Sticker Glitch
Archive: 7 posts
In LBP2, if you wanted to cover your sackboy in a certain color, all you had to do is make the sticker very big and it covered him. In LBPK the sticker only covers the side that your placing the sticker on, so to completely cover the sackboy you have to place stickers on the top, left, right, and bottom of him. This also includes karts. If United Front Games would fix this problem there would be more options for customization. Thanks for reading =3 | 2012-12-02 16:21:00 Author: BLAHBLAH1000 ![]() Posts: 72 |
Well it wouldn't necessarily be a glitch if they added it in the game now would it? :3 But yes I agree with your statement. | 2012-12-02 16:34:00 Author: zzmorg82 ![]() Posts: 948 |
I am having issues just stickering something like my glasses frames black and my lenses blue to match my LBP costume. Just seems to color the the head with the glasses. Odd that you cannot sticker yourself outside the kart while in costume mode. ..maybe more of a help topic, but just want to be sure if I am doing something wrong first. Otherwise, I would love this to be included just like it is in LBP1 and 2. | 2012-12-26 20:38:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
You aren't doing anything wrong. I don't know if it's just a glitch or if this was intentional, but it should definitely be changed. I agree that a "dressing room" of sorts for your Sackperson by himself/herself would be a fantastic addition. | 2012-12-26 23:00:00 Author: Remy ![]() Posts: 252 |
Yeah... I agree. I can get him to get out of the kart to sticker, but no matter what I do the sticker will cover everything of what should be separate items. ![]() | 2012-12-26 23:47:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
It's quite frustrating when something is placed where it shouldn't be, when I'm actually able to add a sticker or a decoration, it appears smaller, or in the wrong place, and often I like symmetry and such. A dressing room for your character/kart sort of thing would be pretty great, perhaps with more of a zoom in and less movement from Sackboy. | 2012-12-27 13:20:00 Author: Ironface ![]() Posts: 432 |
In LBP2, if you wanted to cover your sackboy in a certain color, all you had to do is make the sticker very big and it covered him. In LBPK the sticker only covers the side that your placing the sticker on, so to completely cover the sackboy you have to place stickers on the top, left, right, and bottom of him. This also includes karts. If United Front Games would fix this problem there would be more options for customization. Thanks for reading =3 I wouldn't necessarily call this a "glitch" because it's been like that since the release of the game. But this is an issue that I would like to be fixed in a future update. The sticker model is really annoying and it's virtually impossible to create your own costumes without your sackboy being a complete mess. It's not possible to apply stickers to a single piece of clothing anymore. Instead when you place a sticker, it will go over anything that it visually covers which makes it hard to make custom costumes and your own liveries to karts. | 2013-01-02 02:10:00 Author: MSTER232 ![]() Posts: 247 |
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