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Pocket Moon Podcast Episode 33

Archive: 15 posts

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Episode 33 - My body is ready

For this episode we are joined by Awesomesauce-worthy Shadowriver who helps with our segment intros and discuss why the Jedi are trying to kill the last fleet of humans. We also cover LittleBigPlanet Karting, the golden age of LBP, projects we're working on, Twinkies, and close the podcast out with the best outtakes yet.

Here are timestamps so that you can skip to specific parts of the podcast if you want to:

-- Timeline info --
Overall podcast length: 127 minutes

News: 9:25
Forum Soup: 48: 35
Survivor Update: 1:01:55
The Good, The Bad, and the Pathetic: 1:12:45
Community Creations: 1:24:25
Q and A: 1:41:50

Here are links to all the things that we chat about:

LBP2 Mm Picks (http://lbp.me/search?t=mm_picks)

LBPK Team Picks (https://karting.lbp.me/v/team_picks)

LBPV Team Picks (http://vita.lbp.me/search?t=team_picks)

All costumes now available in LBPV (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=75782-All-Costumes-now-Availible-in-Lbp-Vita-Store-North-America)

LBPC adds a bunch of new smilies! (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=75730-New-smilies-))

LiBitsmate No. 9 (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=75931-LiBitsmate-No-9)

Baldurs Gate iPad delayed, then delayed, then delayed once again. (http://ipad.about.com/b/2012/12/03/baldurs-gate-for-ipad-delayed-again.htm)

Weekly Planetarium #40 (http://www.littlebigplanetarium.com/topic/6483-ed-40-weekly-planetarium/)

LBPC9 winners announced (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=75911-LBPC-Crown-Contest-9-The-Results)

One Day Karting Queuesday Contest on Official Playstation Community boards (http://community.eu.playstation.com/t5/LittleBigPlanet-PS3-PS-Vita/LittleBigPlanet-Karting-Queuesday-Week-1-Contest/m-p/17616670)

LBL Secret Santa (http://www.littlebigland.com/forum/index.php?/topic/11174-secret-santa-2012/#entry230724)

Put-Put Podcast (http://soundcloud.com/puttatittut/putcast)

Survivor: LittleBigPlanet 11 begins! Viewer thread now available (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=76123-Read-watch-and-listen-The-Survivor-LittleBigPlanet-11-Viewer-Thread)
2012-12-06 11:50:00

Posts: 1515

Soooo meaty. That Radical guy sounds pretty awesome.

It was super fun to be a part of another PMP. Everyone, listen in.
2012-12-06 18:08:00

mr Radical 5601
Posts: 515

got it downloaded and will hopefully give a listen this weekend.2012-12-06 21:58:00

Posts: 8424


loved the podcast as usual guys!

i think you guys couldnt have picked a better guest and community creations was great this time round

y u no ask about toilet dragons?

i feel like you guys are becoming much more professional than earlier podcasts as you start having all these regular things such as flipping the coin for good bad pathetic, the asking of the origin story, and all that shtuff. makes you guys "cool" (whatever that is)

the more i hear about survivor, the more and more im really interested in signing up, i just don't have the time... so eh. i am gonna
be interested in that whole audience participation thingy


what are your thoughts of little debbie's cloud cakes?
2012-12-07 01:24:00

Posts: 221

I wanted to drop a bit of feedback before the weekend arrived and all my free time went out the door. It was another fun podcast and Shadowriver had a lot of interesting and funny things to add to it. It is a bit unfortunate that the Shadowriver’s microphone seemed to not be up for the job. There was a good bit of over-driven or distorted audio from his side but it wasn’t enough to rain on the parade so to speak.

It is funny the amount of chance that seems to be involved with some people getting involved in the LBP community. Shadowriver hasn’t been the first person who hasn’t been a frothing, die-hard video gamer who was in on the game since before the initial public beta. –ahem- Not to say that PC gaming is any less die-hard or frothworthy, just that it is fun to hear the different routes people have used to come to the community.

mrRadical was fun as ever to listen to and acted as a good counterpoint to Shadowriver’s bubbling enthusiasm. It is fun to hear about the Survivor season and I’m really hoping that the public recaps are a bit more fleshed out and regular than last season’s recaps. I’m looking forward to watching how this season unfolds.


The Star Trek versus Star Wars question was a fun twist to the usual Star Wars versus Star Trek questions/debates I’ve heard. I’m not sure who I’d end up voting to win as they are both different animals.

Star Wars is a bit more frontier-like. The Jedi are basically cowboy-knights errant running around as a self-appointed justice league. The worlds are diverse and unorganized and prone to different levels of civilization a la the American Wild West genre.

Star Trek is a lot more organized and the Federation is basically like the United Nations. They mean well, are very organized but can be hamstrung or incompetent by their own levels or bureaucracy and institution.

Star Wars could have an fast acting attack and skirmish with Star Trek all over the place. Unless someone strong enough to band all the disparate groups into a cohesive army, a la Emperor Palpatine, then the army wouldn’t really be formidable. But Star Trek probably wouldn’t be able to react quickly as it takes time for reports to be sent, discussions to be had, agreements and provisions to be settled before a proper armada could be amassed.

As for who’d be able to find Battlestar Galactica I was leaning towards Star Trek. I don’t think that the Force acts like some kind of galactic Cerebro because even when Obi Wan Kenobi felt Alderaan being destroyed he didn’t know just who they were, where they were or what had happened. Only that “millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.”

Imagine Battlestar Galactica just zipping along in space without all the drama of being blown to space dust. A Jedi would probably need to be right on them before they showed on his Midichlorian fueled radar.

Star Trek, on the other hand, would have a fleet of space ships out systematically combing sectors and quadrants, using allies and scouting ships to conduct the search in a much more organized fashion. The Federation may not be very sexy or flexible but I think they’d win a hunt of this sort by being better organized and logical.


For your would-you-rather I’d also side with mrRadical on this one as well. I think my chances of survival are much higher if I’ve got another person to help out than if I was by myself. I’m thinking that the stress of being stranded on a, hopefully well stocked and normal island, would be enough to let us put aside our problems until things are a bit more stable.

After food and shelter is taken care of then having someone to bicker would help to pass the time and distract from the looming threat of depression and despair.


I’m sure there is a lot more I wanted to feedback but it isn’t coming to me at the moment. Maybe a bit of a re-listen to jog the memory or see if it comes back on its own.

I did notice that there was a distinct lack of singing in this podcast and the food focus was on the low side. We didn’t get as many wacky shenanigans either though Shadowriver did help enliven the atmosphere. I’m not sure if this is a step down from your standard podcasts, a return to your previous professional standards or just a part of standard deviation.

I’m looking forward to hearing how things turn out in the next podcast. Cheers.
2012-12-08 01:04:00

Posts: 297

Another good show tackling some juicy hypothetical problems!

The trouble with the ancient Star Trek vs Star Wars debate is that the series have very different scopes. Stars Wars is about a galaxy-wide crisis which is ultimately resolved by a single unlikely hero. Star Trek is about a sequence of generally unrelated local problems that are addressed by a team of professionals. The nature of victory and defeat is totally different within the context of either franchise and it's therefore pretty impossible to say who would win in a crossover.

Because yeah, the Borg are bad news for anybody, but in Star Wars all you have to do is drop the evil emperor down a ventilation shaft and suddenly all conflict everywhere in the galaxy comes to an end. It's that easy. You get Chewbacca to punch the Borg Queen in the face and somehow the whole Collective magically gives up the fight! That's how Star Wars rolls.

On the other hand, every crew in Star Trek canon is incapable of taking a loss. They heard Kirk say he doesn't believe in no-win scenarios and made it their motto. Is a Super Star Destroyer really big? Is the Death Star a lot more powerful than a Federation starship? In the end it doesn't matter because somebody on the bridge will use an inverted neutrino pulse to catalyse the antiproton converters on the planet-destroying laser and the whole space station will implode without a fight.

Each series is so deeply invested in having either a single duel decide the fate of countless star systems or a completely inexplicable last minute gambit overcome even the most powerful opponent that there's no room for them to fight! Though if you throw Battlestar into the mix, it's reasonable to assume that at least three protagonists from each series are actually Cylons. That could make things pretty interesting after all.
2012-12-09 03:36:00

Posts: 237

I can't believe I've completely missed this...

To the Soundcloud!
2012-12-09 23:59:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

Great episode, Shadowriver is always fun to listen to.
What I especially liked about this particular episode was the fact that I could download it and then listen to it by hearing the things that were said in it.
2012-12-10 09:14:00

Posts: 14

Just got back from a busy weekend and now I can finally reply

@megaextremist: I need to put a sticky note on my desk that just says "Toilet Dragon" because that is probably my favorite question to ask but for some reason I just forget it often among all the other questions I want to ask

LOL, I don't know if I would say we are becoming more professional, but I do think that we are getting a much stronger structure for the podcast. Back in the early teens of the episode count we were hearing almost unanimously that people wanted a structure to the podcast because Tom and I seemed to be all over the place and very unpredictable, so it has taken a long time but we do seem to be finally getting a structure down

@Trindall: When we were recording the podcast ShadowRiver sounded pretty good, but when I listened to it in my car he was pretty hard to understand. I don't know why it turned out that way because usually we can tell when we are recording how the quality is going to be and this is the first time where I would have expected it to be good and it wasn't

I like your point about people randomly getting involved in LBP. I hadn't really given it much thought, but there are some major contributors in the community that nearly didn't join.

Wow, your Star Trek vs. Star Wars thoughts are pretty convincing. I see your point that the force can't really be used that way that I was saying it would be in order to chase down the last few human ships 8D I might have to switch sides and go with Star Trek now.

As for the thoughts that we didn't have the normal shenanigans, sorry that you didn't feel that this one was as crazy as usual. It certainly wasn't because we were trying to do anything differently.

@Uncuddly: Wow, so there's a good argument that neither would win 8) Or perhaps both would reach the battlestar at the very same time and destroy it, which would immediately lead to universal peace

@Chatchito: Glad to hear that you enjoyed the podcast! And I thought about that second sentence you wrote waaaay to hard before realizing that it says nothing How dare you!

And on a different note, I was at Walmart yesterday and they were playing the new batman movie and realized that when I hear Bane I now think of you rather than Bane Congratulations
2012-12-10 12:27:00

Posts: 1515

As for the thoughts that we didn't have the normal shenanigans, sorry that you didn't feel that this one was as crazy as usual. It certainly wasn't because we were trying to do anything differently.

No need to feel sorry. This podcast was an excellent production and is just the type of thing that y'all did pretty regularly for a while. The all-singing, all-dancing part is the new addition and isn't the only reason I listen.

I think a good illustration of this is the American gameshow Let's Make a Deal. (May be before some people's time but it is a good example.) Originally everyone in the audience were all normal in their clean, presentable clothes. Someone dressed up in a small costume or brought in a sign and got the attention of Monty Hall, the emcee/host, and they got to be picked to play the game.

Over time more and more people dressed up in costumes and made signs until the show consisted of an audience completely dressed up in the wackiest costumes imaginable as each person vied for attention and no one thought it was unusual to be dressed as a giant chicken.

So having singing, rapping, zany commercials, farting/belching musical interludes, funny voice contents and outrageous outtakes isn't where you are looking to take the podcast then consider an early warning indicator. Otherwise we all seem to be enjoying the show one way or the other and you shouldn't really worry about it.

Just looking forward to hearing what you've got behind door number three.

2012-12-10 17:20:00

Posts: 297

missed the episode of it completely only i could say is can i get any suitable site from where i could look up for this episode??????2012-12-11 09:22:00

Unknown User

You can find a description of (and listen to) all our old episodes (everything before episode 32) here: http://wiki.lbpcentral.com/Communityocket_Moon_Podcast

For this episode (ep. 33) or the previous episode (ep. 32), you can find them on Soundcloud here: https://soundcloud.com/pocket-moon-podcast

And you can find all of the episodes on iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pocket-moon-podcast/id407883669
2012-12-11 13:57:00

Posts: 1515

i just love to listen shadowriver it was just an awesome series to watch at it...../.;2012-12-12 05:52:00

Unknown User

I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it It was great having him and Mr. Radical on the show!2012-12-12 12:10:00

Posts: 1515

Crap, mic scratch my beard and created weird noise sorry about thta.... now i know why people have problem to hear me on LBP22012-12-22 02:09:00

Posts: 3991

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