The Cake Factory
Archive: 1 post
The cake factory is a level created by Tessawessa, first off I will link u to the lbp.me page for it: http://lbp.me/v/g4xb-c The level is about sackthings journey to a cake factory, the factory contains much peril. Overall the level is pretty awesome, it has good gameplay and aesthetics. The reason I am posting the level here is that it is extremely low on plays, in fact, as of the time I posted this thread, I am the only person who has played it, the only reason for this is that the creator has not become known yet. Sorry for the picture quality and reflections, had no charged camera so had to use a 4th gen Ipod touch:/ 43327433284332943330433314333243333 Hopefully you will take the time to play this level, cheers again, Killerfrogy | 2012-12-20 02:34:00 Author: killerfrogy ![]() Posts: 65 |
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