Some of the materials need an overhaul.
Archive: 10 posts
First off, transparency. Why are none of the glass materials transparent? What's the point in having glass if you can't see through it? More so for hologram. I don't see the reasoning behind that one when there are plenty of materials you can see through (barbed wire, chain fence, lattice stone etc). Second, the neon material. The neon from LBP2 was much better, in that it was a single material which could be changed to any color, instead of 3 or 4 specific colored different ones. | 2013-01-07 23:25:00 Author: Eanikran ![]() Posts: 79 |
I agree, it's obvious that transparency is possible, just look at force field material in edit mode. I also think that the same applies for costumes, they pretty much removed any special effects that LBP2 stuff had even though LBPK has some of the same effects. White Neon Eyes are pretty much the equivalent of regular eyes stickered white now. However, the neon material works well already. All materials in LBPK can be made any color, even stone or wood. The blue or green neon materials are sort of a trick, grab the white neon and then change the color. | 2013-01-08 02:18:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
First off, transparency. Why are none of the glass materials transparent? What's the point in having glass if you can't see through it? More so for hologram. I don't see the reasoning behind that one when there are plenty of materials you can see through (barbed wire, chain fence, lattice stone etc). Second, the neon material. The neon from LBP2 was much better, in that it was a single material which could be changed to any color, instead of 3 or 4 specific colored different ones. I couldn't agree more, but then again that's UFG for you. Remember Mm aren't solely responsible for LBPK and that's why there aren't any Mm Picks in LBPK but instead Team LBP (UFG and Mm) Picks. The glass in this game doesn't look like glass at all and although I've never tested the hologram in this game, I didn't realise it wasn't see through. And you're also correct for pointing out force field, which is totally see through but invisible when playing the level. To be honest I think it's just something to do with laziness :meh: . | 2013-01-13 17:45:00 Author: MSTER232 ![]() Posts: 247 |
It's rather unfair to blame UFG of laziness. Game development companies are notorious for their crunch times, there's no place for laziness there. Lack of resources (ie. Sony not wanting to spend more money) is a much more likely cause. | 2013-01-14 11:52:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
So it's cheaper to make glass that isn't even translucent? | 2013-01-14 20:47:00 Author: MSTER232 ![]() Posts: 247 |
not necessarily it is however cheaper to not have to run through making scripts for transparency and the software it take to make it translucent. when you set a release date it cost money to meet it now let's wait out and see what this becomes they could be coming out with a huge update that take forever to install. In all honesty the whole create mode needs an over hall because the controls are so weird in the create mode. | 2013-01-15 00:53:00 Author: Ben21 ![]() Posts: 127 |
Funnily enough, there is already code to make things transparent. The force field is transparent in create mode, and the milk bottle and some Avalon structures are transparent in play mode, too. My guess is that the hologram used to be transparent, too, but they ran into heavy slowdowns in play mode, so they turned it off. There's less stuff going on in create, so that's why force field remains transparent. | 2013-01-15 10:32:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
Funnily enough, there is already code to make things transparent. The force field is transparent in create mode, and the milk bottle and some Avalon structures are transparent in play mode, too. My guess is that the hologram used to be transparent, too, but they ran into heavy slowdowns in play mode, so they turned it off. There's less stuff going on in create, so that's why force field remains transparent. I did notice that there were a very few number of objects in your popit that are transparent I think. And what you're suggesting is that it is entirely possible to make things transparent, but because of issues to do with the game slowing down, glass and most other transparent objects are made opaque to maintain the speed of the game. | 2013-01-16 20:18:00 Author: MSTER232 ![]() Posts: 247 |
Precisely what has been said. Just do this. Change all your track to the track style with glass panels, then change it to solid bridge. The difference in thermo costs is staggering. | 2013-01-17 00:11:00 Author: IvoYaridovich ![]() Posts: 88 |
I remember doing that once I think. More detailed materials take up more time to make and will take up more space in the thermometer when creating levels. Putting it that way, the only reason glass is not transparent is that it would take up too much thermometer for what it is. | 2013-01-18 21:30:00 Author: MSTER232 ![]() Posts: 247 |
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