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How do I attach/glue an object to the floor?

Archive: 4 posts

Hi! I was just dinking around with LBP1 and I noticed something strange. The template levels come with object attached to the floor (the very bottom!) of the level. While I can detach them from the floor, I'm finding that there's no way to glue/attach them back to the floor! Am I missing something? Is there a way to attach things to the floor so that they don't move/tip over?2013-01-09 03:41:00

Unknown User

select the object, place it on the floor, hold down button to make sure is contacted, and hold the X button until you hear the "kissing" sound. glued. you can also build the object part ways in the floor and this will glue the "out of floor" portion to the floor.2013-01-09 04:08:00

Posts: 8424

Hmmm, wasn't it bad practice to glue things to the floor for some reason? Most people prefer to hide a tiny piece of dark matter on the object to prevent it from tipping over or moving.2013-01-09 12:26:00

Posts: 2284

Hmmm, wasn't it bad practice to glue things to the floor for some reason? Most people prefer to hide a tiny piece of dark matter on the object to prevent it from tipping over or moving.

Well.. part of that was because you could glue so much together accidentally. Another reason not to glue to the floor is kinda a personal peeve. I simply dislike using the floor for a level. You are kinda stuck there, especially if you want something to pop up, move down from there etc. Plus there is so much more you can do off the floor.
2013-01-09 16:04:00

Posts: 11383

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