The 10 best games ever.
Archive: 23 posts
Hello! Idea is simple: post your top 10 favourite games ever. Video games, mostly. My top ten is: 10. Pokemon Gold -Best pok?mon game ever. Back in these days, new pok?mons were actually cool. 9. Final Fantasy IX -Best Final Fantasy game. The best story and so on... You may say that it would be VII, but it's not. Even though the game is great, it is not as good as this one. It was just the first game to ever do those things. 8. LittleBigPlanet -Awesome back then, would be awesome now, if there wasn't... 7. LittleBigPlanet 2 -The best game of its franchise and I believe it'll hold the title for a long while. 6. World of Warcraft (haven't played in years, though) -While the opinions about this one differ, it is easily the largest, the most content-filled, the most played and back in the days of Burning Crusade one of the most challenging games ever. Best MMORPG out there. 5. Elder Scrolls: Skyrim -Awesome in everything it tries, but the occasional bugs are a pain. 4. Borderlands 2 -One of the few games that can make a masterful first part and completely stomp it into the ground as if it was garbage in the second game. 3. L.A. NOIRE -No doubt is this the best game of its genre, but saying that would be an understatement. In what area did this game actually fail in? None. At all. 2. Rome Total War -Best of its kind, it is possibly the most addictive game ever. It works in every single aspect. A huge game with tons of things to do? Check. Almost infinite replay value? Check. Reasonable difficulty while still keeping the game intense (as intense as these games get)? Check. 1. Red Dead Redemption -If one ever calls video-games to be only for nerds, this is my ace in the sleeve. It has one of the best multiplayer-modes I have ever experienced, the best single-player campaign ever, the best story in any game, some of the best characters in video-games ever, one of the most intense action-sequences and back in its day, the best graphics ever. They are still good, but there is nothing bad I can say about this game. The story was awesome, I even cried in some of the last quests (not only the last one). But the story is not why I play the game. It's awesome in its gameplay as well. The musical score is 10/10, best music in any game that is not an MMORPG. Itself, this game is, without a shadow of doubt, the best game ever made. | 2012-12-29 19:29:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
No particular order Xcom: Terror from the Deep This game gave you so much choice in how you played the game, losing one of your soldiers was so painful. The atmosphere when on a mission was truly excellent, it really was terrifying, wondering if an enemy was just round the corner. Just a shame about all the bugs in the PSone version, still an excellent experience despite them though. Chess The ultimate strategy game, it's timeless. Final Fantasy IX I agree this is the best of an excellent series of games. The relationships between the characters feels so real, and they have very distinctive personalities making the story feel much more important than most games. And I enjoy much of the comedy in the first half of the game. Captive One of my favourite Atari ST games, Captive gave you a huge choice in how to build your robots and fighting style in tackling your adversaries. It required a lot of thought but was also action packed. Blazblue: Continuum Shift A great fighting game and unusually one with a well told story which is very detailed. Also with some excellent comedy thrown in. The actual fighting is very well put together as well. Some of the harder fights can be very exciting. LBP2 This game is brilliant in so many ways. Bags of fun to play, and the multiplayer works so well. It has to have the best creation mode on any console I have ever seen, nothing comes close. And of course it is home to LBP Survivor, the best video game competition ever made. The Secret of Monkey Island Admittedly this game was a little too difficult for me when I was a kid but it's still a superb game. Lots of comedy a great baddie, Lechuck and plenty of puzzles to keep you thinking. It has a fun, light hearted story. It's great to see point and click games like this are finally becoming popular again. Tomb Raider The first time I saw Tomb Raider I was amazed. In fact it amazed me for weeks. Everything about it, the graphics, the huge world, the exploration, not knowing what amazing thing might be around the next corner. And of course the confidence of Lara Craft, she was fearless. Unlike me when I first saw that T-Rex.. Doom Just pure simple fun, even today taking a double barreled shotgun and charging into a room full of enemies is great. And even better if it's s huge room with dozens of huge monsters, just run circles round them then watch them fight each other in the confusion, so satisfying. Don't mind me guys, you carry on. I will save my ammo. Metal Gear Online I played this game with close friends for years, for me it is by far one of the best online games around. It gives you so many ways to play. But of course with games like this it's more important who you play the game with. But wow, the levels of strategy available to players made things so interesting. The servers are shut down now, hopefully there will be a sequel. Plenty of other excellent games I've missed but ten is a small number for so many years of playing. ![]() | 2012-12-29 21:50:00 Author: LieutenantFatman ![]() Posts: 465 |
Not sure whether to do a best games ever or favourite games ever list... like Half-Life would never make my favourite games list but would probably make my best games list... Anyway here's my 10 favourite games ![]() Metal Gear Solid Best PS1 game. The game that marked the beginning of my proper gaming life... I think... it probably started before then but this is the game that really made me fall in love with gaming. Graphics, audio, gameplay and story are all stellar and a rare gem that holds up very well even today. Metal Gear Solid 3 Yes, two in one series. The best story I've experienced in gaming, fused with excellent gameplay. The creation of my favourite character in gaming even though she's an NPC. The Boss. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion My first PS3 game. Played this more than any other game I've played in my life. Over 300 hours. Just couldn't get enough. And never got dug into Shivering Isles. Must go back and do that sometime. Yes the levelling system was shocking and looking back I had to spend way too much time ensuring I levelled properly... however, the fact that I was willing to put in the effort speaks volumes on my love of this game. Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles My first experience of Castlevania games. Simply fantastic game design. Trophies or not I got 100% in this game which took a hell of a long time. I picked it up again recently and the art style and graphics are beautiful. And the gameplay is punishing but fair...ish... a few cheap shots in there. But still, my favourite PSP game. And contains Symphony of the Night (the full game) as an unlockable. How's that for value! God of War My favourite PS2 game. Yes God of War 2 is excellent... but 1 started it all and the story was better. Beautiful graphics and excellent combat. Learning the secret of the Ghost of Sparta's white skin was just incredible. Beating this game on God Mode was one of my proudest gaming accomplishments. Jak 3 Ah Jak 3. It's just plain fun. Jak 1 was a collectathon, Jak 2 was just too frustrating and hard... Jak 3 was perfection. Great characters, story and gameplay. And the cars! And unlocking the fast Jetboard in the desert... God that game is just excellent. Demon's Souls Dark, terrifyingly difficult (first time through) and gut-wrenchingly punishing. Sure some people will say it isn't THAT hard but still... I still remember some bits you just dread... and honestly I used a guide for some of the bosses and they were still hard... the Bosses... all... 16 of then? Hah there were 16 in Shadow of the Colossus too... never realised that comparison before. Anyway, the things I remember are my heart pounding during the boss battles... the sweet, sweet satisfaction when I finally beat the final boss... the feeling of surprise and wonder at the end-game... that ******* troll on that narrow path in world 5... I could list loads... was the platinum worthwhile? Debatable. Am I glad I got it? Hell yes! Thief: Deadly Shadows I could never properly get into the first 2 games in the series despite really wanting to. Finally I got into this one. As I'm generally a third-person gamer, that options really helped me to get hooked. I love the world, the dry wit of Garrett, the stark contrast between the main factions, the way the story is presented with those stylistic, minimalistic yet excellently animated and voiced cut-scenes. The tension you feel avoiding detection, finding your preferred route through a level, attempting to Ghost a level and marvelling at the patience and skill of those who successfully ghost them on the hardest modes. And the Shadebridge Cradle... the most terrifying level in gaming... it really must be experienced. I am at a loss for words to adequately describe this mastery of level design, especially the audio. Flower Beauty captured in game form. It is hard to describe why I love this game so much. It is a simple game, beautifully presented. I guess the emotion I feel is the main reason. I couldn't really explain why I get emotional when I play it... I guess it's the music, the gorgeous visuals and that wonderful sound of grass moving in the wind as you speed by. The first level was, for me, an unforgettable gaming experience. I'll edit this if I can think of the words to describe the emotional impact this game has on me. Prince of Persia [2008] I'm ashamed to say that I ripped this game to pieces when I first played and finished it. Being a huge fan of the Sands of Time trilogy I had a huge problem with the seemingly automatic platforming and the Elika "save-me" system. However, after getting the platinum I realised what a truly incredible game it is and how much I adore it. I no longer see those things as negatives, I just see them as part of the game and just because it's different than previous games in the series doesn't mean it's bad. It would be like hating the Sands of Time trilogy because you couldn't rewind time in the original games. The thing that sticks in my mind most is the beauty of the game not just in the art style but also in the animations, presentation and the gameplay itself is beautifully fluid and memorable. I actually feel really, really sad that this was not the first game of a series and feel partially responsible for its downfall. Silly, but there it is. How I wish they would make another. Honourable Mentions LBP series... despite the fact I love what the games do and I frequent the forums (the general gaming section at least), I just never got into them properly... Maybe it's my unsociable gaming style, my lack of creativity, too many other games to play, the lack of a decent story... and that **** floaty jump!... I guess a combination of those reasons and probably other reasons as well. I love the games but just don't play them often... it's strange... I was so looking forward to both LBP and LBP2 and bought them at release and then didn't play them much. I can't quite figure out why... I think they deserve a position on any "best of" list tho, mostly for their support of creativity. And the wonderful community the games have generated. I'm probably going to buy LBP Vita soon... even though I'm unsure how much I'll play it. Shadow of the Colossus... I really like this game but I've been playing the HD remake the last while and it's been really annoying me. Now I already know how to beat all the Colossi so it isn't far to judge the game now. Putting it simply, the way the game controls sometimes gets in the way and the ease with which Wander is shaken about the place is incredibly annoying. | 2012-12-30 02:07:00 Author: Burrich ![]() Posts: 1018 |
Mine have to be; LBP2: I absolutely just love this game. Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Yea, I know that it can be glitchy, but you barely notice it. My only concerns are the story and the end. Singularity: Although I'm not too big on shooters, this was one of my favorites. This game is kinda underrated, since no one I know knows about this game. Uncharted 3: A great way to tie up an amazing series. Also my most favorite TPS of all time. Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction: This game was the first Ratchet and Clank game I've ever played. This game is the reason I play my PS3. Nuff said. Super Smash Bros. Brawl: My most favorite fighting game ever, and my most favorite Wii game. These have to be some of my most favorite games of all time. | 2012-12-30 04:42:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
I don't play lots of games.... but... (no particular order) Minecraft "It's a little kid's game", no. Just no. It has so much potential, and its such a good game to build whatever you want wherever you want. Also, LBPC has a server, and I'm pretty dang sure it's the best server out there. ![]() LittleBigPlanet 2 Possibly my favorite game of 2012, it was truly a great game. Its kind of boring now, however. But I still have every LBP game made! ![]() Oh, and the only real reason I still play this is because of Nuclearfish's Clockworx 2 ![]() Super Smash Bros. Brawl Cmon, its fun to send Pikachu flying with Kirby's super hammer. Portal 2 This idea is so amazing and the story is just so epic. Now I just have to make a portal gun irl. Halo 4 Im a pretty big fan of the Halo series, and this is the best game yet. Possibly the best storyline aswell. ![]() Team Fortress 2 This game is so awesome. From the weirdest guns and the crazy, fast paced gamplay, its truly epic. Batman Arkham Asylum I love Batman. This made my life. Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Oh my gawd, this was the best Karting game ever. My favorite Gamecube game, it was just so addicting. Super Mario Sunshine Best mario ever Skyrim 3 words: FUS RO DAH | 2012-12-30 16:20:00 Author: DominationMags ![]() Posts: 1840 |
(in no order) Kid Icarus Uprising: Even though I got used to the controls quickly (I'm a really fast adapter), I can understand why people have issues with the controls. Get passed that, though, you get a really good story, humor that can rival the Portal series's, an addicting online mode, and overall, the best 3DS game out there. LBP2: Ok, I'm pretty sure since I'm posting this in an LBP forum, all of you know what LBP is. Super Smash Bros Melee: I admit, when first playing Brawl, I was very excited and amused. Playing it like 2 or 3 years after it came out, it wasn't as spectacular as I remembered. Then I had many memories of Melee. Melee was probably my favorite game before LBP was released. Me and my best friend used to play it all the time, and I really hope that it gets online multiplayer when it gets released in the Wii U's Virtual Console, probably never gonna happen, but a guy can dream... Halo 4: I may have started becoming a Halo fan as of late (starting with Reach, then going behind to 3), but Halo 4 is really amazing. The story is spectacular, the only thing I'd change would the the 2 quick-time events. And the online multiplayer is really nice as well. I mean, sure, 343 may have borrowed a bit of things from CoD, but they did what CoD should've done with the stuff they borrowed (e.g. you can't have the Spartan Laser or the Gravity Hammer in your custom loudouts) Binding of Isaac: This game is addicting as hell. Trust me, the first week I played it, I played it non-stop. Pokemon Black/White: Ok, yeah, the sequels recently came out, but they weren't as good as the original BW (yes, they were really good,but not as good as BW). BW broke so many rules to the pokemon plot formula, it's not even funny. 2 rivals, older main characters, the villain leader catching the legendary not on your boxart, etc, etc. Minecraft: Oh c'mon, who doesn't like Minecraft? Not liking it is like not liking pie... ...actually, I don't like pie... Infamous 2: If I were to pick Sly over Cole to which Sucker Punch character is better... Imma go with Cole. The thing that brings me in this game and not other similar games like GTA and Saints Row is probably the fact that Cole has electricity. Gravity Rush: I had too much fun with the Gravity aspect, there were a couple things I had issues with, but overall one of the best Vita games out there. Portal 2: Great story, great humor, great puzzles, etc, etc. I played the game so much when I first got it, one of my friends called me a "portal fanboy" (Even though I never played the original portal... yes you can shun me now). Wheatley is probably one of my favorite characters in gaming. I also heard GLaDOS's voice actor in a trailer for Pacific Rim, but that's probably not relevant Honorable Mentions: Sonic Generations Castle Crashers Team Fortress 2 Skyrim Halo Reach LBP Vita Scribblenauts Unlimited Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky Ocarina of Time LBP1 Super Smash Bros (which got me into gaming) Kirby's Return to Dreamland Playstation Allstars Battle Royale | 2012-12-30 17:28:00 Author: TheUltraDeino ![]() Posts: 1274 |
Cross posting from other forums, lol. LoZ: Windwaker and Majora's Mask Starhawk The Walking Dead Dangan Ronpa Banjo Kazooie Rayman Origins Paper Mario series Earthbound series (specifically Mother 3) Conker's Bad Fur Day Portal (1+2) Honourable mentions: LBP Series Journey Skyrim Shadow of the Colossus Handheld Zeldas (save for the DS ones) Gravity Rush Pokemon SimCity 4 | 2012-12-31 00:03:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
10. Monster Rancher (PS1) 9. Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale (PS Vita) 8. Animal Crossing (Gamecube) 7. Pokemon Crystal (Gameboy Colour) 6. Banjo Kazooie (Nintendo 64) 5. Donkey Kong 64 (Nintendo 21) 4. Ratchet and Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal (PS2) 3. Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage (PS1) 2. Sly 2: Band of Thieves (PS2) 1. LittleBigPlanet 1 (PS3 I think...) Jeez. Those were all really close. There are still a bunch of my favourite games that I haven't even got on this list. I didn't even get Wind Waker on there! Maybe I oughta do a top 100 some time, eh? Eh? EH?! A lot of these were probably really obvious. Except for PS All-Stars. I really do love that game though. ![]() (...I couldn't find which font is the default, so I used Comic Sans for y'all.) | 2012-12-31 01:29:00 Author: KlawwTheClown ![]() Posts: 1106 |
#10 Maple Story By far one of the best and most addictive MMOs I've ever played, and I've tried lots of them including WoW. #9 Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest One of the best Donkey Kong Country games of the 3 for SNES and my 2nd favorite SNES game of all time ahead of Super Mario RPG, but behind Yoshi's Island. #8 Silent Hill Prior to renting Silent Hill, the Resident Evil games and an Alone in the Dark game for PC were the only survival horror games I ever played, but once I tried Silent Hill it suddenly made games like Resident Evil and others seem not so scary as Silent Hill was far more terrifying. I'll never forget the first time I heard the sirens go off and everything get dark and scary as if it wasn't scary enough already. That moment stands out as one of my fondest gaming memories. #7 Twisted Metal 2 & 4 tied I can't count how many hours over years that I spent playing Twisted Metal multiplayer with friends. Was very addictive. Other than Final Fantasy this is probably the series I put the most of my PS1 gaming hours into. #6 Paper Mario I loved RPGs, and this was one of my favorite N64 games. I loved the paper style to it and its simple but addictive gameplay. #5 Yoshi's Island This is my favorite SNES game of all time. Very fun platformer with challenging bonus levels. The music and art direction really stand out to me, plus the unique concept of keeping baby Mario safe and how it all worked so well to create a flawless and unique platforming experience. I still consider it one of the best platforming games ever made outside LBP. #4 Okami Okami presented a unique concept and gorgeous art direction. The gameplay was very enjoyable. One of the best PS2 games ever released alongside games such as Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Silent Hill 2, etc. #3 Kingdom Hearts 2 When I first heard about Kingdom Hearts I was excited as it combined my favorite gaming series FF with Disney which I liked because I always liked the cute look to games and grew up watching Disney. I thought it was an interesting concept, but I assumed it was going to be a flop because the cuteness of the Disney part would turn many away that would brush it off as a child's game. I'm glad I was wrong. You won't find a top PS2 games list or even a top 100 games of all time list without Kingdom Hearts on it. The gameplay was the most fluid action combat system ever put into a game, even by today's standards. I have yet to play something as fluid in the action genre. Everything was done flawlessly including the action/RPG hybrid elements. Kingdom Hearts 2 improved on everything including the gummi-ship parts. Everything about the game is fun. I would almost say I like the Kingdom Hearts series more than FF. #2 Final Fantasy VI, IX, and XII tied I've been playing FF since I was introduced to the series after renting VIII, which then prompted me to buy both VIII and VII. There's been no going back ever since. I was blown away with the games as I had never seen anything so epic and deep in a video game. It was almost a surreal experience that I was playing a game. A game had never emotionally affected me before FF. I now own every FF game ever made, and it remains one of my favorite gaming series of all time. I tied the three because they each have something I thought was better than the other. FFVI had the best character improvement system in the series. FFIX had the best story in the series to date. FFXII, while having the worst story, had the best battle system and most epic boss battles in the series to date, and the epic boss music to match. Very few bosses stand out in my history of the series as a real feeling in-your-face epic struggle as this game provided, like the 3 to 5 hour boss battle with Yiazmat, or bosses like Ultima, Zodiark, and many others, which all required some of the most complex variations in strategy in the entire series. You couldn't just go in max level and assume you can win. They required complex strategies. The reason I'm putting so much emphasis on FFXII here is because many sweep the game under the rug and some consider it one of the worst FFs. I could not disagree more. Story-wise I can agree, but as a whole, no. #1 Little Big Planet 1 & 2 tied I say 1 & 2 tied because some things were made worse in LBP2, while many other things were improved. I prefer the create much better like the logic, tools, etc. The platforming gameplay was better in 1 including the physics, sack's hitbox, the lighting and animations on hazards, etc. Little Big Planet (1 or 2, I'll say 2 since more possibilities) is the best game ever made and I doubt I will ever see anything as good in my lifetime as LBP is far ahead of its time. The game itself sets a new standard for what is possible in gaming. It is more than a game. I also consider it an invention alongside things such as the internet. That's how expansive the possibilities are with LBP. It just doesn't feel right calling it a game. It can be used as a social network. It can be used as a learning tool in classrooms. You can create any genre of game as well as movies. You can use it as an artistic outlet for visual art. You can use it as a music making tool. You can use it as an advertising platform. It is like another world akin to real life in the sense it was built from nothing, and over time people discover new technology within LBP itself that allows people to do things even MM didn't know was possible, similar to how in real life humans discovered fire and other things. The difference is LBP is the embodiment of imagination. The only downside is that it's cute exterior makes many think it's only a children's thing when ironically the creating in this game is very adult in its complexity. Many dismiss it because of the cute exterior. I like the cute look. I'm just pointing out how it is overlooked by many as a result. Honorable Mentions: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Super Mario World Super Smash Bros Chrono Trigger Perfect Dark Rollercoaster Tycoon Theme Hospital The Legend of Dragoon Toy Commander Borderlands (haven't played 2 yet) Advance Wars | 2012-12-31 04:40:00 Author: Hana_Kami ![]() Posts: 393 |
Man! This tough but here are mine, in no particular order Super Metroid for the SNES system Full Throttle GTA: San Andreas Day of the Tentacle The Curse of Monkey Island Fallout 3 LBP2 Final fantasy VIII Xcom: UFO Defense Red Dead Redemption Honorable Mentions Out of this World aka Another World Half-Life 2 Sims 2 Roller Coaster Tycoon --the original Super Mario Bros. 3 Super Mario Galaxy Ico Abe's Exodus Knights of the Old Republic Super Star Wars Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando Discworld | 2012-12-31 07:19:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Xcom: UFO Defense What!? Actually that makes sense, far less buggy than Terror from the Deep, and I was actually able to complete it, haha. Great game. You have good taste, Sir. ![]() Although just to confuse matters, in the UK it was called Xcom: Enemy Unknown. | 2012-12-31 08:43:00 Author: LieutenantFatman ![]() Posts: 465 |
1. Dark/Demon's Souls- you rarely come across a game that makes you feel that every move you make could be your last and can draaw you so far into the story and the lore. So much lore in both these games that can be interpreted by the player (more so in Dark Souls then Demon's Souls). 2. LBP/LBP2- User made levels. Need I say more. Plus they created their own genre in gaming that is entirely new. 3. Spyro the Dragon and Crash Bandicoot (PS1 era)- To me these two will always be the main mascots of Playstation. No one can replace them. 4. Halo 3- To me it was the best multiplayer and best story. 5. Dragon Age: Origins- Perhaps my first true RPG like game. Oh I could go on how much I thoroughly enjoyed the game. 6. Starhawk/Warhawk- Best multiplayer games ever. 7. Kingdom Hearts- The story just sucked me in and it was just interesting how they meshed entirely new worlds with Disney and Final Fantasy. Hopefully Square Enix will get their priorities straight and start working on KH3 and stop with the FF13 stuff (except FF13-Versus, they need to get that done now). 8. Uncharted 2/Uncharted 3- They are tied for me. Uncharted 2's story I enjoyed more but Uncharted 3 was visually more appealing to me. 9. Infamous 1 and 2- My first open world game and there was a lot of fun. Cole is just awesome and he sacrifices so much to save all those that he can. Well if you take the Hero Path anyways he does. 10. Motorstorm Pacific Rift- THe tracks were chaotic and were just amazing. This list is in no particular order just what popped into mind. | 2013-01-01 06:56:00 Author: argetlam350 ![]() Posts: 212 |
In no order.. Spyro: Year of the Dragon (PS1) I love playing this. I don't know how many times I've 100%'d it. It's the best in the PS1 trilogy, for it has a unique soundtrack and fun gameplay. Crash Bandicoot (PS1) This was one of the most important video games in history. It made the Playstation something super cool in Japan, with Crash Bandicoot being a new video game "celebrity." It also lead to Crash Team Racing, which has arguably the best graphics on the PS1. The last track in the game was not able to be played on multiplayer because of the graphics and physics in the level. The Crash Bandicoot series lead to Jak & Daxter, which was the first console game to have a 3D open world. And then came the Uncharted series, which is praised for its awesome graphics. Jak II (PS2) Challenging gameplay, interesting sci-fi story, everlasting fun The Sims (PC) Got me interested in PC gaming. Silly, hours of fun LittleBigPlanet Vita (PSV) The best in the LittleBigPlanet series. Although the object collection is lacking, the game works so well with the Vita's hardware in making an astounding game. The story levels were the best; create mode has easier controls; etc. Pokemon Red/Blue (GB) Saved handheld gaming. Probably started the most successful series ever with the TV show, movies, playing cards, et al. Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (PS2/Xbox/Gamecube/PC) Fun goals, fun multiplayer (probably my favorite multiplayer game ever), best create a park in the series, many places to skate at, classic mode GTA III (PS2/Xbox/PC) My childhood. ![]() | 2013-01-01 13:09:00 Author: aar2697 ![]() Posts: 143 |
10.Harvest Moon: A Magical Melody 9.Pokemon: SoulSilver 8.Katamari Damacy 7.Garry's Mod 6.Team Fortress 2 5.Sonic Adventure 2: Battle 4.Monster Rancher 3.PlayStation All Stars: Battle Royal 2.Sly 2: Band of Thieves 1.LBP franchise (Couldn't decide on one game) Some of these may not be in complete order, because it's hard to make a top 10 list just like that, I'm sure I've forgotten some worthy games, but meh. | 2013-01-01 18:58:00 Author: TheMonkeyBlade ![]() Posts: 687 |
10. Dead Island 09. The Last Story 08. The Oregon Trail 07. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West 06. Paper Mario 05. Pok?mon Black 2 04. LittleBigPlanet 2 03. The Sims 2 02. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island 01. Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Honorable Mentions: Animal Crossing Luigi's Mansion Uncharted 3 Super Scribblenauts Game Boy Camera Mario Kart 7 Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Tetris Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City If the games were part of a series, I just went with my favorite from that series. If I hadn't, I'd have a really difficult time. | 2013-01-04 20:20:00 Author: Remy ![]() Posts: 252 |
10. inFamous Franchise When I got inFamous from the Welcome Back package I wasn't expecting anything good, but man was I blown away. More than anything, the storyline gripped me from beginning to end and was told incredibly well. 9. Super Metroid Classic game. Love it. 8. Super Mario RPG First RPG I ever played, getting nostalgia feels thinking about it. 7. Donkey Kong Country First video game I ever played (at the age of 3 I believe), and I play it every year just because it is so dang good. 6. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time No words. 5. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask A masterpiece. Most people like OoT more than MM, and I can fully understand that, but this game was haunting. And that is what made it more memorable to me. The clock always ticking in your face reminding you of an impending apocalypse, the story wasn't afraid to be very upsetting, the chillingly creepy closing sequences (inside the moon). Easily the best sequel of any franchise IMO. 4. Journey I've probably played through this at least 10 times, and done individual chapters more than I should admit. Journey is simply beautiful. I have nothing to add. 3. Portal 2 The best writing I have ever seen in the gaming industry, and probably the most entertaining games around. The genius behind every line of dialogue, every puzzle, and every detail is astounding. 2. Heavy Rain I admittedly like this game more than I should.. I'm a bit of a movie geek so the whole interactive drama concept is a dream of mine that couldn't have been executed better. This game arguably pushed the gaming industry to a place where it had never been before using a peerless story. 1. LBP Franchise Platforming has always been my go-to genre of gaming. When I first heard that there was a game called LBP where people could actually make quality platforming goodness, I had to get it. I ended up buying a PS3 for it. And I've never regretted it. | 2013-01-05 05:54:00 Author: anoken ![]() Posts: 1654 |
5. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask A masterpiece. Most people like OoT more than MM, and I can fully understand that, but this game was haunting. And that is what made it more memorable to me. The clock always ticking in your face reminding you of an impending apocalypse, the story wasn't afraid to be very upsetting, the chillingly creepy closing sequences (inside the moon). Easily the best sequel of any franchise IMO. I think that you'd be excited to know that there is going to be an HD remake of this game coming out for the Wii U sometime. | 2013-01-12 07:00:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
I'm going to judge these more on good feeling and nostalgic value than actual gameplay, so quite a bit of these won't be that "good", so to speak. 1. LittleBigPlanet 2, for obvious reasons. 2. Pokemon Platinum. Yes, I know Generation four wasn't the best generation, but this game was the first real pokemon game I got into. It's probably the game I spent the most time on, save LittleBigPlanet 2. 3. LittleBigPlanet. I got hooked into this game, though not as much as LBP2. I remember being a total noob, then publishing my pride and joy, LBP Shooting Gallery. It sucked, but I loved it. 4. Marble Blast Gold. I've played this ever since I was in the second grade, on the school computers. I used to be one of the best players in the school, seconded only by my best friend. Good times. 5. Portal 2. The story was excellent, the humor and atmosphere was great, and the game was just really, really cool. I still don't have all the 2 player co-operative levels done. 6. Any Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game. Technically, these games aren't that great in quality, but I have so much nostalgia about these ones. The stories were dumb but I loved them, and the gameplay was repetitive but I loved that, too. 7. Any Ratchet and Clank game. I've played everything past Up Your Arsenal (save Quest for Booty) and they're all awesome. Even All 4 One was great, and it was the worst one I've played. 8. Cave Story. Wonderful, wonderful indie game. 9. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time. A dumb game, but the first Final Fantasy game I have played and I just loved it. 10. Burnout 2. I've played this when I was, like, 7. I don't remember much except for the game being extremely fun. | 2013-01-12 18:20:00 Author: Kalawishis ![]() Posts: 928 |
6. Any Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game. Technically, these games aren't that great in quality, but I have so much nostalgia about these ones. The stories were dumb but I loved them, and the gameplay was repetitive but I loved that, too. There is actually gonna be a new one for 3DS. I don't know much about it though. | 2013-01-13 00:55:00 Author: amoney1999 ![]() Posts: 1202 |
I can't do a 10 best ever, but I can definitely agree with the greatness of at least 9 games from posts so far! <3 LittleBigPlanet 2 -The best game of its franchise and I believe it'll hold the title for a long while. LBP2 This game is brilliant in so many ways. Bags of fun to play, and the multiplayer works so well. It has to have the best creation mode on any console I have ever seen, nothing comes close. And of course it is home to LBP Survivor, the best video game competition ever made. LBP2: I absolutely just love this game. LittleBigPlanet 2 Possibly my favorite game of 2012, it was truly a great game. LBP2: Ok, I'm pretty sure since I'm posting this in an LBP forum, all of you know what LBP is. Definitely. The LBP series is groundbreaking and instantly classic, and LBP2 is as perfect as the series has gotten. Even its limitations are charming! Metal Gear Solid Best PS1 game. The game that marked the beginning of my proper gaming life... I think... it probably started before then but this is the game that really made me fall in love with gaming. Graphics, audio, gameplay and story are all stellar and a rare gem that holds up very well even today. Yes. I played Metal Gear Solid much later than everyone else and was skeptical of the universal praise, but my jaw dropped. You're very right too: it has withstood the test of time. Portal 2 This idea is so amazing and the story is just so epic. Now I just have to make a portal gun irl. Portal 2: Great story, great humor, great puzzles, etc, etc. I played the game so much when I first got it, one of my friends called me a "portal fanboy" (Even though I never played the original portal... yes you can shun me now). Wheatley is probably one of my favorite characters in gaming. I also heard GLaDOS's voice actor in a trailer for Pacific Rim, but that's probably not relevant Portal (1+2) Yes yes yes. Portal 1 gets a shoutout for paving the way, but in a match, Portal 2 wins hands down. It goes bigger, braver and more joyous than anyone honestly expected -- but we all hoped. It's Aliens to Alien. Everything you loved before, amped way the heck up, plus a ton of new stuff. Gels! Lemon grenades! Shooting at the &%$#ing moon! The King Turret! Quadruple portal co-op! The fantastically layered and humorous story achieves alchemy by somehow engaging you for eight hours with one-way communication from a few faceless robots and a prerecorded facility announcement system. And every time I see them, the visuals are kind of unbelievably good across platforms. I can think of no multiplatform game that achieves such a fine level of technical consistency. Add to this the golden cherry: the game's universal accessibility. Anyone -- non gamers, casuals and hardcores -- can pick up and go on a mindbending ride and come away richer for it. That's something special. And it's smart special, unlike the utterly crap bridge between non gamers and casuals that people annoyingly credit to Bejeweled or Angry Birds. Portal 2 doesn't just earn its place among entertainment's best. It's an education in best of design. Earthbound series (specifically Mother 3) I'm ashamed that I have not yet played these, but also can't deny their value. The way the whole world may not know classical music from a patch of wool but can still recognize and appreciate Beethoven, I've learned about the Mother series over time. An important RPG series. Still I feel kind of guilty praising it as a platitude. Still holding out for an anthology release of the series, fully translated. I am told this will never happen. ^^; Silent Hill Prior to renting Silent Hill, the Resident Evil games and an Alone in the Dark game for PC were the only survival horror games I ever played, but once I tried Silent Hill it suddenly made games like Resident Evil and others seem not so scary as Silent Hill was far more terrifying. I'll never forget the first time I heard the sirens go off and everything get dark and scary as if it wasn't scary enough already. That moment stands out as one of my fondest gaming memories. This is kind of uncanny. The first Silent Hill has a special place in my heart, and I rented it first too. I intended to hate-play it having prejudged it to be a me-too copycat scooping into the market that Capcom's seminal RE/Biohazard had more or less created. Ten minutes into the game and things were completely the other way around. RE was tepid trash compared to the genuine horror of Silent Hill. The terrifying satanic hell world. The little faceless children. The cutscenes were brilliantly high quality, somber, adult, sparse. The falling ash still makes me feel somehow naked and claustrophobic; I just got a chill. I played this game several times and saw all the endings and never was any less panicked. It's a game that gets its hooks in. Twisted Metal 2 Another big yes. It has aged very, very badly, but in its day it knocked multiple genres on their butts. Great co-op. Great zany weapons. Great car controls. It was the sort of gleefully juvenile, destructive experience that so-called gleefully destructive games like Destruction Derby weren't delivering, and it added a story as well. I loved the comic book intros and endings for all the drivers. In fact, during a creative writing phase I was inspired by the artwork and backstory of each character and wrote about 75 pages of a Twisted Metal 2 novel. Fanfiction before it had a name! And, oh man. Konami code-like weapons and health unlocks. Secret codes for maps and midboss Minion -- he got his own comic book intro and ending too! The days of entire hidden story arcs are all but gone from Western games it seems. Full Throttle God yes. You mention Tentacle and Monkey Island too, but I want to include my personal favorite: Grim Fandango. But really, anything from the do-no-wrong days of LucasArts and Schafer. GTA III (PS2/Xbox/PC) My childhood. The game had fun, violent missions and offered hours of fun rampaging the city and blowing up helicopters. I was a stubborn GTA and GTA 2 fan, less because they were great games and more because I got them for free and my underpowered PC could handle them. I told myself I didn't care about games like GTA III, this trend of reworking good games into inevitably disappointing 3D wasn't working. I didn't think the technology was there. It hadn't worked well for Oddworld. The game was also getting overexposed by people I prefer not to have anything in common with, I thought. Celebrities were going on talk shows and talking about GTA III instead of the movies they were supposed to promote. I remember thinking, "A bunch of posers! They're hopping on a bandwagon two games and a clever expansion too late! Bleaugh! Blarghhh!" But then I visited a friend's house and he showed me what the fuss was about. Oh wow. Oh. Wow. I was expecting something on par with Midtown Madness (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fbj9rg62ep4). I never once believed the explorable city was explorable. That it had real and distinct topography, real characters, the ability to truly get in and drive literally every car, oh god there were oh my god dump trucks DUMP TRUCKS and limosines... and the music. THE MUSIC. I bought a PS2 for GTA III and wreaked glorious havoc in Staten Island for days and days. I was in heaven, and thought that was the whole thing. I put off completing the story missions because then the game would be over. My amazement when the blocked bridges opened up, and you got an additional 200% more city...... The game was bigger than I ever imagined. Rarely has something so completely exceeded my expectations like that. Wow. Katamari Damacy Yes yes yes. Or rather, na naaaaa, na-na-na na na naaah! ♪ Pure joy. I have played them all, except on Vita. Some say the rehashes have hurt the concept. I say the concept was as perfect as it was ever going to get and there's nothing to improve. I don't mind rehashes as they carry the experience from console to console. And again: the music. Oh sweet heaven, Katamari earns its full tag price with the music. Unrelated little bit of Katamari fun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uyzk-09S1vE And finally, an offering of my own: Mortal Kombat I took a one-two punch to the brain when I saw it. The visual splendor of a friend-of-a-friend's Sega system on an unprecedentedly massive 30-inch TV screen in the early 90s. I never owned a Sega or got to see most of their titles -- somewhere I saw Altered Beast, Sonic and Road Rash, that's it. But I have this memory of that big screen, that day. There was something... OBSCENE... about Mortal Kombat. It was titillating contraband. Graphically violent, yes. But also so graphically clean, compared to the blocky cartoon stuff I was accustomed to. Seeing MK literally remapped how I thought about games, evolved me a little bit, like the monolith evolved the monkeys of 2001: A Space Odyssey. And, yes... I got a bit of a bloodlust. Street Fighter remains the better series in my book, but MK made a lifelong impression in a few moments. | 2013-01-15 14:52:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
10. Pong: Obligatory place on the list because I just like it. 9. Earthbound: Other than Pokemon, I'm not a big RPG player, turn based battle systems are a major bother to me, but after playing through Mother 2, it instantly jumped into my list of favorites. With a huge amount of quirky characters, psychedelic bad guys, and the whole theme of it, where most RPGs tend to have fantasy settings, Earthbound is about a kid with ESP who goes on an adventure through towns and cities, using baseball bats and yo-yos as weapons. Earthbound is truly a Nintendo classic. 8. Jet Force Gemini: Most people look at Ratchet and Clank and say that they define their own genre of run, gun, and jump. But Jet Force Gemini came out a while before R&C, and it too was run, gun, and jump. With a variety of weapons, three characters to choose from, little fuzzy creatures to save, evil ants to blow up, and even a racing mini-game, Gemini is packed with action, and was huge for an N64 game. I wouldn't doubt if some guys from Insomniac had actually played the game when coming up with Ratchet. 7. Sonic 1-3: Speed? Platforming? Yes and yes. The first three Sonic games still remain the best in the series, going at high speeds and performing precise jumps to reach better paths, Sonic at his best. With varied zones and enemies to bounce on or spin through, beautiful visuals for its time, and precise physics that Sonic team haven't even been able to match themselves since, Sonic is the classic blue hedgehog that everyone knows. 6. Conker's Bad Fur Day: Well, as much as I can say about this game without bringing down the wrath of the censoring monkeys, its crude, its borderline offensive, and it was innovative for its time. Chris Seavor was a genius for turning the was-to-be cutesy Conker into the drunken squirrel we know him as today. Though the story may not be to everyone's taste (or even for the weak stomached), the gameplay was top-notch, and unique to the genre. Even the physics in the game were innovative, the way Conker ran and jumped felt perfectly tuned and realistic (well as realistic as a squirrel swinging a giant frying pan can get), and its amazing how they were able to cram in all the effects into an N64 game. Realistic lighting and shadows, water dripping off of Conker after he swims, and Conker himself looking around with his expressive eyes. This game is truly a cult classic. 5. Luigi's Mansion: Before Journey, the only game I've ever been able to sit down and play through over and over from beginning to end was Luigi's Mansion. Going through the dark mansion, sucking up all sorts of ghosts, being able to interact with practically everything in the mansion (causing the moneys to rain from everythiiiiiiiiing), and even just the fact that Luigi is saving Mario of all people. This game had a charm to it all its own, and I always had fun just wandering through the mansion collecting coins and bills. Luigi's Mansion 2, bring it on. 4. Majora's Mask: The best Zelda game, in my opinion, is A Link to the Past, the second best is Majora's Mask. But Majora's Mask has something that you can't really get in any other game, and while I would put ALttP over it in any other kind of list, I have to put MM here because it is my favorite Zelda game. From the moment you step into Termina, the town is bustling with life, everyone in the world has something to do, depending on the time of day, and how close to the end you are. Just talking to people and performing the many intertwined side-quests, going to the end of the last day, how they interact with you and the ever looming moon, it really feels as though the world is ending, and I connected with this world and its characters. From saving Romani from aliens, to reuniting Kafei and Anju, no other side-quests have made me feel as satisfied. 3. Journey: A short, simple, and beautiful game, I could play it over and over just to look at the amazing visuals. But the thing that really makes this game stand out is its unique take on multiplayer, when you're traveling with your companion, having them by your side from beginning to end is an experience in itself. Journey is a game that will never get old in my eyes. 2. Rayman 2/1: Rayman 2 is my second go-to game, same kind of genre, bit less exploration, but tons of action and amazing storytelling. Breaking all the cages and collecting the lums also provide satisfying replay value. Rayman 1 was a beautiful game for its time, with wonderful scenic backdrops and precise platforming action, and you had to backtrack once you gained certain powers so you could reach previously inaccessible areas, which gave it a more adventurous tone for being a 2D platformer. 1. Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie: Banjo-Tooie still remains as my favorite game to this day, and I haven't seen a game quite like it since. The 3D platforming/adventure genre has really diminished over the years, and few games can even match the old Rareware charm of Banjo. Banjo-Kazooie was quite the innovation in the genre, with many abilities to learn, worlds to explore, and things to collect, Tooie expanded on this even more, you start off with everything you learned in the first one, and the worlds are all much larger and interconnected. I'm rather saddened that my favorite genre of game has all but disappeared, I'd like to go on a collectathoning adventure again after all this time. Hopefully those few fellows from Rare can pull off their spiritual successor. | 2013-01-15 18:42:00 Author: JamesDNaux ![]() Posts: 757 |
I swear I've posted in this thread but ok. In no particular order: Pokemon - Can't decide on just one, they're all fantastic. Okami - Beautiful game, lasts ages is is tons of fun to play. Okamiden is great as well. LittleBigPlanet 2 - Should be obvious enough. Civalisation V - Friend gave it to me through Steam, and I've been hooked ever since. Ratchet and Clank 3 - Bar Pokemon, this was my childhood. Dragon Quest IX - Never played a game in the series and it really suprised me, I love it. Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Many hours gone to playing this, it's a blast with friends. Super Scribblenauts - Added more to an already great game. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Picked it up in the Steam sale (didn't have enough for Skyrim) and it's very fun. Cave Story - Great little indie game. | 2013-01-16 08:23:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
Superman64 is the greatest game ever. http://www.adiumxtras.com/images/thumbs/troll_icons_2_28891_7697_thumb.png | 2013-01-21 03:44:00 Author: Sunbunny23 ![]() Posts: 995 |
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