Part 1: Getting to the Castle
Archive: 10 posts
http://lbp.me/u/elfmirfkin PART 1: GETTING to the CASTLE (http://lbp.me/v/gvvc0r) Hi Sackpeople! Here I have a new-old level. I made this level In LBP1 and Kept all the old logic in it except a global lighting control at the end. As with most of my levels, no story line, just platforming fun. Its is still a diamond in the rough so please leave me honest constructive criticism. I hope you enjoy. http://ib.lbp.me/img/ft/0ebccfa181ce7eb0251bec35671535f69158543b.jpg http://i8.lbp.me/img/ft/9880da9807a37b06ca29cecf20184dad5ed9ff11.jpg http://i9.lbp.me/img/ft/e293e74cffe5217c3f0ab693e83b284902b514dc.jpg http://id.lbp.me/img/ft/11d3ae755773b683330daad4e264a5d962b37855.jpg http://lbp.me/v/gvvc0r | 2012-12-03 19:53:00 Author: elfmirfkin ![]() Posts: 26 |
adding to the queue | 2012-12-03 23:46:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Sounds interesting. I have it in the queue now and ill give feedback soon. | 2012-12-04 12:43:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thanks, josh18230, thanks for leaving feedback. That's the kind of comments im looking for. I appreciate your time. | 2012-12-04 19:27:00 Author: elfmirfkin ![]() Posts: 26 |
Feedback: I like some platforming idaes like that platform onto those wheels gliding down, that was fun, but if you only want to focus on platforming, and not on story and looks of the level, try adding some moving parts to make it more interesting and traps. Also I would focus a little more on story and looks, for instance the story was about a castle, I haven't seen a castle, and for the looks, try making a block and then add a little layer on it, it looks nicer, and it's easy to do, also use blocks that fit the environment, I saw a green block in your level with arrows on it or something, it didn't really fit. It's ok to focus on platforming, but I think you need at least look a little at other aspects of making a level too ![]() Ok, here's my level, after you played it, review it in-game, or post it in the thread: Level: http://lbp.me/v/yq70hj Thread: Sack Raider: The Gauntlets of Power (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=75961-Sack-Raider-The-Gauntlets-of-Power-(1-player)) | 2012-12-04 20:33:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Cool, Matthijs_17. Thanks for the feedback. I'll take a look at the level tonight and see what I can do to make it look more polished and consistant. I got your level queued and will leave feedback tomorrow. | 2012-12-04 21:17:00 Author: elfmirfkin ![]() Posts: 26 |
Hey there elf, I just played your level and here's my feedback: -I noticed in the beginning you grab onto that sponge and it takes you down, but the downfall to having that there is you got all the hazards up against the wall so the person can just drop straight down if he wanted to without worrying about dieing and using the sponge to take him down. -The next thing was the spring bounce pads. The one on the far right side I got stuck inside the hole, once you bounce down it threw me inside. It can easily be patched up though. Another thing once you get to the bounce pad area you can skip the that section if you jump on the wall open to your left. I don't know if that was something you allowed the player to do but if not then your able to get up there and skip the jump pad section. -As I was going through the level, I got to the area right before you get to the gardens theme area and fell through some hole in the map that dropped me down to some dark matter with a duck ride waiting at the end of it. Then when I accidently died and came back it took me to a garden theme area lol which also lead me to the duck ride area so I was just lost in how many different areas are in this level. Some ideas to consider for any levels you may make in the future: -Try to make a decent badge and not a default badge so that it will attract others to play your levels. -Try to use less materials when making a level, maybe 2-3 but not to many. -Also keep it clean, if anything looks choppy with dashes and stuff in the floor or on walls smooth it out with the corner editor to make it look more neat. -Also build off the ground if possible, using the ground to run to the scoreboard isn't something I would try to use again. -Also when creating try to keep it closed meaning not to wide or big..In the beginning of your level it was closed but the further you got the more wide it became and it took me to areas I didn't even know were in the level. That's all I can think of at the moment, it was a pleasure playing your level. Still got a yay from me for effort you put in it ![]() | 2012-12-05 20:35:00 Author: Sabre_ ![]() Posts: 653 |
Thanks Sabre, Some really helpful feedback. After looking at the level again this morning, I realized it is a complete mess lol. I guess when I make a level, I know what I want the player to do but that may not be obvious to anyone else playing. I also changed the title and discription because it didn't make any sense. Tbh, I think im going to take the good elements of this level to a new one (like the sponge riding section w/ rollers) and delete this one entirely..Fortunately, I am working on some real gems and your feedback has helped me out a lot. Thank you all once again for playing and leaving feedback | 2012-12-06 16:20:00 Author: elfmirfkin ![]() Posts: 26 |
Qd it, looks like a bit of classic fun. I'll leave a review on the level ![]() f4f Aztec Jungle Gold Hunters (thankyou!) EDIT That level felt so LBP1 but in a good way. Spongy bouncy fun - I enjoyed seeing my friends fried in the rollers. Wouldve liked a couple more obstacles in the last 30 seconds of the level but otherwise very jolly stuff ![]() | 2012-12-08 01:04:00 Author: Tanuki75 ![]() Posts: 172 |
I got your level QD. If it is half as fun as the pics are good, Im in for a real treat. | 2012-12-10 22:59:00 Author: elfmirfkin ![]() Posts: 26 |
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