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Word Processing Apps

Archive: 2 posts

I am looking for an easy to use app for general word processing on the iPad. So far I have found two apps, one is the ?6.99 Pages app and one is the ?0.69 iA Writer. However, the printer I have is a HP Photosmart C4780, and most websites I have looked at say that I would need to get an app to make my iPad compatible with the printer. I also don't know if I could print from iA Writer, so I really need someone to give me some advice on what app I should get, if I can get the apps to be compatible with my printer, and if there are any other apps which I could get instead.
2013-01-07 16:56:00

Posts: 90

Hi! As far as I know, as long as you have a wifi printer, you should be able to print from both Pages and iA Writer . If your printer isn't wifi compatible, the apps allow you to email your document to your computer or transfer it to iTunes so you can print it from there.

As for word processing apps, Pages has a lot of features and is a lot like Microsoft Word. It's a bit expensive but worth it. Ia Writer, on the other hand is affordable but only ideal if you want a distraction-free notepad. It has only one font and very little options for editing. It has a cool feature though that blurs out everything except for the last sentence you typed so you can focus on what you want to write next. It also allows you to sync and send files through dropbox.

Aside from those two, these are a few other word processing apps worth looking into: Notability, Storyist, Daedalus, Awesome Note, and NoteMaster.

I hope that helps .
2013-01-12 15:52:00

Posts: 181

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