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Music - How is it?

Archive: 17 posts

So, I'm not getting LBPK till Christmas, and I found a list of licensed music from it on the LBP website, but I wanted to know what the interactive music is like.
Is it good? How are the reworks?
Would anybody be kind enough to post some (like Victoria's Lab)?
2012-12-02 10:07:00

Posts: 960

The music in this game isn't much to get excited for.

Generally it's the same as LBP2 but without the ability to make your own from scratch. I haven't unlocked all the music yet, but so far most of it is near the same and the reworks aren't that great. Eve's is worse.

Hopefully we will get the option to make our own, or greater moods, in the future. But you can still work with it plenty in creation, they aren't all bad, just mostly the same mood.

Don't let that hold you back though the creation is as fun as ever, even if it needs some additions.
2012-12-02 10:55:00

Posts: 194

Huh. I thought the music was great.

And it has Devo.



2012-12-02 11:38:00

Posts: 194

I would say that the interactive music is about what I expected, however the cinematic music is fantastic and I believe that the cinematic music options (which there are A LOT of) make LBPK have the the best soundtrack of any LBP game by a long shot. I really, really, REALLY like the music options offered.2012-12-02 19:53:00

Posts: 1515

What kind of Cinematic stuff is in there?
I hope the Hoard have a theme/stinger.
2012-12-02 21:43:00

Posts: 960

The cinematic are good, for default tracks. But they are still too short and one too many are the same as we've had. Which is fair, but still think we need more surreal music. Classical would be nice. I'm also sad we don't have the ghost song this time around, loved that one.

To each their own though, I might be too picky on this subject.
2012-12-02 22:20:00

Posts: 194

Anyone else find the Night Rider level's music EXTREMELY annoying after a few playthroughs? First I found myself singing along to it, but after awhile the repetition and same verses got on my nerves. Other than that I think the music is good. (Although the After the Wedding song takes awhile getting used to)2012-12-05 01:43:00

Posts: 952

Anyone else find the Night Rider level's music EXTREMELY annoying after a few playthroughs? First I found myself singing along to it, but after awhile the repetition and same verses got on my nerves. Other than that I think the music is good. (Although the After the Wedding song takes awhile getting used to)

Well, I guess it's a love it/find it annoying kind of song.

My sister has the same opinion, but that song is the only reason I play through that level over and over. :Y
2012-12-05 16:08:00

Posts: 194

OP: There's a channel o youtube that has a walkthrough of the LBPK levels you might want to look at(spoilers): http://www.youtube.com/user/LBP2CHANNEL

IMO: I like all of the music in the game. The "go shake it" song is kind of annoying though.
2012-12-05 22:15:00

Posts: 948

Thanks for your help.
I've seen most of the videos and the music sounds great!
2012-12-06 07:16:00

Posts: 960

I think the music in LBPK is very awesome. Not all, but most of them for sure. This one's my favorite:


It's from that "2.0 Bee Or Not 2.0 Bee" level. Simply awesome. 8)
2012-12-09 20:33:00

Posts: 3378

At first I did not like this song, but as I kept listening to it, it quickly became one of my favorites:

It's played in Huge Spaceship on Avalon.

The song from the LBPK trailer is fun to listen to:


"Knighted and United" from Headquarters music is another good song. It plays on that one arena level on Monster Island where you play keep away with an egg that makes its wielder giant.
2012-12-11 06:16:00

Posts: 122

All of LBP1's interactive tracks return but gardens and canyons get a remix (Canyons is hardly noticable but i love gardens)

And i do belive most of LBP2s interactive tracks too (I think da vinci's and clive's are missing) and Victoria's and Eve's also get a remix, but i really don't like how those 2 turned out. I just really loved the singing girls in both of the originals and they removed them from both

And of course all of the original worlds get a new Int track all that i really like (monster islands, progress emporium and space bass even though the beginning of that world takes place in avalonia)
2012-12-11 06:41:00

Posts: 1125

Odessa Dubstep is officially amazing.2012-12-11 17:40:00

Posts: 960

Huh. I thought the music was great.

And it has Devo.



I absolutely hate that "Fresh" song. I mute the game whenever I have to play a track with it.
2013-01-08 01:46:00

Posts: 143

The Canyons rework is epic!! My favourite soundtrack ever in an LBP game!

I personally loved all the reworks; mainly because my favourite composer created some of them!
2013-01-08 08:19:00

Posts: 142

I know my whole response to this thread is late, and how its trend is "so 20 hours ago" but, I must say, Shooby Shooby Do Yah - by Mocean Worker (same guy who did Left Bank Two), is my favorite LBPK song. ^_^

2013-01-09 05:14:00

Posts: 279

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