What does the "unofficial" mean during the end of the race segment, during Vs. games.
Archive: 7 posts
I have noticed at the end of races I get an "Unofficial" pink tag next to my position (i.e. 1st, 2nd, etc) at the end of a race (before the scoreboard segment) whenever I play a Versus level with other online players. Can I assume this "Unofficial" tag is only displayed until the race is finalized by the server and the results on the scoreboard are the official results (just like how a NASCAR race in real life works), or was there something preventing the race from making an official race allowing the results to be "official". Reason why I am asking is that I have not yet triggered the trophy "Online Champ!" yet but I have not been keeping good count of my 1st place wins either... lol. However I just wanted to check... | 2012-12-02 19:50:00 Author: WyomingMyst ![]() Posts: 101 |
Moved to [LBPK] Everything Else | 2012-12-02 20:17:00 Author: Lady_Luck__777 ![]() Posts: 3458 |
Just like in Modnation Racers, the final placement is the time you got for completing the race. Due to lag, you might have finished visibly ahead of someone, but if their time was in fact lower and lag just had them behind you visually on your end, they will still get 1st place Officially and you will be 2nd. The unofficial finish, is just what the game thinks you finished as until everyone finishes and it can communicate times for the official finish. | 2012-12-02 22:17:00 Author: IvoYaridovich ![]() Posts: 88 |
I thought it might be because everyone's final score is made up of drifting, drafting and points bubbles - can these lift your position at the final score? | 2012-12-03 18:10:00 Author: aratiatia ![]() Posts: 374 |
Yeah, I think I got a win out of one story level because of bonus driving points. Can't remember which one, though. | 2012-12-03 21:35:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
Just like in Modnation Racers, the final placement is the time you got for completing the race. Due to lag, you might have finished visibly ahead of someone, but if their time was in fact lower and lag just had them behind you visually on your end, they will still get 1st place Officially and you will be 2nd. The unofficial finish, is just what the game thinks you finished as until everyone finishes and it can communicate times for the official finish. As I thought. Makes sense. I just need to get more work done. Thanks for the answer, you get author hearts from me! | 2012-12-03 22:47:00 Author: WyomingMyst ![]() Posts: 101 |
I thought it might be because everyone's final score is made up of drifting, drafting and points bubbles - can these lift your position at the final score? Only if the race is set to score like that. It's a setting you can tweak. | 2012-12-04 01:04:00 Author: IvoYaridovich ![]() Posts: 88 |
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