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Archive: 3 posts

Ok folks i've been working for like two days well hrs anyway and i have completed a fully interible and explorible house. I think it looks good, so i've decided to make many more or at least a few more to start with. In this level you can see all my houses i've built with no help and you can claim them as a prize if you'd like to use in your own levels. Heres a pic of the first house so far hope you like. And i'll be posting new pics as they come.

Update #1 (12/3/2012) Heres a new house i just made today. Enjoy. The new image is below the first one. I made two new houses but didn't take the time to take a photo of it.

Update #2 (12/4/2012) Heres my next house well sort of. Its a trailer camper it fitted with two bedrooms and two beds, restroom kitchen and of course a sunroof. I call it the happy camper. Oh and yes all four wheels rotate in any direction. The image is top one. These are only 3 of many homes available for you to grab in this level.


Update #3 (12/4/2012). I have decided to include the doors for each house for player scenic reasons. So the doors and or garage doors will be attached to the house but not glued. So if you want players to be able to inter it all you'll have do is just select the door with via your popit menu and change the layer and move it. This concludes this update.
2012-12-04 23:58:00

Posts: 181

Those houses look great. Are they going a Hangout/RPG in the future? If so you may want to consider using teleporters to get in and out of the house.
2012-12-05 20:20:00

Posts: 175

LOL I haven't decided yet really. Mostly i'm making them for the community.2012-12-05 23:26:00

Posts: 181

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