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Seasonal Spirits Crown Contest - Registration
Archive: 34 posts
http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo195/liampatrickberry/ss1-1.jpg Welcome to the Seasonal Spirits registration thread! The publishing window for this contest is NOW OPEN! Please enter all of your levels by posting here, in this thread. If you haven't made an introduction yet, and you're a new member, you might like to think about making one in the Introductions Forum (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?6-Introduce-Yourselves) (but this is not a requirement of the rules). Due to the bugs coming with patch 1.20 we're allowing 2 days to fix any eventual bug Please use, and complete this template if you're planning on entering: Name on LBPC: PSN ID (if different): LBP.me link: Level Name: Link to Level Showcase thread (if any): If you haven't read the rules, regulations, expectations etc. within the main thread, you can find them here (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=75223-Seasonal-Spirits-Crown-contest). This thread will be updated regularly. If you would like to change anything within your template, make a post, and we'll update the list of entrants accordingly. Thanks, and GOOD LUCK to everyone entering! ---------------------------------------------- PARTICIPANTS LIST: (In alphabetical order of PSN name) Name on LBPC:ajisagi & nyanchuoya PSN ID (if different): ajisagi & oya_710 LBP.me link: http://lbp.me/u/ajisagi & http://lbp.me/u/oya_710 Level Name: [SSCC] Happening of Christmas クリスマスイブの大事件~お星さまといたずらおばけ~ Link to Level Showcase thread (if any): http://lbp.me/v/g3fkpg/activity Name: EnochRoot Psn ID: Enochroot Lbp.me link: http://lbp.me/v/g1jqdc/reviews Level name: SSCC: LittleBig Xmas Tree bounce and swing Halloween invasion! Name: Geet-R Psn ID: Geet-R Lbp.me link: http://lbp.me/v/g1ty1f Level name: SSCC - Mingle Bells, Mingle Bells Name: Jon PSN ID: Jonarrthan LBP.me link:http://lbp.me/v/g1gktk Level Name: SSCC - Aim for the hat (1 Player) Name: Loli_Racer PSN ID: Loli_Racer LBP.me:http://lbp.me/v/g39-dt Level name: Halloween VS Navidad Name: One-Mad-Bunny PSN ID: One-Mad-Bunny LBP.me:http://lbp.me/v/g33pcy Level name: (SSCC) All Hallows Christmas Platformer. Central showcase link: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=76521-All-Hallows-Christmas-Platformer&p=1067833#post1067833 Name: Ucroburst-Extra & Buttarms PSN ID: Ucroburst-Extra & Buddydestruction LBP.me link: http://lbp.me/v/g4qksw Level Name: Operation Claus Central showcase link: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=76529-SSCC-Operation-Claus | 2012-12-14 08:19:00 Author: shropshirelass Posts: 1455 |
what does it mean by level link? | 2012-12-14 17:57:00 Author: Jonarrthan Posts: 310 |
Sorry, Joarrthan! That was a bit too much of an abbreviation. It was meant to be the link to the Level Showcase thread, if there is one. That's optional anyway. The key thing is the lbp.me link. | 2012-12-14 18:24:00 Author: shropshirelass Posts: 1455 |
Name: Jon PSN ID: Jonarrthan LBP.me link: http://lbp.me/v/g1gktk Level Name: SSCC - Aim for the hat (1 Player) | 2012-12-14 18:45:00 Author: Jonarrthan Posts: 310 |
Name: EnochRoot Psn ID: Enochroot Lbp.me link: http://lbp.me/v/g1jqdc/reviews Level name: SSCC: Christmas Tree bounce & swing Halloween invasion! (just for fun non-competitive entry filled with randomness and a spike milligan intro voice!) | 2012-12-14 23:41:00 Author: EnochRoot Posts: 533 |
Will be posting our (Ucroburst and me) level tomorrow, hopefully. | 2012-12-15 05:07:00 Author: Buttarms Posts: 142 |
Name: Geet-R Psn ID: Geet-R Lbp.me link: http://lbp.me/v/g1ty1f Level name: SSCC - Mingle Bells, Mingle Bells PHEW. I hope it's still good, I was out of the country and away from the internet the whole weekend. | 2012-12-16 14:25:00 Author: Sackpapoi Posts: 1195 |
Name: One-Mad-Bunny PSN ID: One-Mad-Bunny LBP.me:http://lbp.me/v/g33pcy Level name: (SSCC) All Hallows Christmas Platformer. Central showcase link: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=76521-All-Hallows-Christmas-Platformer&p=1067833#post1067833 | 2012-12-17 02:01:00 Author: one-mad-bunny Posts: 334 |
Name: Ucroburst & Buttarms PSN ID: Ucroburst & Buddydestruction LBP.me link: http://lbp.me/v/g35xe4 Level Name: Operation Claus Central showcase link: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=76529-SSCC-Operation-Claus | 2012-12-17 06:53:00 Author: Buttarms Posts: 142 |
HELLO MY LEVEL: http://lbp.me/v/g39-dt | 2012-12-17 21:01:00 Author: Unknown User |
Hi Loli_Racer Thanks for posting your level. I look forward to playing it. I noticed though that it doesn't have the tag SSCC in the title. That's one of the rules and it will also make it easier for players to find and queue your level in game. You still have some time before the deadline so you can easily make that small change. | 2012-12-17 21:10:00 Author: shropshirelass Posts: 1455 |
is this all the registered levels from this website? | 2012-12-18 00:31:00 Author: Jonarrthan Posts: 310 |
Name on LBPC:ajisagi & nyanchuoya PSN ID (if different): ajisagi & oya_710 LBP.me link: http://lbp.me/u/ajisagi & http://lbp.me/u/oya_710 Level Name: [SSCC] Happening of Christmas クリスマスイブの大事件~お星さまといたずらおばけ~ Link to Level Showcase thread (if any): http://lbp.me/v/g3fkpg/activity We complete to upload...but, There is a huge bug. X( This level has a possibility that it cannot clear... like a this... please look it. http://lbp.me/p/q25fykc OMG!What should we do???? | 2012-12-18 08:58:00 Author: nyanchuoya Posts: 57 |
Please note: due to some unfortunate side effects and bugs caused by the latest patch the contest organisers are allowing creators who have entered a level 48hrs to address and fix any issues that have arisen. Good luck folks! | 2012-12-18 22:59:00 Author: EnochRoot Posts: 533 |
Hi crew, I'm not entirely sure whether my level has been affected by the update, but from the initial few plays after making it public, other issues have arisen. Would I be allowed to address those and republish within this timeframe? It's nothing that changes gameplay, just a little added guidance in somewhat cryptic areas. | 2012-12-19 04:06:00 Author: Liquid_Blood_ Posts: 116 |
Please note: due to some unfortunate side effects and bugs caused by the latest patch the contest organisers are allowing creators who have entered a level 48hrs to address and fix any issues that have arisen. Good luck folks! OK, thx! We have fixed! BTW, thank you for review.^^ Ajisagi and I have not other SSCC level. We are looking forwarod to play them! Good luck everyone!XD | 2012-12-20 04:25:00 Author: nyanchuoya Posts: 57 |
Fixed bugs and republished entry! Can't post new link here 'cuz I'm using a useless phone. I suggest heading to our level topic for the new link. | 2012-12-21 12:00:00 Author: Buttarms Posts: 142 |
Thanks! Link updated in the OP. | 2012-12-21 12:32:00 Author: shropshirelass Posts: 1455 |
so when does judging start? and when would the results be posted? | 2012-12-21 13:31:00 Author: Jonarrthan Posts: 310 |
won't be announced this side of New year so have fun playing the entries and enjoying christmas. | 2012-12-21 17:18:00 Author: EnochRoot Posts: 533 |
a level is been seen and liked and will hope it win | 2012-12-21 17:32:00 Author: Sakura Posts: 73 |
@Sakura, I read your last post before you changed it, and as a friend I strongly urge you to take a deep breath and cool off before insulting other members. I'm glad that you saw fit to change your comment and I hope that in future you will be considerate in choosing your words before posting. | 2012-12-21 18:01:00 Author: Pookachoo Posts: 838 |
While making the adjustments I mentioned, someone alerted me to an actual small level-breaking bug in my design, which I have since fixed. So, thank you again for the grace period! | 2012-12-21 18:55:00 Author: Liquid_Blood_ Posts: 116 |
[joke post that was stupid in retrospect] | 2012-12-22 03:05:00 Author: bonner123 Posts: 1487 |
Aw, it seems the entry me and my friends made was moderated. It wasn't that inappropriate... expect for the subtle things... [√] If your level was moderated without just cause, I'm sorry to hear that. Perhaps if you contact StevenI he could help - either by correcting the situation if it was a mistake, or by giving you an explanation if there was a valid reason. Keep in mind that with the upcoming holiday it could take time to get a response. Edit: I didn't play the level myself, but I did hear someone mention that the content was questionable for a kid friendly game. I think everyone should be informed of the reason for a level being moderated (in order to learn from mistakes) but maybe before contacting the community manager, think about the "subtle things" you mentioned and see if anything stands out as a probable reason. | 2012-12-22 21:01:00 Author: Pookachoo Posts: 838 |
The level was ridiculously inappropriate and included a character who would do questionable things should he be turned into a volcano. I was kidding around. | 2012-12-23 01:18:00 Author: bonner123 Posts: 1487 |
The level was ridiculously inappropriate and included a character who would do questionable things should he be turned into a volcano. I was kidding around. so let's get this straight..you and your buddies thought it would be fun to get together and create a level filled with offensive content, publish it and enter it in a contest fully aware that kids and families may be playing all over these levels during christmas? Nice...that's the problem with trolling negative behaviour... kidding around often leaves you looking like a #%@! http://i375.photobucket.com/albums/oo195/liampatrickberry/signpunch.gif | 2012-12-23 12:11:00 Author: EnochRoot Posts: 533 |
I'm sorry. We thought the level was so amazingly stupid that people would be too dumbfounded to be offended. We'll keep levels like this private next time. It was a lapse in judgement from us: we were probably in too good of a mood after making that monstrosity. It was me and my friends being stupid rather than us being ********. Never say it's malice when stupidity is a much simpler explanation. No need to get all soapboxey... although I guess that's your thing. It wasn't trolling as much as it was a poorly thought out joke between friends, and jumping to the former shows you don't really know what trolling is. Pathetic sanctimony aside, we won't be making things as inappropriate in the future. I'm still going to make joke entries for the contests though. Some things you can't change. I'll make sure they aren't as inappropriate though. | 2012-12-23 18:51:00 Author: bonner123 Posts: 1487 |
Here's the complete list of entries, if anyone has been overlooked please contact the organisers. Name: Geet-R Psn ID: Geet-R Lbp.me link: http://lbp.me/v/g1ty1f Level name: SSCC - Mingle Bells, Mingle Bells Name: Jon PSN ID: Jonarrthan LBP.me link: http://lbp.me/v/g1gktk Level Name: SSCC - Aim for the hat (1 Player) Name: Loli_Racer PSN ID: Loli_Racer LBP.me: http://lbp.me/v/g39-dt Level name: Halloween VS Navidad Name: One-Mad-Bunny PSN ID: One-Mad-Bunny LBP.me: http://lbp.me/v/g33pcy Level name: (SSCC) All Hallows Christmas Platformer. Name: Arklon PSN ID: Arklon Level Name: [SSCC] Christmas Evil (1 Player!) Level Link: http://lbp.me/v/g2q8g6 Name: Zmylied PSN ID: zmylied Level Name: A witch celebrating christmas! Level Link: http://lbp.me/v/g1kmb9 Name: CRASHER360 PSN ID: CRASHER360 Level Name: [SSCC] Snow Tobooggan Level Link: http://www.lbp.me/v/g1bkb1 Name: retrogamer7 PSN: retrogamer7 Level Name: Penguins Christmas Adventure! Level Link: http://www.lbp.me/v/g1f-wb Name:21matt PSN ID:coolmatthew1234 Level Name:Trouble At The North Pole Level Link: http://lbp.me/v/g1hn1x Name:nthnsn917 PSN ID:nthnsn917 Level Name: SSCC:Christaween Level Link: http://lbp.me/v/g2de-t Name: Branvin63 PSN ID: branvin63 Level Name: When Santa Meets Halloween Festival! Level Link: http://lbp.me/v/g2sfwv Name: Liquid_Blood_ PSN ID: Liquid_Blood_ Level name: (SSCC) Paranormal Festivities Level link: http://lbp.me/v/gsh0ts Name: Insert display name here. (Buttarms, LBPC) & UcroBurst PSN ID: Buddydestruction & UcroBurst Level Name: Operation Clause Level Link: http://lbp.me/v/g4qksw Name: ajisagi & nyan PSN ID: ajisagi & oya_710 Level Name: [SSCC] Happening of Christmas Level Link: http://lbp.me/v/g3fkpg Name: L-I-M-I PSN ID: L-I-m-I Level Name: [SSCC] Merry Thanksgivoween Arcadium Explodaganza Level Link: http://lbp.me/v/g3gmwr Name: Dref190 PSN ID: Dref190 Level Name: Save the Christmas! (1P) Level Link: http://lbp.me/v/g1hkf9 Name: viktorx1 PSN ID: viktorx1 Level Name: [SSCC] - A christmas without santa! Level Link: http://lbp.me/v/g3gbk7 Name: Bigsurf77 PSN ID: Bigsurf77 Level Name: [SSCC]: Trick or Gift Level Link: http://www.lbp.me/v/g1h1cn Name: Sacktaclaus PSN ID: guatonxme Level Name: [SSCC] A Mega Christmas with SacktaClaus Level Link: http://www.lbp.me/v/g60kr1 Name: pirate bay87 Psn ID: piratebay87 Level name: SSCC Attack of the Evil Sack King! Level Link: http://lbp.me/v/g3khvq Name: Lampicka PSN ID: Lampicka Level Name:[SSCC] Unusual Christmas Level Link: http://lbp.me/v/g2mxqz Name: dark2541 PSN ID: Dark2541 Level Name: (sscc) Creepy Christmas Level Link: http://lbp.me/v/g2qhfd Name: Uni-Psycho PSN ID: Uni-Psycho Level Name: SSCC All in one night Level Link: http://lbp.me/v/g3b7ky | 2012-12-24 17:29:00 Author: EnochRoot Posts: 533 |
Good luck to everyone in the contest. | 2012-12-24 21:07:00 Author: bonner123 Posts: 1487 |
Lol, just noticed. Liquid's level link ID is so close to "gh0sts". "http://lbp.me/v/gsh0ts" | 2012-12-26 01:44:00 Author: Buttarms Posts: 142 |
Lol, just noticed. Liquid's level link ID is so close to "gh0sts". "http://lbp.me/v/gsh0ts" Haha! I NOTICED THAT TOO!!! I couldn't even believe it at first. Too bad the level that does have the link "gh0sts" wasn't in the contest, and doesn't have a name either apparently. | 2012-12-27 00:15:00 Author: Liquid_Blood_ Posts: 116 |
Lol, dang. | 2012-12-27 10:29:00 Author: Buttarms Posts: 142 |
Hey guys! Can you update our participation info please? Ucro's account got banned and is now using "Ucroburst-Extra". I've spoken with Enoch and he said it was okay. So if you could replace all the "Ucroburst's" with "Ucroburst-Extra" that would be great! We were also aloud to republish the level on Ucro's new account! So I'll send an updated link after it's republished...again... | 2013-01-05 13:07:00 Author: Buttarms Posts: 142 |
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