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My new level series, Random Games of Destruction! (RGD)

Archive: 3 posts

So, I have now completed the first level in my new level series named Random Games of Destruction. (RGD for short) These are basically a bunch of random minigames created or innovated by me the all powerful PIneaPplez13. This first one is simple. You are in a room. Your task is to survive. Get it? Room, survival? There is a method to the madness. Heres the description for the level itself:
A random game of destruction where you dodge cherry bombs, run from flaming statues, and have your personal space invaded by teacups!
And heres a couple of pics: http://i3.lbp.me/img/ft/e330808350845438478186ce2f33955112a8619b.jpg, http://ic.lbp.me/img/ft/40ca97f5cd3f5613af28e0d3552a23c775dd907f.jpg
Sounds fun huh? Then what are you waiting for? Que this baby up and enjoy the ride!
http://littlesigplanet.com/v/g1j6x-/games_vita/full/sig.png (http://lbp.me/v/g1j6x-)
2012-12-12 17:11:00

Unknown User

It would probably be a good idea to include a level link so that players can easily find the level. Also, if you are able, add some pictures to further entice the reader to visit the level.2012-12-12 22:14:00

Posts: 8424

Ok, It took me a while but I finally got the level post figured out.2012-12-12 22:31:00

Unknown User

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