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Introducing The Ghost Creators - JustinArt

Archive: 14 posts


In episode seven we bring you a creator who does it all. Music, Artwork, Level design, Is there nothing this talented creator can't do? It appears not.

Introducing JustinArt

Creator name: Justin
Creator Age: 25
Region: United States
PSN: JustinArt
LBP.me: http://lbp.me/u/JustinArt
Published Levels:
-LBP1 (20)
-LBP2 (17)
-LBPV (No levels yet)
-LBPK (2)
Hearts: 466
Lists: 8 (http://lbp.me/u/JustinArt/lists)

Twitter: N/A
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/justinstarhawk
DeviantART: http://justinart87.deviantart.com/

Hi Justin, thank you for sitting down and doing this interview. Can you start by telling us about your first LBP Memory?
When I got my LBP1 game of the year edition and collected all of story mode's prizes, I began to go to create mode. The create mode is a lot more amazing than what I heard. And I started to experiment it with a lot of things, just like I experimented Legos when I was a young child. My very first level is "My First Level", but it was scrapped due to me evolved into an even better creator.

What was it that first hooked you about LBP?
I heard a lot of good things about LBP1 when it first came out, and it earned a lot of awards and nominations. The "play, create, share" sounded so interesting that I wanted to get my hands on it when I finally got my PS3 in 2008. It's a shame that I can only choose either LBP1 or "Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction" that year because I spent three-hundred dollars on that nifty console. But I'm glad I picked R&C because the "LBP1 Game of the Year Edition" came one year later, otherwise I missed a really good deal and GOTY exclusive levels.

Can you tell us about the first level you ever made?
As I mentioned before, the first level I made is "My First Level". However, my real first level is "The Hero Quest LV1: Training Dojo". The level has every LBP1 gameplay, including jetpack, paintinator, and real water. It was a pretty good start of my LBP1 levels, but it received mixed reviews due to unpolished gameplay and visuals. Same goes with the rest of "The Hero Quest" levels, because I made them too fast.

How have you improved as a creator since then?
The more I create, the better creator I become. After "The Hero Quest" level series, I made another level series in LBP1 that has improved over Hero Quest. "The Hero Chronicles" set had much better reputation than my first half of LBP1 levels all thanks to much more polished gameplay and visuals. However, my greatest improvement is when LBP2 came in. The "Cybernetic Adventures" series are what I considered the greatest series I have ever made. From the great start Alpha to the best for last Omega, I came up with even greater ideas than all of my LBP1 levels combined, including Alpha's 3D layer visuals, Beta's grappling hook gameplay, and Epsilon's high and low gravity obstacles. I also have been improving in terms of logic and music-making.

Your best moment in LBP?
The best LBP moment I can think of is...I got invited to LBPK GameJam!

If you Could change one thing about LBP what would it be?
I think LBP2 is fine the way it is, but I hope the Mm crew fixes the sackbots in controlinator glitch I've been hearing about since patch 1.20 arrived.

What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses as a creator?
Strengths - 3D layer, cinematic sequencers, level designing, Music sequencers, boss battle ideas
Weaknesses - My level-making process is slower than usual

If you could improve one aspect of your creating what would it be?
What I hope improve is the timing of publishing levels. Sometimes I published levels in a hurry, which resulted consequences. For example, my LBPC8 level should have been beta-tested first, because many players could not complete the level due to its very high difficulty. I aced that contest entry level, but I wasn't aware how very hard it is for other players. Hopefully, I won't make that mistake ever again. Remember, with great creating comes great timing.

Can you tell us about some of your influences and inspirations?
The high-level creators are the influences for creative ideas. A lot of skilled creators gave me lots of ideas on how make levels look great and fun. My inspiration varies in each of my levels. For instance, "Cybernetic Adventures Gamma" was inspired by many of the steampunk levels I played in both LBP1 and LBP2. Timeshift Ruins was another inspirational example that I came up with after playing "Zelda: Skyward Sword".

You are a member of the Ghost Creators, what does being a part of the group mean to you?
Being part of the Ghost Creators means being in a group that can make a great difference to LBP community. There's a lot of great creators like me to discover in the team.

Okay, now lets talk about some of your levels.

Cybernetic Adventures Alpha: Hardware HQ - http://lbp.me/v/xjcpb3

The level that started the epic LBP2 series. Each level of the series has a variety of gameplay, beginning with this level's basic use of the gadgets and obstacles from LBP1, LBP1 DLCs, and LBP2. I came up with such nifty ideas as the moving 3D layers and underwater maze. It's amazing that this is the first level I have published that has a thermo of 99.9999999...% because I added so much great things to Alpha.



Cackfog - Awesome level, the level of detail is emense! solid platforming action throughout, again, awesome!

CYMBOL - Loads of fun! Had a great time playing it.

Timeshift Ruins - http://lbp.me/v/bks2kj

Inspired by the timeshift puzzles of "Zelda: Skyward Sword", the level features the transitions of past and present that changes the obstacles. I had so much logic in this level that I sometimes get confused which logic to place after another. The creation of the carts part, however, was a real feat. I scored a lot good responses in this level, and it was both in cool pages and LBPC spotlight list.



Sabre - Another good level man good job, the boss fight was well done I liked it alot. The gameplay and everything was really good keep up the good work man

L1GhTmArE - Great job Justin! Nice, fun gameplay with cool puzzles, a funny story and an enjoyable boss. Keep it up!

Pookachoo - Great fun and beautiful scenery, I love the whole concept. Nice use of extra layers too.

JustinArt's Epic Gallery V2 - http://lbp.me/v/dwf9px

A gallery that includes my talent of LBP2 art and music. The music is something I finally good at after I created my first music for Omega Part 3. I made such creative songs as the wintry "Snowy Domain" and the heroic soundtrack "The Cape of Courage". As in art, I made some clever cut-out designs and paintings including the recreation of two of my designed LBP1 Characters Po The Wiseman and Mira The Sorceress. The most recent songs I added are the holiday-themed ones I made a few days before Christmas.



Bryan_Zuckerberg - An awesome gallery! Your art was amazing and the music was excellent!

Smurfetta5683 - This is one of the best galleries I've ever seen! It's a great way to display all of your creative talents my friend!

Are there any creators you particularly admire?
Julesyjules - http://lbp.me/u/julesyjules
He's one of the most inspired level creators ever. Out of all the "Star Wars" inspired levels, his series is the best in LBP universe. Making one inspiring level after another, Jules does a fantastic job recreating the epic sci-fi saga with his own twist. All of his err...etc. levels are filled with unique gameplay, extraordinary visuals, and laugh-out-loud humor.

Lockstitch - http://http://lbp.me/u/Lockstitch
There are a lot of great platforming level makers, including SX_Shookie99, LFiers, L1ghTmArE, ALS_TheGamer, Tripple_SSS, Morgana25, and Alley_Cat_8633. Out of all of the creators, Lockstitch is the most influential in terms of platforming. Before LBP2 made outstanding platforming obstacles easier, Lockstitch wowed players like me with some very clever elements we have never seen in LBP1. I remembered that when he asked me to F4F one of my level, I checked out his first creativity, "A Realm Forgotten", and my mind was blown. And his levels gets more and more mind-blowing every time he publishes a level.

Velvet--Audio - http://lbp.me/u/Velvet--Audio
One of the most talented music creators in LBP2. He made some really good ambient soundtracks that has never been heard in music-sequencing. More than that, Velvet--Audio made excellent variety of music that was added to some great levels from other skilled creators. He really is an inspirational musician.

Are there any levels that really stick in the memory as stand-out work?
AVALORE: The Sacred Trials -PROLOGUE- By hemflowhotflop
Now this level is one of the most visualizing I have ever seen. The effects, 3D layer, music, platforming, and lighting are beyond epic. I don't know how hemflowhotflop puts it all in one massive level. It also reminded me so much of "Zelda: Skyward Sword" because of such similar effects as the portal at the end of the level. It really deserved an Mm pick.

Gate to the future. By koknsun
Another visualizing level I admired. The platforming map may look small at the start, but it expands throughout the level's process. Each time the level expands, the effects kick in that makes player's eye pop. I was amazed on this level's Japanese art, and it is worth a lot more plays than it currently has.

"Technology in deep space" By ALS_TheGamer
One of the most creative platforming levels yet. There's so much unique platforming obstacles and amazing designs in this extremely polished level that I added this to one of my top 10 favorite levels ever. The music sounded spectacular, too.

Buddy's Gallery of Destructive Tunes! By Buddydestruction
Once I listened to Buddydestruction's music tracks, they do not sound like it's coming from music sequencers. From epic soundtracks to amazing desert themed music, Buddy's gallery is worth lots of attention.

The somnium By angel-punishment
The LBP1 level I admired the most. The visuals looked superb thanks to creative lighting and effects, plus amazing 3D layers. The platforming is puzzling with tricky obstacles, and the boss battle is epic. It's a real inspiration in both LBP1 and LBP2.

Do you own a copy of LBPV?. If so, how does creating differ from LBP2 and LBPV?
I don't have a Vita yet, but I bought myself a copy of LBPV while it was on sale.

Do you have any future plans and projects?
I only have three spaces in LBP2 levels left, and I'm currently working on my quarterfinal level. The silhouette level is something I have been working on since after I finished the gallery level. I have it on hold for a while, but I'll hopefully finish it around January. Here's a sneak preview of my silhouette level (Images may vary in final draft):




My semifinal level will be something that's not platforming (maybe with Cross Controller gameplay), and I came up with a final level that will blow everyone's mind. I started the concept of my last level, so that I'll keep those plans in mind.
As in LBPK, I have been making tracks based on "Cybernetic Adventures" worlds, including Alpha Metropolis and Beta Forest. I planned the names of the following future tracks:
Gamma Factory
Delta Funland
Epsilon Ruins
Zeta Skyway
Sigma Terminal
Omega Fortress

You were part of the LBPK game jam. What was that experience like?
The experience was great. I was really excited to be part of Gamejam. It was great to meet awesome community folks like StevenI, ConfusedCartman, Taffey, Codibear8383, Spider-Jew, Crazy-S, and Lambolover in person, and we had a great time together. While in Sony games building, I was thrilled to be one of the first to test LBPK. I made a couple of awesome tracks, including the Metropolis track and the Beach level I mentioned in LBPK trailer. It's like having a really fun job. I like to thank the Sony and LBP crew for having me participated in this awesome experience. Hope I get invited to another GameJam. It's good to be a super creator.

For those that haven't played LBPK, it involves creating in 3D, What unique challenges does that pose?
It's completely like LBP, but in a three-dimensional world. Like the 2D creator mode, the materials can be modeled, and the decorations and stickers can be placed on any objects. With the freedom to create anything, the levels players can create can also be a minigame, or maybe a first-person shooter, or perhaps a side-scrolling shooter, or anything they want to make. At first, though, the level designing can be confusing, but the players will have a blast when they get use to making LBPK levels.

Thanks Justin, finally, can you give us 3 tags which describe you as a creator?
Artistic, Story, Epic (If only LBP includes that )

(Interview by SpaceMonkey187)
2012-12-29 16:58:00

Posts: 318

Yay! A new edition! Great interview as always. I really dig JustinArt's levels and was kind of bummed at the "my final level" comment. Noooooooo! I look forward to the new levels and can't wait for the next GC's Spotlight. Well done guys.2012-12-29 17:08:00

Posts: 8424

Great interview! One question though..

Are you not ripping your eyes out wanting to play LBPV?!
2012-12-29 17:34:00

Posts: 406

Thanks for the awesome conversation, Space Monkey. Now, onto responding the replies.

Yay! A new edition! Great interview as always. I really dig JustinArt's levels and was kind of bummed at the "my final level" comment. Noooooooo! I look forward to the new levels and can't wait for the next GC's Spotlight. Well done guys.

If it makes you feel any better, I still have a lot of room left for LBPK tracks. And I'll begin a new set of LBPV levels when I get my hands on PS Vita.

Great interview! One question though..

Are you not ripping your eyes out wanting to play LBPV?!

Yes, I do want to play LBPV. For now I'm saving my birthday money for PS Vita. The only time I play LBPV, so far, was when Taffey let me play his LBPV beta back in GameJam times.

EDIT: Did anyone who logged in LBPC see the images of my silhouette level? I'll fix the invisible image somehow by changing the web link.
2012-12-29 18:00:00

Posts: 1314

#Promoted 2012-12-29 18:06:00

Posts: 65

Another great interview. I've long been an admirer of Justinart's levels. His Cybernetic Adventures series was just epic in the full sense of that word and deserves a lot more plays. I also loved TImeshift Ruins. That was a really accomplished level - complex, good looking and fun to play.

Justin is also one of those generous creators who seem to put a lot back into the game. He often leaves feedback in the level showcase and comments on the Spotlight thread. It's really appreciated.

Thanks again for the deeper insight and, like Bio, I hope you don't literally mean that your last level is in sight!
2012-12-29 18:11:00

Posts: 1455

I'm honored and surprised that you'd mention me as one of the great platform creators considering you were one of the first that I recognized as such. If anything I admire your versatility to create such innovative levels that uniquely has the JustinArts stamp on it. I can't wait to see what innovative style you've brought to LBPK. Nothing less than extroardinary, that I know. I really hope MM allows more room on LBP2 to create than the usual 20 levels. That way you can continue your awesome series.

@Spacemonkey, again thanx for such an incredible and informative interview. I really enjoyed reading all about my fellow GC. I'm still waitn on you buddy.
2012-12-30 06:10:00

Posts: 250

@ Notorious...thank you again Sir for setting up these interviews. I'm sure every member of GC will agree with me when I say it is greatly appreciated.

@ JustinArt...you are an incredible talent, and as Shropshirelass mentioned, a very giving and humble person, which makes you even more awesome. It was great reading about your experiences and motivations. As for running out of room on your Earth, all you need to do is create another PSN account, republish your older levels locked and copyable. Then place the keys in a Vault level, if you have one, and play the Vault level under the new account. The new account will then be able to copy the levels to it's Earth. Remove the copyable option on those levels and then unlock and republish. This is even quicker to do with 2 controllers, as you can log both accounts on at the same time and just create a level on your Moon where the other account can capture them in Play Mode. Log out then back in as the new account, copy the levels to the new Moon, then delete the levels from your old account, and once pub'ed on the new account, you can create your own HUB and have sublinks to the levels on the new account. With this method, you have the potential for 16 accounts at 20 levels each.
2012-12-31 04:40:00

Posts: 1567

Very nicely done Justin, and great job interviewing him guys. 2012-12-31 10:30:00

Posts: 2018

Another great interview. I've long been an admirer of Justinart's levels. His Cybernetic Adventures series was just epic in the full sense of that word and deserves a lot more plays. I also loved TImeshift Ruins. That was a really accomplished level - complex, good looking and fun to play.

Justin is also one of those generous creators who seem to put a lot back into the game. He often leaves feedback in the level showcase and comments on the Spotlight thread. It's really appreciated.

Thanks again for the deeper insight and, like Bio, I hope you don't literally mean that your last level is in sight!

I'm honored and surprised that you'd mention me as one of the great platform creators considering you were one of the first that I recognized as such. If anything I admire your versatility to create such innovative levels that uniquely has the JustinArts stamp on it. I can't wait to see what innovative style you've brought to LBPK. Nothing less than extroardinary, that I know. I really hope MM allows more room on LBP2 to create than the usual 20 levels. That way you can continue your awesome series.

@Spacemonkey, again thanx for such an incredible and informative interview. I really enjoyed reading all about my fellow GC. I'm still waitn on you buddy.

@ JustinArt...you are an incredible talent, and as Shropshirelass mentioned, a very giving and humble person, which makes you even more awesome. It was great reading about your experiences and motivations. As for running out of room on your Earth, all you need to do is create another PSN account, republish your older levels locked and copyable. Then place the keys in a Vault level, if you have one, and play the Vault level under the new account. The new account will then be able to copy the levels to it's Earth. Remove the copyable option on those levels and then unlock and republish. This is even quicker to do with 2 controllers, as you can log both accounts on at the same time and just create a level on your Moon where the other account can capture them in Play Mode. Log out then back in as the new account, copy the levels to the new Moon, then delete the levels from your old account, and once pub'ed on the new account, you can create your own HUB and have sublinks to the levels on the new account. With this method, you have the potential for 16 accounts at 20 levels each.

Thanks for the great comments, Shropshirelass, Tripple, and Rick. I'm surprised that a lot of you want more in my levels. For now, I should first finish three new levels and see what I could do after that. And Rick, when I open another account, do I have to buy all the DLCs again?

EDIT: I just made the pics visible by changing the album's pics to public, so everyone can now see it.
2012-12-31 18:13:00

Posts: 1314

@ JustinArt...no, you do not need to buy any DLC again. All you have to do is go to PlayStation Store, view the DLC purchased by your Main account, and just download it while logged into your new account. You will have to play the first 3 Story Mode levels under the new account, in order to have access to the LBP Community levels. 2012-12-31 18:20:00

Posts: 1567

@ JustinArt...no, you do not need to buy any DLC again. All you have to do is go to PlayStation Store, view the DLC purchased by your Main account, and just download it while logged into your new account. You will have to play the first 3 Story Mode levels under the new account, in order to have access to the LBP Community levels.

Awesome. Then if LBP3 hasn't been announced in summer or sooner, maybe I can open a second account and make another new set of LBP2 levels. Maybe I should do the "Cybernetic Adventures" sequel.
2013-01-05 18:43:00

Posts: 1314

wow this is new to me! showing off creators that are not very well know! I think I will fix perfectly in this category

Anyways This is just incredible, the way in which everything is organize, the way people come to show off creators that no one knows, this is incredible. I don't know the creator but I queued his levels and I will have fun playing them.
2013-01-06 01:52:00

Posts: 1843

Locked per OP request2013-01-06 13:48:00

Posts: 3458

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