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100% Impossible?

Archive: 24 posts

Not literally, but at least frustratingly hard.

I am in no way going to 100% this game for a long time, but I really want all the creating materials. Is there some sort of cheat (I'm not usually the one to cheat, but in dire cases I'd need to) which gives you all the prizes?
2012-12-10 22:35:00

Posts: 13447

....the time saver dlc 2012-12-10 22:38:00

Posts: 533

....the time saver dlc

Best $3 I ever spent.
2012-12-10 22:40:00

Posts: 118

Where might you find this bit of kit in the PSN Store?2012-12-10 23:55:00

Posts: 13447

Where might you find this bit of kit in the PSN Store?

I'm not sure but I think it might be with Beta and per-ordering, DON'T TALK MY WORD ON IT, I'M MOST LIKELY WRONG.

Aside from your OP: I took me a few days to get %100, it's not that hard, it just takes patience.
2012-12-11 01:09:00

Posts: 948

zzmorg82 is right - patience, young padawan. With determination, calm and focus all prize bubbles can be yours. It's doable, I promise!2012-12-11 03:37:00

Posts: 374

zzmorg82 is right - patience, young padawan. With determination, calm and focus all prize bubbles can be yours. It's doable, I promise!

Or with $3. ;D lol
2012-12-11 05:14:00

Posts: 118

I agree, it's very doable. This is the first kart game I own (no wait, I lie, there was a chocobo karting game that I played for 3 seconds), and I really sucked at it when I started out, but I'm now one level away from 100% (just need Stuck in a Jam). I did everything on normal, even.

My trick is to lag behing at first and pick up the fast forward weapon, then get up to 3rd place with the help of the jetpack boosters, some drift boosts and the elastic band (), then use the fast forward to take first place just before the finish line.

Though finding the DLC in the store is even easier, of course.
2012-12-11 09:42:00

Posts: 2284

You don't need to be in the beta or to have pre-ordered LBPK. The Time Savers pack is available from the store regardless, I think. 2012-12-11 17:43:00

Posts: 960

Got to say this. There's an easy difficulty setting in the settings. Game becomes much easier, only difficulty i had was traffic jam.2012-12-11 17:58:00

Posts: 1125

Got to say this. There's an easy difficulty setting in the settings. Game becomes much easier, only difficulty i had was traffic jam.
I fully agree with you. This one's a bit problematic, but it's possible to get over 10k points and win the prizes. Overall the Story Mode isn't that hard, but it was a good idea to make it possible to change the difficulty level.
2012-12-11 20:31:00

Posts: 3378

You really should just try to 100% it normally you will save 3$ and it only takes 3-4 hrs.2012-12-11 20:32:00

Unknown User

You really should just try to 100% it normally you will save 3$ and it only takes 3-4 hrs.
4 hours?
LOL it took me much longer to do it. Maybe it's possible by playing it for the 2nd time, but not by the 1st one.
2012-12-11 20:46:00

Posts: 3378

4 hours?
LOL it took me much longer to do it. Maybe it's possible by playing it for the 2nd time, but not by the 1st one.

I don't know it took me about that long but I wouldn't go on to the next level without first getting 100%. It really isn't long.
2012-12-11 20:49:00

Unknown User

I don't know it took me about that long but I wouldn't go on to the next level without first getting 100%. It really isn't long.

Getting 100% in 4 hours is like impossible for me.
2012-12-12 17:44:00

Posts: 3378

It is possible,try harder... 2012-12-14 12:21:00

Posts: 242

This was probably the easiest thing in the game for me, you just need to have determination!! 2012-12-15 00:58:00

Posts: 952

This was probably the easiest thing in the game for me, you just need to have determination!!

LOL. Don't lie
2012-12-15 08:25:00

Posts: 242

I found something that seemed to help me with Traffic Jam. I used up and down on the cross pad for speed, and steered left and right with the left stick. Seems silly, but it helped me get the 10k.2012-12-16 02:30:00

Posts: 438

I won in traffic jam by getting a x10 combo with points early on, from there it's easy. I didn't even know you could go forwards and backwards but I still got all the prizes lol.2012-12-22 00:12:00

Unknown User

Me and my girlfriend sat down and got 100% without much difficulty. Some of those challenges were painfully difficult due to controls, but not as difficult as Hitman or God of War lol2012-12-22 06:54:00

Posts: 878

I agree, it's very doable. This is the first kart game I own (no wait, I lie, there was a chocobo karting game that I played for 3 seconds), and I really sucked at it when I started out, but I'm now one level away from 100% (just need Stuck in a Jam). I did everything on normal, even.

My trick is to lag behing at first and pick up the fast forward weapon, then get up to 3rd place with the help of the jetpack boosters, some drift boosts and the elastic band (), then use the fast forward to take first place just before the finish line.

Though finding the DLC in the store is even easier, of course.

OMG! CHocobo racing! That game was awesome!
2012-12-22 06:56:00

Posts: 878

Your saying stuck in a jam is the hardest one? Thank god that's the one im stuck on now, I'm going through the story mode and not moving on to the next race until after I star that level. Then when I'm done I make some tracks and play through story again this time to enjoy it. If anyone thinks this is insane you haven't seen nothing nothing yet. Although it does hearten me to learn that the worst is not yet to come once I finally beat stuck in a jam.2013-02-17 16:43:00

Unknown User

Yeah, Stuck in a Jam was a huge pain in the kiester for me too. Using the D-pad instead of the stick for steering went a long way towards making it more manageable, as did finally realizing it wasn't a bad idea to speed up and get in front of the red trucks, particularly on the first left turn.

It took me forever to beat it on my own account, then when i was 100%-ing my wife's one, it only took maybe 2 or 3tries...and i think that was 'cause i'd had a couple of beers before hand. Why was i 100%-ing my wife's account? 'cause i thought when we played together, she'd only have access to costumes and such that she'd unlocked herself...like how on LBP2 the 2nd player has the choice of playing as a "guest" or another account on the same PS3...didn't realize it wouldn't be the same here...*grumble*grumble* we're a bit cheesed by that.
2013-02-17 22:30:00

Posts: 535

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