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Refreshing An Abandoned Series: Aurora Somnis

Archive: 5 posts

Hi guys. Been a while since I've wanted to make something. But, I think me and a_mailbox have become resolute in a (likely) final project for LBP2, since our lives will consume our create time in the future and the community may/may not die (unless the release of LBP3 nears). It may or may not, but that's not the point.

Anyways, back on topic.

Remember thi766's old thing, Aurora Somnis (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=51303-Aurora-Somnis-RPG)? Practically one of the few Eastern style RPG levels out there? This?:


Well, we've (sortof) have the permission to continue his series. Because, well, he's dead set on his movie. And maybe that's a good thing.

Our goal here is to show the community what we've learned from past experiences. And by that, we're trying to actually finish something for once. (We already did Aurora Synthesis, so why not?) Therefore, we're going to try our best to finish Aurora Somnis by making it an even better product than before and polish the sack out of it like no tomorrow.

How do we do that? Simple. Apply some actual game design knowledge we've learned on the side.


(Before I begin, I am wholesomely sorry to thi if he's reading this. I'm going into some bitter honesty here about AS.)

The Issue of Cutscenes

We've realized that Aurora Somnis had a lot to be desired as an experience. While advertised as a JRPG, it is essentially drowned to the brim with cutscenes. I've learned that a good game should use cutscenes as context to a narrative, not be the narrative itself. Therefore, we plan on drastically balancing the cutscene to gameplay ratio. That means more play and less dragging narrative, because the level should be engaging and not just sitting through cutscenes. Let me tell you, I got bored fast with some parts of the chapters.

Gameplay Optimization

The gameplay will not change drastically, but it will become very different than some are used to. The battle system we plan to implement will be akin to older JRPGs:

First-Person Battles.

Now, I know some of you may not like this style of visuals, but I'll say it right now: Either deal with it, or don't play this. The main issue with third-person is that it is VERY tedious for a small team like us to make, with the models, attack animations and everything being tailored to interact universally. With first-person, not only will this be faster for development, it will be easier to have less problems like physics bugs (i.e. your player getting stuck in an enemy) and will allow us more leeway to make new enemies with no problems. It's not exactly popular, but the pros are better than the cons for us, so we'll take what we can. There will probably be leveling, but I've been contemplating how to make this more player skill based (i.e. strategy), so who knows. This is probably the best way to go about it without leveling that can't transfer. Maybe a Shin Megami Tensei approach. Maybe.

Story Refinement

Lastly, but probably most importantly, is a refinement to the story. Now, I've come to realize that the main thing that defines the genre of JRPG is the drive to experience a story. And considering Aurora Somnis was meant as a homage RPG... it probably went into maybe a few cliches or something. I know that it went into flanderization (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FlanderIzation) with some characters, like Tito being from a guy who cared for his family to a drinker who has a mouth problem. Now, we're not going to ret-con characters or events from the story, but we ARE going to present the story in a more polished way than before and address certain issues in the story before (that are in bad taste) into a good way. Making the characters more human and relatable. And not completely stereotypical.


Anyways, we want to conclude the untold story of Aurora Somnis, but in a way that we have not achieved before. A very good, solid story that embraces the sense of adventure and storytelling that older JRPGs did; a homage, without becoming a cliched and poorly written cut-out. One that is completely in good flavor and something that most people can enjoy as a fleshed out interactive experience. I know a few people who would easily not play this because of first-person battles, but you can't win them all. That's alright. We'll take our victories where we can find them >.<

Now, while we don't necessarily need help, per-say, it would be in best interest for a handful of people to at least give a little devoted support. Because, well, our time is not much other than on ideas. I would love it if a person could refer to a handy list of tutorials for me to build RPG logic, that way a_mailbox doesn't have to do all the work.

Another important note:

If you are wanting to help us directly, AT ALL, you must be devoted.

All too often we let people in that either don't try or don't help at all, with one case even having them thinking THEY run the show. Not very productive.

Therefore, either do the work or just simply help us through vital information. The more text-based help, the better, since we don't have to rely on others. Because, again, we... don't want to flop here. (We're going for slow-but-steady development.) Most people don't wanna help anyways


Hopefully we can deliver something. Hopefully. I'll stay optimistic. And special mention to the video game web series Extra Credits (http://extra-credits.net/episodes/), who've really inspired me into doing this with Mail. It may be a tad silly to refer to this to make levels rather than games, but this is something that genuinely helped me see some of the flaws we had in the past.

Thank you for your reading, and uh, leave a thought, comment or link to a tutorial. Information helps us. Mostly me. I specifically need help in battles and menus.
2013-01-14 01:33:00

Posts: 578

You know what, forget this. This is one of my favorite series in LBP2 and all I mostly do is logic stuff. Give me a month or so to sort things out. I no longer work on FF VII and all that drama. Working with a team of other dedicated rpg enthusiast will be both fun and an honor.

I can give you a rundown of how I do rpg logic with multiple members. Its really not as complicated as people think it is. Or give me an idea of what battle system you want, and I will make it happen. Although my services will be limited to just mechanics. I wont do any artwork really, and will only give opinions on writing.

Again, I need a month to sort things out. If you dont find a team by then, Ill be more than willing to do some rpg logic for you.
2013-01-14 06:03:00

Rpg Maker
Posts: 877

This project sounds very interesting. I'm looking forward to play this. You have my support. I used to work with RPG levels too, but it just takes too much time to accomplish. At least I managed to do a decent RPG turn based battle system as a demo. You should give it a try and let me know what you think. Here's the link for that demo http://lbp.me/v/49-sk92013-01-16 18:20:00

Posts: 75

I've played the original Aurora Somnis, and I thought that it was a great level, but had too many flaws. Your improvements could make it a masterpiece.2013-01-21 16:49:00

Posts: 928

Im devoted to help and i make jrpg like characters n i can make cell shaded character too logic knowledge art skill too so hit me up if you willing2013-02-14 02:00:00

Posts: 13

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