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Question about these locked threads

Archive: 6 posts

Before we can get to the questions, here's what I know about the locking process: Threads are okay when first started, but when it becomes spammy, if there is a forum war, or if there are way too many off topic posts (and warnings have been ignored), the mods are going to lock it. They are also going to lock threads that contain a forbidden subject (i.e. naming PSN users online, illegal stuff, cool pages etc.) once created. I think that is fair and reasonable.

But I have some questions regarding these locked/deleted threads, and it's not about why they're locked, but it's about something else.

1. From that one thread End of the World!, why can't I name LBP Central users on the forums? I know I can't name PSN users on the blogs or forums, as well as the lesser known people who don't play video games, but why LBPC users? A moderator edited out the names of the LBPC users from my post telling others that I'm not the one derailing the thread. They're LBPC users, and people say their names on the forums too.

2. From the thread Hacked Pins: Oh boy, here we go, all it did was to warn others that there are some suspicious people online who hacked for pins, so why did it get deleted? It's not suggesting that others should hack for pins. It's actually persuading others to not hack for pins. Before the deletion, it got locked because of piracy. How is it piracy? It's not invading privacy of others.

3. My last question regards the thread The Ultimate Brony Debate. There was a poll. I didn't get to post or vote before the lockdown of the thread, and I know I can't post on locked threads. I probably know why the thread got locked, but why can't I vote on the poll? I wanted to vote on the poll too, but I can't. I should create another thread with the same poll, or I should explain what I should've voted on the poll if it never got locked.
2012-12-28 17:42:00

Posts: 1408

Apple...based on what I've seen in the threads you mention, in all cases they either evoked controversy, pointed fingers at people in a negative light, or contained unacceptable content (such as one of your polls). And in all cases, the LBPC Moderators were correct in their actions. I recommend you diligently read the Site Policies and Requirements section of this Site, and adhere the guidelines provided. The intent of those guidelines is to ensure our member's on this site have a pleasureable experience. 2012-12-28 18:50:00

Posts: 1567

I'm surprised you would choose to solicit answers to these questions publicly, despite multiple recommendations to handle these things privately. If you want the rest of the forum to see my responses to you, that is your choice I suppose.

why can't I name LBP Central users on the forums?It's not the naming, it's the context. Naming people while saying generally nice things is ok, naming people in other contexts really isn't. Examples:

Good: Joe1234 is a nice guy.
Bad: Joe1234 is a dumb stinkyhead.
Good: Mary5678 has an opinion I agree with.
Bad: Mary5678 is derailing the thread, not innocent little me.

From the thread Hacked Pins: Oh boy, here we go, all it did was to warn others that there are some suspicious people online who hacked for pins, so why did it get deleted?Because the thread included information about how to hack the pins yourself. Examples:

Good: Please don't rob banks.
Bad: Here's how you rob a bank, so please don't do it.

How is it piracy? It's not invading privacy of others.Although piracy and privacy are spelled only slightly differently, they are not the same things.

I probably know why the thread got locked, but why can't I vote on the poll?Because the thread was locked. Why can't you drink from an empty glass of milk? Same answer.

I should create another thread with the same poll, or I should explain what I should've voted on the poll if it never got locked.You should do neither of those things, unless you're curious what an infraction is like.
2012-12-28 19:13:00

Posts: 3187

You should do neither of those things, unless you're curious what an infraction is like.

That sounds like a dumb thing to do.

But thanks for the info. And RickRock_777 is right about the polls too. It contained some inappropriate answers.
2012-12-28 19:27:00

Posts: 1408

If you really want to express your opinion on ponies you could use the main pony thread to do it.2012-12-28 19:38:00

Posts: 6728

If you really want to express your opinion on ponies you could use the main pony thread to do it.

Yea, its almost, what, 400 pages of delight? o_o
2012-12-30 16:07:00

Posts: 1840

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