Spread the Knowledge
Archive: 49 posts
Hello everyone, here's a revival of an awesome thread by comishguy that sadly died a while back. The idea is to post some fun facts and/or information you might've learned recently or even a long time ago. It seems like a pretty cool idea to learn something new, plus you get to teach others something in the process. It can be historical, scientific, pop-culturey, whatever you guys want. Here's something to start with. ? Albert Einstein's last words will never be known. He spoke them in German, and the attending nurse did not understand German. | 2012-12-23 18:44:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Oh, I remember that thread, good idea to make a new one DV! *Waits for 1+1 jokes* ... And the 2+2 ones that come along with them ... | 2012-12-23 19:07:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
good idea ![]() ![]() | 2012-12-23 19:40:00 Author: Sakura ![]() Posts: 73 |
Always nice to learn something new. Here's a true story . . . Some guy from a little over 2,000 years back told me the world is flat. He was very smart and poised in manner so I believed him, yet later that same year some Eratosthenes guy told me the world is round. I didn't believe him as his manner of behavior would lead one to believe he was a kook. He then told me I wouldn't understand his findings because I am a woman. I just ignored him and walked away. Anyways fast forwarding a few years later I finished my time machine with help from my brothers. My parents were completely unaware of what I was doing. If my father had known he would of been furious and scold me as it is not comely of a woman to show interest in such things and I would have been an embarrassment to the family, but luckily my brothers kept my secret and I needed some man power for some of the physical strength needed during the building process. So I hopped in and traveled to 1985 and I've been living in this era ever since. I discovered that upon arriving in 1985 everyone thinks the Earth is round. They must be kooks like that Eratosthenes guy. So I've come to the conclusion that everyone in this time period must be kooks, though I remain unaffected. I've been living here ever since trying to figure out what happened to everyone and how they all turned into kooks. The world is clearly flat. This kook plague must be the work of the Gods, maybe as punishment for something, but they continue to ignore me when I try talking to them. Either way I have continued to document these truths and spread the word, though it seems to do no good as you kooks are convinced I am wrong. | 2012-12-23 21:27:00 Author: Hana_Kami ![]() Posts: 393 |
People mostly associate the term "crystal" with some minerals, but few know that actually most inorganic solids we know are also crystals. It's a bit funny to call a iron bar a "crystal", but it does have a crystalline atomic organization. | 2012-12-24 01:23:00 Author: MatrixEchidna ![]() Posts: 66 |
The average person blinks over 10,000,000 times in a year. Believe it or not. ![]() | 2012-12-24 14:08:00 Author: Spaceraoul28 ![]() Posts: 175 |
Today, I have learned that one should NEVER hit a lighter with a hamer. :S | 2012-12-24 17:29:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
Remind me not to post humor on this site anymore, lol. -_- Obviously no one got my previous post. Look up Eratosthenes, the guy I mentioned in the previous post, and you'll learn that he was the first one to document the Earth being round. Many mistakenly believe Christopher Columbus did. I just figured I would add a bit of creativity and amusement. In other words there was something to learn in there. I was hoping someone would of got it, lol. | 2012-12-24 17:34:00 Author: Hana_Kami ![]() Posts: 393 |
People are actually learning from this thread. :O Like Hana_Kami learned that she shouldn't post humor silly stories here. :3 | 2012-12-24 17:50:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
Remind me not to post humor on this site anymore, lol. -_- You posted humor? | 2012-12-24 18:48:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Today, I have learned that one should NEVER hit a lighter with a hamer. :S I also learned a number of years back not to put a lighter under a crockpot that's going to be cooking overnight. :eek: | 2012-12-24 21:02:00 Author: TheCountessZ ![]() Posts: 537 |
You posted humor? Yes, unless you believe I really came from ancient Greece in a time machine. I also said amusement and not humor because it's mild humor, or subtle humor. In those times in ancient Greece men were sexist if that's the word one wants to use. I wouldn't say sexist since they didn't hate females but you get the idea. It was men doing all the pioneering, yet right after he said she wouldn't understand because she is female I jumped to the part about her finishing a time machine so obviously she was smarter than anyone else in her time which adds some subtle humor to the moment, but even though she was smart enough to build a time machine she wasn't smart enough to realize that what Eratosthenes had said was true, and you don't have to be very smart to test whether the Earth is round or not as compared to how smart you would have to be to build a time machine. Another layer of humor on top of that is the fact that the materials didn't even exist back then to create a time machine no matter how smart you were. Today I believe we have the materials, just not the technology or knowledge to do so if even possible at all which is highly unlikely. She was absolutely convinced that the world is flat and thought that everyone else must be crazy. The only truth to this fictional true story is Eratosthenes. I just created a very brief amusing story around it which is much more amusing than if I simply said "Eratosthenes was actually the first to document that the Earth is round, not Christopher Columbus like many think." I just thought I would be a little more creative and have some fun with it. | 2012-12-24 22:52:00 Author: Hana_Kami ![]() Posts: 393 |
Here's how humor works, my friend: be as brief as possible, know how to deliver the punchline, and never explain the joke. Ever. | 2012-12-24 23:15:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
Here's how humor works, my friend: be as brief as possible, know how to deliver the punchline, and never explain the joke. Ever. It wasn't a joke, lol. ![]() To stay on topic . . . True Fact: You cannot taste food unless it is mixed with saliva. | 2012-12-25 00:10:00 Author: Hana_Kami ![]() Posts: 393 |
It wasn't a joke, lol. ![]() Well, it kinda applies to humorous stories too, not just jokes. You don't want to dwell on the same point over and over again. But yeah, moving on. It's illegal to kill a bigfoot in the state of Washington, even though its existence has never been proven. | 2012-12-25 00:39:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
Did you know: Apples are more efficient than caffeine for keeping people awake in the mornings? and... The electric chair was invented by a dentist? | 2012-12-26 14:05:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
Did you know: Apples are more efficient than caffeine for keeping people awake in the mornings? That may be so, but they don't taste or smell anywhere near as good ![]() Anyway, this gets a little bit technical, but I bet a lot you have at least one time or another wondered how that unassuming white box cooks your food. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp33ZprO0Ck | 2012-12-26 14:22:00 Author: SR20DETDOG ![]() Posts: 2431 |
The book most often stolen from public libraries is the Guinness Book of Records, you can read all about it in the Guinness Book of Records. | 2012-12-26 16:32:00 Author: Ironface ![]() Posts: 432 |
A seasonal fact: It can take up to an hour for a snowflake to fall from the sky to the ground. ![]() | 2012-12-26 18:39:00 Author: Spaceraoul28 ![]() Posts: 175 |
Known Fact but no one cares and does it anyways: DON'T MICROWAVE SOAP EVERRRR | 2012-12-27 13:51:00 Author: DominationMags ![]() Posts: 1840 |
Known Fact but no one cares and does it anyways: DON'T MICROWAVE SOAP EVERRRR Now that you said that, i really want to. Fight the temptation! :hero: | 2012-12-27 13:59:00 Author: Spaceraoul28 ![]() Posts: 175 |
As crazy as this may sound, it's true...I read about it on the Internet. Professional wrestling is actually fake. I know, I know. I was shocked when I discovered this also. I'll never be able to view WWF Live Raw To The Death Cage Matches in the same manner again. But I think the hitting with folding chairs is still real...maybe. :/ | 2012-12-27 16:38:00 Author: RickRock_777 ![]() Posts: 1567 |
Now that you said that, i really want too. Fight the temptation! :hero: Agreed. Or at least watch a video of it happening. xD | 2012-12-27 18:13:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljKQrr2ydHc | 2012-12-27 19:12:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljKQrr2ydHc To be honest I expected an explosion. | 2012-12-28 00:07:00 Author: yugnar ![]() Posts: 1478 |
To be honest I expected an explosion. it will catch fire. | 2012-12-28 04:24:00 Author: DominationMags ![]() Posts: 1840 |
'Cause nothing impresses the ladies quite like pulling out some sexy tree knowledge does. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BickMFHAZR0 | 2012-12-28 10:02:00 Author: SR20DETDOG ![]() Posts: 2431 |
As crazy as this may sound, it's true...I read about it on the Internet. Professional wrestling is actually fake. I know, I know. I was shocked when I discovered this also. I'll never be able to view WWF Live Raw To The Death Cage Matches in the same manner again. But I think the hitting with folding chairs is still real...maybe. :/ Take it back, take it back! From one, count forwards until you get to a number with the letter A in it. If you don't feel like doing so, then it's one thousand. Every termite in the world put together would weigh ten times more than every human in the world put together, when they come for us you'll be sorry, and I warned you all... | 2012-12-28 13:51:00 Author: Ironface ![]() Posts: 432 |
From one, count forwards until you get to a number with the letter A in it. If you don't feel like doing so, then it's one thousand. If I did that in my language, then I'd only have to count to eight. ![]() | 2012-12-28 14:02:00 Author: nysudyrgh ![]() Posts: 5482 |
If I did that in my language, then I'd only have to count to eight. ![]() nys, always finding the cheap way out. :kz: | 2012-12-28 14:16:00 Author: DominationMags ![]() Posts: 1840 |
From one, count forwards until you get to a number with the letter A in it. If you don't feel like doing so, then it's one thousand. Assuming "And" isn't counted in this, after you pass 100 the majority of numbers include and when spoken like 101 becomes one hundred and one and and gets in even earlier in older english. Sing a song of sixpence A pocket full of rye. Four and twenty blackbirds Baked in a pie. | 2012-12-30 01:03:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
More women rather be hit by a truck than fat. ![]() | 2012-12-30 04:03:00 Author: DominationMags ![]() Posts: 1840 |
In 1915, Charlie Chaplin entered a Charlie Chaplin Lookalike Contest in San Francisco. Not only did he not win, he failed to even make the final. ![]() | 2012-12-30 14:20:00 Author: Protoraptor ![]() Posts: 960 |
In 1915, Charlie Chaplin entered a Charlie Chaplin Lookalike Contest in San Francisco. Not only did he not win, he failed to even make the final. ![]() But if you look closely, Charlie Chaplin doesn't really look like Charlie Chaplin. Strange, isn't it? | 2012-12-30 14:31:00 Author: DominationMags ![]() Posts: 1840 |
Charlie Chaplin doesn't look like Charlie Chaplin. Mind=Blown. | 2012-12-30 21:00:00 Author: Protoraptor ![]() Posts: 960 |
If you drink too much water in a short period of time you will drown. If you eat too much food you will frown. | 2012-12-30 21:23:00 Author: LieutenantFatman ![]() Posts: 465 |
142857 is a really cool number. 142857 times any number up to seven is 142857 in a different order: 142857(2)=285714 142857(3)=428571 142857(4)=571428 What about 142857(7)? Well, 142857(7)=999999. 142857(8)=1142856, and if you remove the one from the start and add it to the six at the end, you get 142857. 142857(9)=1285713, do the same thing as 1142856 and you get 285714, same as 142857(2). 142857(10)=1428570, do the thing, 428571, which is the same as 142857(3). This goes on forever, except when the number 142857 is being multiplied by is a multiple of seven. When it is seven, then the number will always be 999999 when you do the add thing. | 2013-01-01 01:18:00 Author: Kalawishis ![]() Posts: 928 |
2013 is the first year since 1987 that has four different digits. | 2013-01-01 01:21:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
142857(8)=1142856 New age of maths, find x is now find 8) | 2013-01-01 01:48:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Chevrolet tried marketing Chevrolet Nova cars in Spanish speaking countries, but it didn't spell well because "no va" means "doesn't go". | 2013-01-01 02:23:00 Author: Apple2012 ![]() Posts: 1408 |
Insomniac originally intended to use "Clock Blockers" as the subtitle for Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time and "Four Play" as the subtitle for Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One. Unfortunately, Sony thought Insomniac's tradition of using innuendo in the series' subtitles was going too far. | 2013-01-01 02:34:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
4 is the only number to have the same amount of letters as it says. | 2013-01-01 20:06:00 Author: Apple2012 ![]() Posts: 1408 |
Insomniac originally intended to use "Clock Blockers" as the subtitle for Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time and "Four Play" as the subtitle for Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One. Unfortunately, Sony thought Insomniac's tradition of using innuendo in the series' subtitles was going too far. All of a sudden, Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters is a lot more funny. :B Coca-Cola + Ketchup = a nice something to go on your chicken before you grill it. :3 | 2013-01-02 15:47:00 Author: CirkuzFr3ek ![]() Posts: 194 |
You could fit the whole world's population on Australia with space to spare. Imagine that one huge mega metropolis. | 2013-01-02 19:34:00 Author: Spaceraoul28 ![]() Posts: 175 |
Animals that taste like chicken: Alligator Bullfrog Snapping turtle Iguana Snake Pigeon Quail Kangaroo Rabbit Chicken Frog Termite Cane Toad (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tastes_like_chicken) | 2013-01-05 11:10:00 Author: flamingemu ![]() Posts: 1872 |
Animals that taste like chicken: Alligator Bullfrog Snapping turtle Iguana Snake Pigeon Quail Kangaroo Rabbit Chicken Frog Termite Cane Toad (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tastes_like_chicken) I'm not sure of the others but kangaroo tastes nothing like chicken, more of a rich beef flavour, soke it in some soy sauce, honey & garlic marinade then BBQ it. As soon as my BBQ arrives that's what I'll be doing. | 2013-01-05 12:19:00 Author: SR20DETDOG ![]() Posts: 2431 |
http://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned (http://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/#newlink) | 2013-01-06 03:43:00 Author: Kalawishis ![]() Posts: 928 |
One does not simply walk into Mordor. Also, in the original Batman comics Bane was a Spanish wrestler. | 2013-01-06 13:02:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
Also, in the original Batman comics Bane was a Spanish wrestler. Isn't he always a spanish (or is it mexican/south american) wrestler in all incarnations except TDKR? | 2013-01-06 15:35:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
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