LBP Mobile for Android v1.20 NOW OUT!
Archive: 19 posts
Version 1.20 is now out, including so many changes that it's hard to list them all, but I will try. You can now browse LBP Vita levels You can queue/heart directly from in the app. Signing in will auto include your PSN name under settings View your/others pins in app New "My Hearted Authors" feed to keep up to date with your hearted authors Pull to refresh on all lists Advanced photoviewer with MUCH better quality Search, nuff said. Auto loading more levels into the list when you reach the last one "never ending LBP.me" Tons of other changes. If you guys have any suggestions for the next update, feel free to drop suggestions over at http://lbpmobile.uservoice.com! Old Stuff I set out to develop a LBP.me app for Android since ShadowRivers project was currently on hold. Today I would like to announce LBP Mobile for Android. The app itself allows you to see the status of your current levels, the trending levels, the MM Picks, and your profile information all in the form of an Holo themed Android app. After a week of pushing through bugs I am pleased to say the app is live on the play store, while nothing compared to LBPHub for iPhone, it is a good app. One thing you can do is browse LBP.me regularly but when you click on a level or author link you can open those directly in the app! Here is the link to the app on the play store. Play Store (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jeremysteckling.lbpmobile3) Any feedback or suggestions I would love to hear, I have set up a place where you can list ideas and bugs in the app, which is here (http://lbpmobile.uservoice.com/). Future plans include Browsing LBP Vita as well as LBP Karting, Queuing directly from the app, pull to refresh on all the feeds, and even a improved photo browser. These will all likely be in the app in version 1.2 which is currently in development. For the latest info check us out on twitter @LBP_Mobile (http://twitter.com/LBP_Mobile)! | 2012-12-14 22:23:00 Author: fodawim ![]() Posts: 363 |
Installed it. I'm glad that something like this is started on android. One thing: the number of plays (my levels, picks ...) is not the same as at the lbp.me. Other - I guess you'll eventually upgrade app with new functionalities, look forward to it. Good start ! | 2012-12-14 23:38:00 Author: goranilic ![]() Posts: 332 |
Great! Except I'm on android 2.3.3 and can't upgrade any higher... >.< | 2012-12-14 23:56:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
I'm glad you were able to get this out for the Android folks fodawim! I'm impressed by your incredible turnaround time of one week, and I assume that the amount of people that you will make happy with this will make it well worth your while ![]() As for people commenting on the fact that play count doesn't match with LBP.me, I'm not sure how far off it is but there are a number of reasons that this can occur. I believe that he is retrieving it via the JSON feed, and that only updates every 10 minutes I think, so if a level is being played a lot then the plays are only going to match up perfectly at that 10 minute mark, and then there will be discrepancy. You mentioned this being and issue with Mm Picks, and I would assume that you would notice it the most with them since they are being played a lot. Also, I haven't talked to him, but if the discrepancy is major then I would assume that he is taking the total play count instead of the unique play count. I struggled with deciding which of these to use because both are very good to know :-) I look forward to seeing how this evolves ![]() | 2012-12-15 01:33:00 Author: amazingflyingpoo ![]() Posts: 1515 |
As for people commenting on the fact that play count doesn't match with LBP.me, I'm not sure how far off it is but there are a number of reasons that this can occur. I believe that he is retrieving it via the JSON feed, and that only updates every 10 minutes I think, so if a level is being played a lot then the plays are only going to match up perfectly at that 10 minute mark, and then there will be discrepancy. You mentioned this being and issue with Mm Picks, and I would assume that you would notice it the most with them since they are being played a lot. Thanks for replying while I was away! Im getting level lists (mm picks etc) via the JSON feeds, which as AFP said only refresh every 10 minutes. But for level specifics I am using a custom API system, which only updates every ~15 minutes. so there will be some issues with play counts not lining up *exactly* right, but I can certainly look into any issues with major differences. | 2012-12-15 03:17:00 Author: fodawim ![]() Posts: 363 |
As for people commenting on the fact that play count doesn't match with LBP.me, I'm not sure how far off it is but there are a number of reasons that this can occur. I believe that he is retrieving it via the JSON feed, and that only updates every 10 minutes I think, so if a level is being played a lot then the plays are only going to match up perfectly at that 10 minute mark, and then there will be discrepancy. You mentioned this being and issue with Mm Picks, and I would assume that you would notice it the most with them since they are being played a lot. Also, I haven't talked to him, but if the discrepancy is major then I would assume that he is taking the total play count instead of the unique play count. I struggled with deciding which of these to use because both are very good to know :-) I looked at levels that have no more plays. Think it's all about choice - a total play count against unique play count. But when you click on a level, the data presented are accurate. | 2012-12-15 09:35:00 Author: goranilic ![]() Posts: 332 |
Awesome! I loved LBPHub, and with my new Android cellphone I just acquired a couple of days ago, I will give this a try for sure ![]() | 2012-12-15 14:34:00 Author: yugnar ![]() Posts: 1478 |
... with new update, counters are OK ![]() | 2012-12-19 14:03:00 Author: goranilic ![]() Posts: 332 |
... with new update, counters are OK ![]() Good to know, its most likely because now im just ripping data directly from LBP.me such as LBPHub was. I've got a pretty big update planned for version 1.1 Including backwards compatibility with Android 2.3.X and Push notifications for the latest news! | 2012-12-19 20:24:00 Author: fodawim ![]() Posts: 363 |
lg optomus 3d does not support it ![]() | 2012-12-20 05:44:00 Author: WESFUN ![]() Posts: 1336 |
Oh awesome! Though my Little Big focus is on Karting at the moment, not owning a Vita is helping that. It's good to see this finally for Android. | 2012-12-20 10:11:00 Author: anarchowolf ![]() Posts: 194 |
lg optomus 3d does not support it ![]() Check today ![]() | 2012-12-21 02:00:00 Author: fodawim ![]() Posts: 363 |
No longer only for android 4.0+ I see. ^-^ | 2012-12-21 02:25:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
No longer only for android 4.0+ I see. ^-^ Yep! ![]() I'm still working on trying to get the apps feature set built out as much as I would like it to be. Here is something destined for the next update ![]() https://pbs.twimg.com/media/A-sEoz4CYAINoxb.png:large EDIT. Just for a bit of sneak peak. this is a very early version of 1.20 ![]() http://i.imgur.com/QeTzN.png | 2012-12-22 03:27:00 Author: fodawim ![]() Posts: 363 |
oh its going to have vita and karting hooray! | 2012-12-24 17:14:00 Author: megaextremist ![]() Posts: 221 |
oh its going to have vita and karting hooray! Yep ![]() | 2012-12-31 04:13:00 Author: fodawim ![]() Posts: 363 |
Bump, Version 1.20 is now out, OP was updated with new stuff as well as a bit more contact info for future ideas. | 2013-02-10 05:31:00 Author: fodawim ![]() Posts: 363 |
Small request: can u make it movable to SD card ? | 2013-02-10 09:51:00 Author: goranilic ![]() Posts: 332 |
Small request: can u make it movable to SD card ? Not sure how that will work, but I will definitely try! EDIT: I have made the changes and it will be included in 1.20.1 which should hit the store sometime this week. EDIT2: I just published v1.20.1 which includes the option to install to SD card, and some bug fixes. | 2013-02-10 13:40:00 Author: fodawim ![]() Posts: 363 |
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