Recommendation: "Missing in action" by Dino_Head_Nick
Archive: 1 post
Hi there all, Today i thought why not present one of the sparkling creators to this community. @Dino_Head_Nick adopts his style from a creator he was heavily inspired by you may know as scooby73 the creator of the well known series "The Virus". Anyways back to the point if you had enjoyed his levels you will definitely love Dino_Head_Nick's. Im here to promote his most recent level. Missing in Action http://i9.lbp.me/img/bl/4e99a62279ab977a5cbf566d03d6901560ea4a17.png Description A The World After Tomorrow/ THE VIRUS Spin off, You- Private James, your older brother-Corporal John and a squad of U.S. Marines are sent to locate Squad Delta, but now you realize its you,who needs a rescue...( 1 PLAYER ONLY!)(Credit to: Darkblood96/Scooby73 and NK827) Link http://lbp.me/v/gz3m2c ![]() Thanks for reading. http://i8.lbp.me/img/ft/a9851eebd9c6b5c67214286eb85863d05fc7bc17.jpg | 2013-01-06 21:19:00 Author: Spaceraoul28 ![]() Posts: 175 |
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