Filmmakers - this thread is ours!
Archive: 21 posts
Any filmmakers out there? This is the place for all filmmakers to chat about film. Whether your young or old, amateur or professional come and share your ideas in this thread. Maybe your not a filmmaker but still enjoy film, it doesn't matter your still welcome here ![]() Feel free to show films you have made but remember to place them in spoiler tags to quicken the page loading times. Here are some films I made. I am an amateur filmmaker hoping to go to film school when I finish High School. This is a film I made two years ago. it is an homage to the slapstick comedy of the early days of filmmaking. Ladder Luck: A Charlie Chaplin Parody h35NP_mD2m4 This is a film I made with my Dad for the 2008 Geelong Shootout (http://www.geelongaustralia.com.au/shootout/). We won five of the eleven awards up for grabs including Best Script and Best Cinematography. The Wheelchair Diver _QxutxvcrOA Feel free to comment on my films or anyone else's but please respectful and give constructive criticism and pointers rather than bashing someone's work. Feel free to post videos, talk about filmmaking or both! I'll start with a topic: What is your favourite aspect of filmmaking? Whether it be cinematography, story telling, acting, anything! | 2009-01-17 14:44:00 Author: muttjones ![]() Posts: 843 |
I've seen it before but I love The Wheelchair Diver ![]() Cheers QuozL | 2009-01-17 15:13:00 Author: QuozL ![]() Posts: 921 |
I just want to say I enjoyed both those movies ![]() I've just started dabbling with making Trailers for my LBP levels (Click on HAWK Lair in my sig to see it), so I'm by no means a filmaker myself, but I do love good story telling and especially satire like what you've done. Some of my favorites are the 24 sketches by Bobby Lee (just youtube Bobby Lee 24). | 2009-01-17 15:53:00 Author: KAPBAM ![]() Posts: 1348 |
I've only ever made one film.. Twas a stop motion, might start again. Windows Movie Maker is TERRIBLE. (dunno how to make the direct youtube thing to work) YouTube - Self Solving Rubik's Cube! Haha, great videos ^^ | 2009-01-17 21:28:00 Author: Pinchanzee ![]() Posts: 805 |
I've only ever made one film.. Twas a stop motion, might start again. Windows Movie Maker is TERRIBLE. (dunno how to make the direct youtube thing to work) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=0PjyEeHg-b0 Haha, great videos ^^ T'was awesome. I have another film that I need permission to put on the internet and I'm working on a music video with some friends. Hopefully they'll be up soon. ![]() | 2009-01-18 00:02:00 Author: muttjones ![]() Posts: 843 |
Too late to order fries. Philiplawrence1993. I made the song and sang it badly. I like comedy. | 2009-01-18 01:24:00 Author: moleynator ![]() Posts: 2914 |
Great topic - LBP obviously holds great attraction to people who are creative in real life, so there are probably a ton of topics just like this that could draw in a number of level creators. My girlfriend and I are both involved in the film industry in Vancouver. She works in visual effects, and I split my time between indie production and an editing day-job. So every dollar that comes into our house is made somewhere in the pursuit of filmmaking. She's done quite well - her work on Tin Man was nominated for an Emmy (lost to John Adams though, the stinking thief!). I'm just hanging around basically, slowly chipping away at the world. (Or is it the other way around?) I enjoyed both of your short films - I'm a ridiculously huge Chaplin fan, so any tribute to him is okay in my book. Wheelchair diver was a really good 3-minute film, but I think it would be a ----ing stellar 2-minute film! I'm currently working on a big project (probably going to end up being a 40-minute short film), part of an ongoing series I'm involved in called The Library Chronicles. When you have some time, go to thelibrarychronicles.com (http://www.thelibrarychronicles.com) and take a look around. We have 2 full chapters up (about 10 minutes each), and a preview scene from the next one. I've done cinematography and editing on a number of short films. For now I'll just post this one, which we did back in 2005. I edited and DP'ed - in 2 parts on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tktJPkXk5Zo"][B]Bright Lights[/. If anyone here normally WOULDN'T click on this link, it does star the lovely Hanna Hall, of Forrest Gump (as young Jenny), and The Virgin Suicides (the youngest Lisbon sister). And for those who don't give a **** about The Virgin Suicides, or Forrest Gump: Rob Zombie's Halloween remake. Another film I directed several years back - Edward Cole (http://www.whoisedwardcole.com). Note that this one only has a trailer viewable online. Eventually I plan to re-edit this movie and at that point I'll post the whole thing online. Hanna Hall's also in this one. I've got a lot of friends who are out working union industry jobs - shows from There Will Be Blood to No Country For Old Men to The Watchmen and The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus (believe me, you'll all know this movie when it comes out, as it'll likely come to be known as Heath Ledger's last film, and a tribute to him). I'm not interested in doing union production work in Vancouver, as it is unbelievably life-consuming from my own experience. I prefer to keep myself at a computer and do post these days. Movies have been my obsession since I was a wee one, hence my LBP level. Hopefully some more filmmakers will surface around here, I know there's got to me more out there! | 2009-01-19 08:17:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
You are what I want to be in 10 years. its great to have people who actually are part of the industry.![]() ![]() | 2009-01-19 16:32:00 Author: muttjones ![]() Posts: 843 |
My lifes ambition is to be part of the Film Industry. At the moment, me and my friend are doing a few amateur (and i mean amateur) videos for youtube. My profile is here. (http://uk.youtube.com/user/lordflash11) If you want to see all of our videos you will have to scroll down to the "Videos im envolved in" part. Alot of them are on different accounts. Just so you know. Im the one with long(ish) brown hair. In a few of them im not even seen in them as im doing the camera. But seriously though, these videos are extremely amateur and nothing like the things i've seen on here so far. By the way: alot of the videos are just me messing around on Games and stuff. Feel free to watch them... | 2009-01-19 17:28:00 Author: lordflash11 ![]() Posts: 194 |
I made some horrible cartoons that I published on Youtube, but they really aren't appropriate for an E-rated forum. Umm, you want to see them, search 1awesomemans1 on youtube. | 2009-01-19 18:09:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
You are what I want to be in 10 years. You could do WAY better than me in 10 years. I'm certainly in a better spot than I was 7 years ago, but somehow I'm in about the same spot I was 4 years ago. I know some guys who have gotten their big breaks, guys who have landed huge-paying commercial gigs in Europe for Saab, who have gotten feature film deals in Toronto and are currently making their first major feature film. If I ever feel like depressing myself, I just read up about PT Anderson, Kubrick, Spielberg, Wes Anderson, Soderbergh, Spike Jonze, or any number of great directors who were doing their thing in their early-mid 20s. It has occurred to me that I've taken something of a thousand-mile-mosey to get to where I am, and it really didn't have to be that way. Lots of sitting on my laurels when I had plenty of ambition, ideas, and know-how to get things done. It's just so, SO easy to be lazy. Here's a ridiculous truth about the film industry: Anyone can join it, in fact it's not even REMOTELY hard to break in. Move to a film town. LA, Vancouver, Toronto, New York, possibly Sydney in your case, someplace with a big film infrastructure. If you want to work in production, you can PA. Anyone can PA. Anyone DOES PA. I know a guy who, with ZERO film experience, WALKED onto the set of Fantastic Four, and within ten minutes had a freaking job. I'm not joking. If they have PAs keeping people out, all you have to do is walk in and look like you belong there, and ignore the PA. If he stops you and asks if you work there, just say you're set dec. Bam, you're on set. Take a gander, hang out, look around, learn a ton. If you're too scared to "sneak" in, hang out on the outskirts of set and chat up a lonely PA watching a street corner. It's slave labor, and it's union, but the things you learn being on set of a real movie are invaluable. (not that Fantastic Four is a "real movie", but you get the idea.) Most of the time Locations are so desperate for PAs because of high turnaround that they'll take anyone who's willing to do it. Most of the work involves standing and watching stuff. Stand here, watch the generator. Stand here, make sure nobody gets in except people who work here (you remember! The guy you ignored when you got this job!). Watch the grip truck, make sure nobody steals stuff. When they radio in "lock it up", you radio back if your corner is quiet and clear. Stand still and behave yourself, that's really all you need to know to be a successful PA. If you've got balls and ambition, you can really go somewhere, meet some interesting people, particularly if you end up on smaller gigs like some music videos. Most PAs are all young people who want to make films. Chances are you've got plenty in common with most PAs on a big movie set. and the stories. The stories. Fun fact: Brett Ratner, while shooting a take on X-Men 3, left the monitor to hit on a woman walking across the street. I wish I was joking. If he can make movies, anyone can make movies. Unfortunately, he got to where he is by being an unrelentingly obnoxious hustler, and being somewhat devoted to what he did early in his career. Now he's a total screwup, but he make-a-the-movies, what can I say. I realize earlier that just linking to The Library Chronicles and roughly 25 minutes of material might be more than some people have the time for. So here's a link to the trailer (http://www.thelibrarychronicles.com/trailer.html). If it looks interesting to anyone, Chapter 1: The Rules of the Future (http://www.thelibrarychronicles.com/chapter1.html)and Chapter 2: The Spiral Downward (http://www.thelibrarychronicles.com/chapter2.html)await within! | 2009-01-19 21:42:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
It's just so, SO easy to be lazy. I know what you mean. I've been filming since I was 8 and I really only have two films I'm willing to show for it. I'll be starting Year 12 Media this year (though I'll be in Year 11) and this is where I want to really show my talent. The hardest part seems getting a good idea though.... If I ever feel like depressing myself, I just read up about PT Anderson, Kubrick, Spielberg, Wes Anderson, Soderbergh, Spike Jonze, or any number of great directors who were doing their thing in their early-mid 20s. Every one can dream of making it the easy way. Spielberg is my favourite director and I inspire to be like him but I know there is such a minute chance (if that!) of me getting into the industry at that age. Especially living in Australia where not too many care for our industry. Not even our own citizens! I realize earlier that just linking to The Library Chronicles and roughly 25 minutes of material might be more than some people have the time for. So here's a link to the trailer (http://www.thelibrarychronicles.com/trailer.html). If it looks interesting to anyone, Chapter 1: The Rules of the Future (http://www.thelibrarychronicles.com/chapter1.html)and Chapter 2: The Spiral Downward (http://www.thelibrarychronicles.com/chapter2.html)await within! Oh and you should merge this post with the one above so you don't get in trouble. Or could a mod please do it if they come across it. ![]() | 2009-01-19 22:49:00 Author: muttjones ![]() Posts: 843 |
Im taking media for my GCSEs. Im in my second last year. We havent made any films yet... We are visiting BBC studios this year. | 2009-01-19 23:05:00 Author: moleynator ![]() Posts: 2914 |
Im taking media for my GCSEs. Im in my second last year. We havent made any films yet... We are visiting BBC studios this year. WOW! no excursions for us. In Unit 1 and 2 it was all essays and we made one music video at the end. Unit 3 and 4 at my school we make one 10 minute film through the year which adds up to I think 40% of your final mark. Then there are a few essays as well. | 2009-01-19 23:08:00 Author: muttjones ![]() Posts: 843 |
We have made: A comic, a Magazine cover, a cd cover and a homepage for a website. Tis awesome. | 2009-01-19 23:21:00 Author: moleynator ![]() Posts: 2914 |
We have made: A comic, a Magazine cover, a cd cover and a homepage for a website. Tis awesome. 'Tis. Link to the website? | 2009-01-19 23:31:00 Author: muttjones ![]() Posts: 843 |
'Tis. Link to the website? It's not on teh net. Its only a homepage anyway, not a site. | 2009-01-19 23:35:00 Author: moleynator ![]() Posts: 2914 |
It's not on teh net. Its only a homepage anyway, not a site. bummer ![]() Different note. Has anyone seen the web movie Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Horrible's_Sing-Along_Blog) starring Neil Patrick Harris? It was a 3 part film released over the internet at the time of the Writer's Strike. It is an amazing and bizarre thing. I definitely recommend it. The trailer. mXI3obHfwgU | 2009-01-19 23:53:00 Author: muttjones ![]() Posts: 843 |
Dr. Horrible was quite entertaining. I also highly recommend it. And also, I kind of know the feeling about your own people not giving a **** about their country's film industry. There's quite a bit of that in Canada. Canadians are a self-loathing type. Vancouver's a really sick city, 99% of the movies made here either fall into the following categories: big Hollywood stuff that shoots here because it's cheap; awful, awful made-for-tv movies that get pumped out CONSTANTLY; bad tv shows; terrible, terrible indie films from directors who have little to no business making movies. It fosters an overall bad filmmaking vibe for a lot of the filmmakers who are trying to make it happen. There's a lot of talent here, but most of it flies the coup for Toronto, LA, New York, once they see a hint of success. Oh and you should merge this post with the one above so you don't get in trouble. Or could a mod please do it if they come across it. Hilarious. Yeah, I got called to the principal's office. Lots of warnings, infractions, and how-do-you-do's. I'll do what I can with the double-posting, but I make no promises, as a gamefaqs-vet will always be a broken forum-user. | 2009-01-20 06:55:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
Hilarious. Yeah, I got called to the principal's office. Lots of warnings, infractions, and how-do-you-do's. I'll do what I can with the double-posting, but I make no promises, as a gamefaqs-vet will always be a broken forum-user. You Rebel! ![]() | 2009-01-20 07:50:00 Author: muttjones ![]() Posts: 843 |
well i know my brothers freinds made this in 8th grade i guess i will post it XD it was for a math project YouTube - The Mathman in: CATCHING THE BAD GUYS!!!! | 2009-01-21 01:41:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
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