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Hoard kart levels

Archive: 3 posts

hi can someone please tell me the names of the levels in which you can win hoard karts please:star:2013-01-13 02:18:00

Unknown User

Although I'm not sure EXACTLY where it is, you can use this wiki page of LBPK and it tells you want you earn when you get first place.


But I believe the hoard karts are in about 90% of all the levels anyway.
2013-01-13 19:48:00

Posts: 948

hi can someone please tell me the names of the levels in which you can win hoard karts please:star:
These are the levels:

1. Hoard Chopper (Stage: Serpent's Shrine)
2. Hoard Glider (Stage: King's Castle)
3. Hoard Stapler (Stage: The Emperor Has No Clues)
4. Hoard Phone (Stage: Night Rider)
5. Hoard Copter (Stage: Sugar Rush)
6. Hoard Tractor (Stage: Cakes on a Train)
7. Hoard Paper Plane (Stage: Zeppelins Rule!)
8. Hoard Unicycle (Stage: World's Fair in Love and War)
9. Hoard Tow Truck (Stage: Firebug Circuit)
10. Hoard Roller (Stage: On the Wormpath)
11. Hoard Loader (Stage: Huge Spaceship)
12. Hoard Mouse (Stage: The Funkhole (and Beyond?))
2013-08-17 05:55:00

Unknown User

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