragons and don’t think they should be banished from the race section. Those bits reminded me a little of the snake levels in Rayman Origins. The snakes in those are faster though. Could you speed up the dragons slightly so that, as with Rayman, you need to keep up and get over the obstacles quickly so as not to lose touch with your snake? Actually I’m guessing that would be too big a tweak at this stage. Anyway, I had a blast tracking down the secrets; I’m not sure I actually saw Robin Williams but I found the secret room with the heart sticker and something or someone definitely exploded into a sticky mess when I entered, lol. Working out a route for the race was absorbing and fun too. I kept thinking I could cut corners, only to find I couldn't and had to restart! I’m very glad you finished the series. Cool levels, all of them. ![]() | 2013-01-14 23:41:00 Author: shropshirelass ![]() Posts: 1455 |
In order: I was considering adding in a character to explain the basics about how the free-roaming worked - what immediately came to mind was King Hint Baux - but with some thought I wasn't sure where to put the character at all. The starting area is a given, but where within the starting area was the big thing. Of course I can always splice something in really quickly. ![]() I feel as the first complaint can be gotten rid of with a quick cutscene, panning up to the 3/4-count door, then to all four of the switches in rapid succession. I think your suggestion is going to work pretty great (With the cameras! ) , but in the future I'd suggest having the level design teach you that instead. Nothing to do about it now, but if you're doing simular things in the future.. Introducing the locked path, tempting the player with some point-bubbles to make him/her want to get there and then the switch light board thing. I'm going to stop complaining now, thanks for the level! | 2013-01-15 00:17:00 Author: Mnniska ![]() Posts: 531 |
This is a great level. Fantastic gameplay and excellent music! It was a real pleasure to play it. OK: at the beginning it really is a little bit confusing, but so what: I decided to take it as a riddle to find the switches and the right way ![]() So it was like an examination to become a Shaolin monk ![]() Excellent level! ![]() | 2013-01-16 17:14:00 Author: avundcv ![]() Posts: 2526 |
This is a great level. Fantastic gameplay and excellent music! It was a real pleasure to play it. OK: at the beginning it really is a little bit confusing, but so what: I decided to take it as a riddle to find the switches and the right way ![]() So it was like an examination to become a Shaolin monk ![]() Excellent level! ![]() Say, thanks! That's exactly as I intended it to be. Yup, totally 100% deliberate. | 2013-01-16 22:34:00 Author: SLS10 ![]() Posts: 1129 |
(Just to clarify a few things, I think this level is fantastic and everyone should go play it. Inside jokes aren't great on a public forum. ![]() | 2013-01-17 03:05:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
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