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Archive: 6 posts

Once a race is finished online, players have the chance to choose the track or arena they want to play next. This list gets repetitive over time and should be expanded. Since the Team Picks haven't changed in awhile, I question if there will be anymore. Regardless, I think all of the tracks that made the Team Pick cuts should be considered for the next race selection process.

There are more Team Picks now than Story levels anyway, so it would even make sense to have all three options be randomly chosen from Story and Team Pick lists. Right now, the only Team Picks are Das Boot, Orion's Glade, Winter Epicness, and Return to the Sandbox. Since players tend to gravitate more towards these tracks since they're different, it'd just be nice to have more options.
2012-12-24 21:42:00

Posts: 252

I want to see the ability to create gamerooms so that the host can specify what levels to rotate through/vote. Also, once everyone's voted on a level, make it so we can vote to ready up and start racing immediately.

Another good idea...give an option to remove AI players too. AI's almost always ruin a game with human players.
2012-12-25 16:59:00

Posts: 122

To anyone concerned, it seems that the final 2 of the 3 selections for the next level in online play have been updated to allow ALL Team Picks to be randomly chosen. So you've got 1 LBPK track, then 2 community tracks to choose from each time.2013-02-28 16:29:00

Unknown User

Awesome! Thanks for letting us know! This is great. As much as I appreciate those who created the original four custom tracks, they were getting old.2013-02-28 19:09:00

Posts: 252

I've got to say, this simple update has brought this game back to life! The freezing issue persists, but we've now got the variety of what, 40-50 levels to play online together? Many thanks to United Front Games for sorting this out. Please keep working in this direction though, because it's not quite there yet ... not quite the ?40 game I purchased from launch.2013-03-02 14:42:00

Unknown User

Yeah, it still has a way to go, but this update combined with the costumes really upped my interest in the game. I played the heck out of it yesterday as if it were new. 8D2013-03-02 18:44:00

Posts: 252

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